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Richard Bussmann - Die Provinztempel Ägyptens von der 0. bis zur 11. Dynastie
15.03.2021, 19:57

Монографията проследява трансформацията на провинциалните храмове в Древен Египет от Преддинастичния и Раннодинастичен период през Старото царство до края на Първия преходен период. Тази еволюция  ги превръща от локални институции и проводници на местна солидарност в подчинени на владетеля елементи от централизирана система, който служат за посредници между него и народа.

Richard Bussmann - Die Provinztempel Ägyptens von der 0. bis zur 11. Dynastie. Archäologie und Geschichte einer gesellschaftlichen Institution zwischen Residenz und Provinz, Teil I - Text / Teil II. Abbildungen, Leiden - Boston, Brill, 2010

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Added by: Admin | | Tags: древноегипетски храмове, Древен Египет, фараони, древноегипетска религия
Views: 447 | Placed till: 15.04.2021 | Rating: 0.0/0
Total comments: 1
1 Admin  
Egyptian temples are commonly perceived as monumental buildings and royal institutions. However, this perception is true only for the temples of the later periods of dynastic Egypt. Using archaeological and inscriptional data this book explores the social history of the rarely studied local temples from Dynasty 0 to 11 (ca. 3000-2000 BC). A major focus is placed on the investigation of the temple votives, especially those from Hierakonpolis and Abydos. They are one of the most complex sources for the history of the temples between the provincial milieu and the kings. The book shows how these temples develop from locally based institutions to royal ones and how this overall process was embedded in the local history of each site.
Тhis is an important book for the early history of Egypt, opening new thoughts for the discussion of the interaction between local traditions and state control.

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