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Stephen Quirke - Ancient Egyptian Religion
16.06.2023, 06:16

Кратък тематичен анализ на древноегипетската религия през призмата на нейните най-важни божества, култове и аспекти:
- Как да разбираме вярванията на древните египтяни;
- Слънчевият бог;
- Озирис и Хор;
- Царска власт и култ;
- Защита и съхранение на тялото;
- Преобразяване в отвъдното;
- Египетските божества в чужбина;

Stephen Quirke - Ancient Egyptian Religion, London, British Museum Press, 1992  

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Added by: Admin | | Tags: древноегипетски култ, древноегипетска религия, древноегипетска митология, Древен Египет
Views: 857 | Placed till: 16.07.2023 | Rating: 0.0/0
Total comments: 1
1 Admin  
Quirke's book covers Egyptian religion from pre-historic times to Christianity. It covers the gods and the basic myths, the Horus-Isis-Osiris myths, the cult of the Pharoahs, spells and amulets of protection and healing and fertility, beliefs about the afterlife, and the spread of Egyptian religion in classical times.
The book is one of the few that cover all the major areas of Egyptian religion in roughly equal measure. The first chapter is subtitled "The Sun-god", but it really describes a variety of themes in mythology and theology, often but not always closely related to the sun god. The second is about the myth of Osiris and his resurrection, with its profound influence on Egyptian ideology. The next discusses kingship and the official, organized religion that the king oversaw. The fourth chapter covers ordinary people's efforts to use divine power to ward off disaster, both through prayer and through a variety of rituals that we generally call "magic". The last one looks at afterlife beliefs, funerary texts, and funerary practices. The book doesn't delve much into deep theoretical issues, which makes it most valuable to the beginner needing an intelligible starting point.

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