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"N" - LETTER (Nac-Naw)


This is the "N- letter"  list from my new alphabetical catalogue, presenting my book files collection for free downloading. The items are arranged according authors (editors) last names. In this section you can find works of the classic of British archaeology in Egypt Percy E. Newberry (1869-1949), his not less talented successor Paul T. Nicholson from Cardiff University, the famous Swiss egyptologist Edouard Naville (1844-1926), American scholar and Egyptian military history investigator Harold Hayden Nelson, well known mathematician and science popularizer Otto Neugebauer (1899-1990), attractive Swedish author Maria Nilsson, Japanese archaeologist Takeshi Nakagava and many others.

Nachtergaele Delphine - The Formulaic Language of the Greek Private Papyrus Letters, Leuven, Trismegistos, 2021

Naether Franziska, Dils Peter, Brose Mare, Popko Lutz, Raue Dietrich (hrsg.) - En détail – Philologie und Archäologie im Diskurs: Festschrift für Hans-Werner Fischer-Elfert. Band 1-2, Berlin - Boston (MA), Walter de Gruyter, 2019

Nagel Carl - Pyramid incantations of the ancient Egyptians, Finbarr International Books, Folkestone (Kent,UK), 1987  

Nagel Georges - La Céramique du Nouvel Empire à Deir El Médineh. Tome I, Le Caire, Institut français d'archéologie orientale, 1938 [DFIFAO 10]

Nagel Georges - Rapports sur les fouilles de Deir El Médineh (Nord) (1928), Le Caire, Institut français d'archéologie orientale, 1929 [FIFAO 6.3]  

Nagel Svenja, Furley William, Bortolani Ljuba Merlina, Quack Joachim Friedrich (eds.) - Cultural Plurality in Ancient Magical Texts and Practices. Graeco-Egyptian Handbooks and Related Traditions, Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2019 [Orientalische Religionen in der Antike (ORA) 32]

Naguib Saphinaz-Amal - Le clergé féminin d'Amon thébain à la 21e dynastie, Leuven, Peeters, 1990

Naito Yoshiatsu, Morimoto Iwataro, Hirata Kazuaki, Wakebe Tetsuaki - Ancient Human Mummies from Qurna, Egypt I-II, Tokyo, Waseda University, 1986-1988 [SEC 4,7]  

Najovits Simson - Egypt, Trunk of the Tree, Vol. 1-2, New York, Algora Publishing, 2003-2004

Nakagava Takeshi, Yoshimura Sakuji, Tonouchi Shoiji, Seki Kazuaki - Non-destructive Pyramid Investigation 1. By Electromagnetic wave method, Tokyo, Waseda University, 1987-1988 [SEC 6-8]  

Nakagava Takeshi, Tonouchi Shoiji, Yoshimura Sakuji (eds.) - The substance of speech: The First International Symposium on The Application of modern technology to archaeological explorations at the Giza Necropolis, Tokyo, Waseda University, 1987  

Naoum Danai- Christina - The Hellenisation of Isis and the spread of the cults, Liverpool, University of Liverpool, 2008  

Nardo Don - Egyptian Mythology, Berkeley Heights (NY, USA)-Aldershot (UK), Enslow Publishers, 2001  

Naunton Chris - Searching for the Lost Tombs of Egypt, London - New York, Thames & Hudson, 2018

Navarro-Reverter Teresa Armijo, Fernández Cristina Pino, Rodríguez Ángel Sánchez - Ineni. La Tumba Tebana número 81, Sevilla,Ediciones Asociación Andaluza de Egiptología (ASADE), 2006  

Naville Edouard - Ahnas el Medineh (Heracleopolis magna). With Chapters on Mendes, the Nome of Thoth, and Leontopolis. And appendix on Byzantine Sculptures by T. Hayter Lewis, London, Egypt Exploration Fund, 1894 [MEEF 11]  

Naville Edouard - Bubastis (1887 - 1889), London, Kegan Paul, Trench, Trübner & Co, 1892 [MEEF 8]  

Naville Edouard - The Cemeteries of Abydos, Part I: 1909 -1910. The Mixed Cemetery and Gumm el-Ga'ab. With Chapters by T. Eric Peet, H. R. Hall, and Kathleen Haddon, London, Egypt Exploration Fund, 1914 [MEEF 33]  

Naville Édouard - Évolution de la langue égyptienne et les langues sémitiques, Paris, Paul Geutner, 1920

Naville Edouard - The Festival-hall of Osorkon II. in the Great Temple of Bubastis (1887-1889), London, Kegan Paul, Trench, Trübner & Co, 1892 [MEEF 10]  

Naville Édouard - The Funeral Papyrus of Iouiya, London, Archibald Constable & Co.,1908  

Naville Edouard - The Mound of the Jew and the City of Onias. Belbeis, Samanood, Abusir, Tukh el Karmus. 1887, London, Kegan Paul, Trench, Trübner & Co, 1890 [MEEF 7]  

Naville Edouard - Papyrus funéraires de la XXIe dynastie. Tome I-II, Paris, Ernest Leroux, 1912-1914

Naville Edouard Henri, Fraser George Willoughby, Newberry Percy Edward - The season's work at Ahnas and Beni Hasan : 1890-1891, London, Gilbert & Rivington, 1891

Naville Edouard - The Shrine of Saft el Henneh and the Land of Goshen (1885), London, Trübner & Co, 1887 [MEEF 5]  

Naville Edouard - The Store-city of Pithom and the Route of the Exodus, London, Trübner & Co, 1885[MEEF 1]  

Naville Edouard - The Temple of Deir el Bahari: Its Plan, Its Founders, and Its First Explorers. Introductory Memoir, London, Egypt Exploration Fund, 1894 [MEEF 12]  

Naville Edouard - The Temple of Deir el Bahari. Part I-VI, London, Egypt Exploration Fund, 1895-1908 [MEEF 13, 14, 16, 19, 27 & 29]  

Naville Edouard - The XIth Dynasty Temple at Deir el- Bahari,Part I-III. With Chapters by H. R. Hall and E. R. Ayrton, Architectural Description by Somers Clarke, With an Appendix by C. T. Currelly, London, Egypt Exploration Fund, 1907-13 [MEEF 28, 30 & 32]  

Navratilova Hana, Allon Niv - Ancient Egyptian Scribes: A Cultural Exploration, London- New York, Bloomsbury Academic, 2017

Navrátilová Hana - Egyptian historical thought: the visitors' graffiti of the New Kingdom at Saqqara and Abusir as a case study, Prague, Charles University, 2006

Nawotka Krzysztof, Rollinger Robert, Wiesehöfer Josef, Wojciechowska Agnieszka (eds.) - The Historiography of Alexander the Great



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