Понеделник, 27.01.2025, 07:18
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Martin Bernal - Black Athena: Afro-Asiatic Roots of Classical Civilization, Volume I-III, London, Free Association Books,1987-1996  

Mary R. Lefkowitz, Guy MacLean Rogers (eds.) - Black Athena revisited, Chapel Hill (NC)-London, University of North Carolina Press, 1996  

George G. M. James - Stolen Legacy. Greek Philosophy is Stolen Egyptian Philosophy, New York, Philosophical Librabry, 1954  

Cheik Anta Diop - The African Origins of Civilization: Myth or Reality, New York - Westport, Lawrence Hill & Co., 1974  

Théophile Obenga - L'Egypte, la Grèce et l'école d'Alexandrie: Histoire interculturelle dans l'antiquité. Aux sources égyptiennes de la philosophie grecque, Paris, Éditions L'Harmattan / Gif-sur-Yvette, Association Khepera, 2006

Josep Cervelló Autuori - Egipto y África: Orígen de la civilización y la monarquía faraónicas en su contexto african, Sabadel (Barcelona), Editorial Ausa, 1996

Egypt Revisited, New Brunswick-London, Transaction Publishers, 1999 

Drusilla Dunjee Houston - Wonderful Ethiopians of the Ancient Cushite Empire, Oklahoma City (OK), Universal Publishing Company, 1926 

Maulana Karenga - Maat, the moral ideal in ancient Egypt: a study in classical African ethics, New York-London, Routledge, 2004  

Willie Cannon-Brown - Nefer: The Aesthetic Ideal in Classical Egypt, New York-London, Routledge, 2006  

Troy Duan Allen - The Ancient Egyptian Family: Kinship and Social Structure  

 - Canon J. Olumide Lucus - The religion of the Yorubas especially in relation to the religion of ancient Egypt: Being in account of the religious beliefs and practices of Yoruba peoples of Southern Nigeria, especially in relation to the religion of Ancient Egypt, Durham, Durham University, 1942

Ancient Egypt in Africa, London, UCL Press, 2003    

Петр А. Куценков, Ника В. Лаврентьева, Михаил А. Чегодаев - От родового общества к ранним цивилизациям: Древний Египет и Западная Африка, Москва, Институт Востоковедения РАН - Государственный Институт исскуствознания, 2019

Rafed El-Sayed - Afrikanischstämmiger Lehnwortschatz im älteren Ägyptisch. Untersuchungen zur ägyptisch-afrikanischen lexikalischen Interferenz im dritten und zweiten Jahrtausend v. Chr



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