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Sarah Louise Colledge - The Process of Cursing in Ancient Egypt
21.10.2020, 16:03

Дисертацията разглежда различните техники и форми на древноегипетски проклятия въз основа на малкото научни публикации по темата.

Sarah Louise Colledge - The Process of Cursing in Ancient Egypt, Liverpool, University of Liverpool, 2015

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Sarah Louise Colledge - The Process of Cursing in Ancient Egypt, Liverpool, University of Liverpool, 2015

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Sarah Louise Colledge - The Process of Cursing in Ancient Egypt, Liverpool, University of Liverpool, 2015

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Added by: Admin |
Views: 642 | Placed till: 21.11.2020 | Rating: 0.0/0
Total comments: 1
1 Admin  
The theme of ancient Egyptian curses is one which attracts the public’s attention via numerous mainstream films and novels. However, relatively few scholarly publications examine this subject in depth, usually dealing with curses and cursing to varying extents, and usually in relation to a wider context. Although numerous such publications have been consulted, only two consider Egyptian curses as their main topic and so are presented here: Morschauser, S. (1991), Threat-Formulae in Ancient Egypt: a Study of the History, Structure and Use of Threats and Curses in Ancient Egypt, Baltimore: Halgo and Nordh, K. (1996), Aspects of Ancient Egyptian Curses and Blessings: Conceptual Background and Transmission, Uppsala: Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis. The study of Greek curses, such as Eidinow, E. (2009), Oracles, Curses and Risks among the Ancient Greeks, Oxford: Oxford University Press, is also relevant here for cross-cultural comparative background as it provides useful comparisons in the themes and structure of the presentation.

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