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- Joyce A. Tyldesley - Cleopatra: Last Queen of Egypt, London, Profile Books, 2008  

- Duane W. Roller - Cleopatra: a biography, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2010  

- Timon D. van Basten - Ancient Egypt: The Egypt of Cleopatra (The Last Pharaoh), Charleston (SC),CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 2015 

- Prudence Jones - Cleopatra: A Sourcebook, Norman (OK), University of Oklahoma Press, 2006  

Margaret M. Miles (ed.) - Cleopatra: a Sphinx Revisited, Berkeley - Los Angeles-London, University of California Press, 2011

Alberto Angela - Cleopatra. The Queen Who Challenged Rome and Conquered Eternity, New York, Harper Collins Publishers, 2021

- Arthur Weigall - The life and times of Cleopatra, queen of Egypt; a study in the origin of the Roman empire, Edinburgh-London, W. Blackwood and sons, 1914  

- Артур Вейгалл - Клеопатра. Последняя царица Египта, Москва, Центрполиграф, 2010  

- Sally-Ann Ashton - Cleopatra and Egypt, Maldon (MA)-Oxford, Blackwell Publishing, 2008  

- Stanley M. Burstein - The Reign of Cleopatra, Westport (CT) - London, Grenwood Press, 2004  

- Ron Miller, Sommer Browning - Cleopatra, New York, Chelsea House Publishers (Infobase Publishing), 2008  

Meirion James Trow - A Brief History of Cleopatra, empress of Egypt, London, Constable & Robinson Ltd, 2013

- Dezire (Dezső) de Bernáth - Cleopatra: her life, London, Artur L. Humphreys, 1907  

- Philip Sergeant - Cleopatra of Egypt, antiquity's queen of romance, New York, George H. Doran, 1904  

- Adolf Stahr - Cleopatra, Berlin, J. Guttentag, 1864  

- Jacob Abbot - Cleopatra, New York- London, Harper and brothers, 1904  

- Джоан Флетчер - Клеопатра Великая. Женщина, стоящая за легендой, Москва, АСТ-Астрель, 2011  

- Майкл Грант - Клеопатра. Последняя из Птолемеев, Москва, Центрполиграф, 2006  

Валтер Герлиц - Клеопатра, София, Световна библиотека, 2017

- Stacy Schiff - Cleopatra: a Life, New York, Little, Brown & Co, 2010  

Patricia Southern - Antony & Cleopatra: The Doomed Love Affair That United Ancient Rome & Egypt, Stroud (GL), Amberley Publishing, 2012

- Diana Preston - Cleopatra and Antony - Power, Love, and Politics in the Ancient World, New York, Walker & Co, 2009    

Pat Brown - The Murder of Cleopatra: History's Greatest Cold Case, New York, Prometheus Books, 2013

Michel Chauveau - Egypt in the Age of Cleopatra. History and Society under the Ptolemies, Ithaca (NY)- London, Cornell University Press, 2000

Мишель Шово - Повседневная жизнь Египта во времена Клеопатры, Москва, Молодая гвардия-Палимпсест, 2004  



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