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This is "S- letter" list from my new alphabetical catalogue, presenting my book files collection for free downloading. The items are arranged according authors (editors) last names. In this section you can find works of the leading egyptologist from New Zealand - Anthony J. Spallinger from Auckland, modern British archaeologists  Stephen R. Snape from Liverpool and British Museum curator Nigel Strudwick, German scholar moved in USA - Georg Steindof (1861-1951), Belgian investigator on Egyptian literature Louis Speelers, Polish egyptologist working in Swansea Kasia Szpakowska, art historian William Stevenson Smith (1907-1969), pioneer assyriologist George Smith (1840-1876), controversial hyperdiffusionist and egyptologist Grafton Elliot Smith (1871-1937), successfull italian archaeologist and Torino Egyptian Museum most famous director Ernesto Schiaparelli (1856-1928)and many others.


Stillman Nigel, Tallis Nigel - Armies of the Ancient Near East 3000 BC-539 BC, Cambridge, A Wargames Research Group Publications, 1984  

Stock Hanns - Studien zur Geschichte und Archäologie der 13. bis 17. Dynastie Ägyptens unter besonderer Berücksichtigungder Skarabäen dieser Zwischenzeit, Glückstadt-Hamburg-New York, J.J. Augustin, 1942 (AF 12)  

Stock Noel, Pound Ezra - Love Poems of Ancient Egypt, New York, New Directions, 1978

Stocks Denys A. - Experiments in Egyptian Archaeology: Stoneworking Technology in Ancient Egypt, London-New York, Routledge, 2003  

Stöhr Simone, Wüthrich Annik - Ba-Bringer und Schattenabschneider. Untersuchungen zum so genannten Totenbuchkapitel 191 auf Totenbuchpapyri, Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz Verlag, 2013

Stol Marten - Women in the Ancient Near East, Boston (MA)- Berlin, De Gruyter, 2016  

Stolk Martinus - Ptah, ein Beitrag zur Religionsgeschichte des alten Aegyptens, Berlin, Druck von B. Paul, 1911  

Stolz Fritz Burkert Walter (hrsg.) - Hymnen der Alten Welt im Kulturvergleich, Fribourg - Göttingen, Universitatsverlag Fribourg- Vanderhoeck & Ruprecht, 1994

Stone Michael E. (ed.) - Jewish Writings of the Second Temple Period. Apocrypha, Pseudepigrapha, Qumran Sectarian Writings, Philo, Josephus , Assen-Philadelphia, Van Gorcum-Fortress Press, 1984  

Strandberg Åsa - The Gazelle in Ancient Egyptian Art: Image and Meaning, Uppsala, Uppsala University: Department of Archaeology and Ancient History, 2009  

Strong Meghan E. - Illuminating the path of darkness: social and sacred power of artificial light in Pharaonic Period Egypt, Cambridge, University of Cambridge, 2018

Strootman Rolf - The Birdcage of the Muses. Patronage of the Arts and Sciences at the Ptolemaic Imperial Court, 305-222 BCE, Leuven - Paris - Bristol (CT), Peeters , 2017

Strootman Rudolf - The Hellenistic Royal Court. Court Culture, Ceremonial and Ideology in Greece, Egypt and the Near East, 336-30 BCE, Utrecht, Utrecht University, 2007  

Stroth Friedrich Andreas(ed.) - Aegyptiaca seu Veterum scriptorum de rebus Aegypti commentarii et fragmenta.Pars I-II, Gothae (Gotha), C. W. Ettinger, 1782  

Strouhal Eugen, Vachala Břetislav, Vymazalová Hana - The Medicine of the Ancient Egyptians. Volume 1-2, Cairo - New York, The American University in Cairo Press, 2014-2021

Strouhal Eugen, Bareš Ladislav - Secondary Cemetery in the Mastaba of Ptahshepses at Abusir, Prague, Charles University, 1993  

Strudwick Helen, Dawson Julie (eds.) - Ancient Egyptian Coffins: Past – Present – Future, Oxford - Philadelphia (PA), Oxbow Books, 2019

Strudwick Nigel - The Administration Of Egypt In the Old Kingdom. Highest Offices and Their Holders , London, K.P.I. Ltd., 1985  

Strudwick Nigel - Aspects of administration of the Memphite region of Egypt in the Old Kingdom. Volume I-II , Liverpool, University of Liverpool, 1983  

Strudwick Nigel (ed.) - Information Technology and Egyptology in 2008. Proceedings of the meeting of the Computer Working Group of the International Association of Egyptologists (Informatique et Egyptologie), Vienna, 8–11 July 2008, Piscataway (NJ), Gorgias Press, 2008

Strudwick Nigel, Strudwick Helen - Old Kingdom, new perspectives. Egyptian Art and Archaeology 2750–2150 Bc, Oxford-Oakdale, Oxbow Books, 2011  

Strudwick Nigel - Texts from the Pyramid Age , Atlanta, Society of Biblical literature, 2005  

Strudwick Nigel, Taylor John H. (eds.) - The Theban Necropolis: Past, Present and Future, London, British Museum Press, 2003

Strudwick Nigel (ed.) - The Tomb of Pharaoh's Chancellor Senneferi at Thebes (TT99), Volume I: the New Kingdom, Oxford-Philadelphia, Oxbow Books, 2016

Strzygowski Josef - Koptische Kunst, Wien, Adolf Holzhausen, 1904 [CG 7001-7394; 8742-9200]  

Studi in memoria di Ippolito Rosellini nel primo centenario della morte (4 giugno 1843). Volume I-II, Pisa, Industrie Grafiche V. Lischi & Figli, 1949-1955

Studia Aegyptiaca I, Roma, Pontificium Istitutum Biblicum, 1938

Stupko-Lubczyńska Anastasiia - Offering Scenes in the Chapel of Hatshepsut: Diachronic Development of Their Composition and Content, Warsaw, Instytut Kultur Śródziemnomorskich i Orientalnych Polskiej Akademii Nauk (IKSiO PAN) - Fundacja Artibus Mundi, 2016 [Deir el-Bahari VII]

Sturdy John, Horbury William, Davies W.D. (eds.) - The Cambridge History of Judaism. Volume three. The Early Roman Period, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1999  

Sullivan Elaine A. - A Glimpse into Ancient Thebes: Excavations at South Karnak (2004-2006), Oxford, BAR Publishing, 2013 [BAR International Series 2538]

Sung Hwan Yoo - Patterns of Ancient Egyptian Child Deities, Providence (RI), Brown University, 2012

Suys Émile - Étude sur le conte du fellah plaideur, récit égyptien du Moyen-Empire, Roma, Pontificio Istituto Biblico, 1933

Suys Émile - La sagesse d'Ani. Texte, traduction et commentaire, Roma, Pontificio Istituto Biblico, 1935

Svoronos Ioannis N. - Ta Nomismata tou Kratous ton Ptolemaion (Ptolemaic Coinage) [translation of Catherine Lorber], Frederick (Maryland), Edward J. Waddell, 1999

Swaney Margaret M. - The Living Dead: Egyptian Mummies and the Ethics of Display, New York, New York University, 2013

Sweeney Emmet - The Empire of Thebes or Ages in Chaos revisited, New York, Algora Publishing, 2006 

Sweeney Emmet - The Genesis of Israel and Egypt, New York, Algora Publishing,2008  

Sweeney Emmet - Gods, heroes and Tyrants. Greek chronology in chaos, New York, Algora Publishing, 2009 

Sweeney Emmet - The Pyramid Age, New York, Algora Publishing, 2007 

Sweeney Emmet - The Ramessides, Medes and Persians, New York, Algora Publishing, 2008 

Swetnam-Burland Molly - Egypt in Italy: Visions of Egypt in Roman Imperial Culture, New York, Cambridge University Press, 2015  

Swinton Joyce - Dating the Tombs of the Egyptian Old Kingdom, Oxford, Archaeopress, 2014

Symons Sarah - Ancient Egyptian astronomy. Timekeeping and cosmography in the New Kingdom, Leicester, University of Leicester, 1999  

Synolakis Costas, Repapis Christos, Evelpidou Niki, Zerefos Christos, Tzalas Harry - Geophysical Phenomena and the Alexandrian Littoral, Oxford, Archaeopress, 2019

Szpakowska Kasia - Behind closed eyes. Dreams and Nightmares in Ancient Egypt, Swansea, The Classical Press of Wales, 2003  

Szpakowska Kasia - Daily Life in Ancient Egypt, London-New York, Blackwell Publishing, 2007  

Szpakowska, Kasia, Schneider Thomas (eds.) - Egyptian Stories: A British Egyptological Tribute to Alan B. Lloyd on the Occasion of His Retirement, Münster, Ugarit-Verlag, 2007

Szuchman Jeffrey (ed.) - Nomads, Tribes, and the State in the Ancient Near East: Cross-disciplinary Perspectives, Chicago, The Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago, 2009  



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