This is the "М- letter" list from my new alphabetical catalogue, presenting my book files collection for free downloading. The items are arranged according authors (editors) last names. In this section you can find works of the illustrious French egyptologist Pierre Montet (1885 - 1966), one of the first women in egyptology Margaret Alice Murray (1863 - 1963), British specialist on Roman Egypt Joseph Grafton Milne (1867-1951), American expert on Egyptian language and Pyramid texts Samuel A.B. Mercer (1880-1969), leader of the Great Temple of Karnak project William J. Murnane (1945 - 2000) from Chicago Oriental Institute, well known author of popular books in egyptology field Barbara Mertz (1927-2013), expert in Ancient Egyptian Warfare Robert G. Morkot (b. 1957), Polish academic Kazimierz Michalowsky (1901-1981), specialist in Ancient Near Eastern history Marc Van de Mieroop (b. 1956), very interesting Italian self-learned investigator Mario Mennichetti, perfect specialist in both engineering and archaeology Jean-Jacques de Morgan (1857-1921), Czech expert on Amarna diplomacy Jana Mynářová and many others.
Minas-Nerpel Martina , Pfeiffer Stefan, Lembke Katja (eds.) - Tradition and Transformation. Egypt under Roman Rule, Leiden-Boston, Brill, 2010
Minay Rachel - Ancient Egypt (History Detective Investigates), London-Sidney, Wayland, 2014
Miquel Pierre - Au temps des Anciens Égyptiens, Paris, Hachette, 1979
Miniaci Gianluca, Moreno García Juan Carlos, Quirke Stephen, Stauder Andréas (eds.) - The arts of making in ancient Egypt. Voices, images and objects of material producers 2000-1550 BC, Leiden, Sidestone Press, 2018
Miniaci Gianluca - The Middle Kingdom Ramesseum Papyri Tomb and its Archaeological Context , London, Nicanor Books, 2020
Miniaci Gianluca, Grajetzki Wolfram (eds.) - The World of Middle Kingdom Egypt (2000-1550 BC): Volume I-II: Contributrions on Archaeology, Art, Religion, and Written Sources, London, Golden House Publications, 2015-2016
Miosi Frank T. (ed.) - A Reading Book of Second Intermediate Period Texts, Mississauga (Ontario), Benben Publications / Toronto, The Society for the, Study of Egyptian Antiquities, 1981
Mitteis Ludwig - Grundzüge und Chrestomathie der Papyruskunde. Band 2. Juristischer Teil. 1-2. Halfte: Grundzüge und Chrestomathie, Hildesheim, Georg Olms, 1963
Modonesi Gilberto - All'ombra del divino. Il significato dei ventagli nelle rappresentazioni dell'antico Egitto, Milano, Studio Fotografico Alquati, 2016
Moeller Nadine - The Archaeology of Urbanism in Ancient Egypt: From the Predynastic Period to the End of the Middle Kingdom, New York, Cambridge University Press, 2016
Moeller Nadine, Forstner-Müller Irene (eds.) - The Hyksos Ruler Khyan and the Early Second Intermediate Period in Egypt: Problems and Priorities of Current Research. Proceedings of the Workshop of the Austrian Archaeological Institute and the Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago,Vienna, July 4–5, 20, Wien, Österreichisches Archäologisches Institut - Verlag Holzhausen, 2018
Moers Gerald, Widmaier Kai, Giewekemeyer Antonia, Lümers Arndt, Ernst Ralf (eds.) - Dating Egyptian Literary Texts: “Dating Egyptian Literary Texts” Göttingen, 9–12 June 2010. Volume 1, Hamburg, Widmaier Verlag 2013
Moers Gerald (ed.) - Definitely: Egyptian literature: Proceedings of the symposion "Ancient Egyptian literature: history and forms", Los Angeles, March 24–26, 1995, Göttingen, Seminar für Ägyptologie und Koptologie, 1999
Moers, Gerald - Fingierte Welten in der ägyptischen Literatur des 2. Jahrtausends v. Chr. Grenzüberschreitung, Reisemotiv und Fiktionalität, Leiden - Boston- Köln, Brill, 2001
Moezel Jorinda van der, Valeska Kyra - Of marks and meaning : a palaeographic, semiotic-cognitive, and comparative analysis of the identity marks from Deir el-Medina, Leiden, Leiden University, 2016
Moje Jan - Demotische Epigraphik aus Dandara. Die demotischen Grabstelen. I-IV, Berlin- London, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin: Seminar für Archäologie und Kulturgeschichte Nordostafrikas, 2008 [IBAES 9]
Mojsov Bojana – Osiris: Death and Afterlife of a God, Maldon (MA)-Oxford, Blackwell Publishing, 2005
Mojsov Bojana - The Sculpture and Relief of Ramesses III, State Colledge (PA), The Pennsylvania State University,1992
Mokhtar Mohamed Gamal el-Din - Dresses in ancient Egypt / Le costume dans l'Egypte Ancienne, Le Caire, Centre de documentation sur l'Ancienne Egypte, s.a. (before 1923)
Moldenke Charles Edward - The New York obelisk, Cleopatra's needle. With a preliminary sketch of the history, erection, uses, and signification of obelisks, New York, Anson D.F. Randolph, 1891
Moldenke Charles Edward - The Tale of the Two Brothers: A Fairy Tale of Ancient Egypt; the D'Orbiney Papyrus in Hieratic Characters in the British Museum; the Hieratic Text, the Hieroglyphic Transcription, Watchung (N.J.), Elsinore Press, 1898
Molen Rami van der - An analytical concordance of the verb, the negation, and the syntax in Egyptian coffin texts. Volume I, Leiden-Boston, Brill, 2005
Molen Rami van der - A Hieroglyphic Dictionary of Egyptian Coffin Texts, Leiden-Boston-Köln, Brill, 2000
Molina Muga Gabriel - Music terminology in Ancient Egypt. A lexicographic study of verbal expressions concerning the playing of instruments, Uppsala, Uppsala University, 2019
Möller Georg - Hieratische Lesestücke für den akademischen Gebrauch. Erstes- Drittes Heft, Leipzig, J.C. Hinrische Buchhandlung, 1927-1935/ English translation from Russell Littlecreec, 2006
Möller Georg -Hieratische Paläographie.Die ägyptische Buchschrift in ihrer Entwicklung von der 5. Dynastie bis zur römischen Kaiserzeit. Band I-IV, Osnabrück-Leipzig, Otto Zeller- Hinrichs'sche Buchhandlung, 1909-1965
Möller Georg - Hieratische Papyrus aus den Königlichen Museen zu Berlin. Band II: Hymnen an verschiedene Götter. Zusatzkapitel zum Totenbuch, Leipzig, J.P. Hinrische Buchhandlung, 1905
Möller Georg, Gardiner Alan H. - Hieratische Papyrus aus den Königlichen Museen zu Berlin. Band III: Schriftstücke der VI. dynastie aus Elephantine. Zaubersprüche für Mutter und Kind. Ostraka, Leipzig, J.P. Hinrische Buchhandlung, 1906
Möller Georg - Die Metallkunst der alten Ägypter, Berlin, Verlag Ernst Wasmuth, 1925
Mompó Ángel Salvadó - El Tesoro de Meketre, Barcelona, Ángel Salvadó, 2010