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Maria Rosa Guasch Jané - Wine in Ancient Egypt
26.02.2022, 12:23

Монографията изследва на основата на археологически находки видовете вино, произвеждани в Египет, както и специалния вид алкохолна напитка, известна като "шеде" или "сладко вино".

Maria Rosa Guasch Jané - Wine in Ancient Egypt. A cultural and analytical study, Oxford, Archaeopress, 2008 [BAR International Series 1851]

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Added by: Admin | | Tags: древноегипетски технологии, древноегипетско винопрозиводство, Древен Египет, древноегипетска археология
Views: 497 | Placed till: 26.03.2022 | Rating: 0.0/0
Total comments: 1
1 Admin  
Although Egyptian amphorae containing wine were labelled, these labels never state whether the wine inside was red or white. Using analysis of residue samples from amphorae this study determines what kind's of wine could be covered by this generic labelling, and also investigates a further product called shedeh , which transpired to be a more complex wine. The study also contains a well-illustrated cultural overview of wine in Ancient Egypt, and a comprehensive bibliography.

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