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Structures of Power: Law and Gender Across the Ancient Near East
06.01.2019, 11:09

Сборник материали, посветени на юридическата регулация (като властова структура) на междуполовите отношения и обусловените от тях социален статус и поведение в Древния Близък Изток.
Анализът е илюстриран с примери от Древен Египет, Месопотамия, Мала Азия на хетите, Китай, Рим.

Ilan Peled (ed.) - Structures of Power: Law and Gender Across the Ancient Near East, Chicago, The Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago, 2018

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Added by: Admin | | Tags: Древна Месопотамия, древноегипетско право, Древен Египет, Древен Изток, Древна Мала Азия, Древен Китай
Views: 996 | Placed till: 06.03.2024 | Rating: 0.0/0
Total comments: 1
1 Admin  
This volume publishes the proceedings of the eleventh annual University of Chicago Oriental Institute Seminar. Its central goal is to present a cross-cultural study of the intersection between law and gender relations in the ancient world, with a focus on the ancient Near East. When reflecting upon the formation, perpetuation, and interactions of social structures that frequently come into conflict with each other, one discovers that gender constructs are used by mechanisms of social monitoring and control; structures of power. One such example is the realm of jurisdiction and legislation. This volume uses the sphere of legal institutions as a prism through which to consider gender relations in the ancient world, both in the Near East and beyond. The way in which similar issues were manifested in different cultural and historical contexts is examined, with the goal of identifying common denominators as well as particularities. The three themes discussed in this volume are examined through multiple historical-cultural examples.

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