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Frederick Monderson - Hatshepsut's Temple at Deir El Bahari,Bloomington (IN), Authorhouse, 2007  

Franciszek Pawlicki - The Main Sanctuary of Amun-Re in the Temple of Hatshepsut at Deir El-Bahari, Warsaw, University of Warsaw-Polish centre of Mediterranean Archaeology, 2017

Dieter Arnold - The Temple of Mentuhotep at Deir el Bahari, New York, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1979 [PMAE 21]  

Dieter Arnold - Der Tempel des Königs Mentuhotep von Deir el-Bahari. Band I-III, Mainz am Rhein, Phillip von Zabern, 1974-1981

Herbert Eustis Winlock - Excavations At Deir El Bahari (1911-1931), New York, The Macmillan Company, 1942

Herbert E. Winlock - The slain soldiers of Neb-hep-et- Rē'Mentu-hotpe, New York, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1945 [PMAE 16]  

José Ramón Pérez-Accino Picatoste - Topografía de la legitimidad. Paisaje y arquitectura como metáfora a comienzos de la XVIII dinastía egipcia, Madrid, Universidad Complutense, 1998   

Naville Edouard - Edouard Naville, The Temple of Deir el Bahari: Its Plan, Its Founders, and Its First Explorers. Introductory Memoir, London, Egypt Exploration Fund, 1894 [MEEF 12]  

Edouard Naville - The Temple of Deir el Bahari. Part I-VI, London, Egypt Exploration Fund, 1895-1908 [MEEF 13, 14, 16, 19, 27 & 29]  

Johannes Dümichen - Die Flotte einer aegyptischen Koenigin aus dem XVII. Jahrhundert vor unserer Zeitrechnung, Leipzig, J.P. Hinrische Buchhandlung, 1868

Mirosław Barwik, Teresa Dziedzic - The Royal Mortuary Cult Complex in the Temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari. Part 1, The Chapel of Tuthmosis I, Leuven - Paris - Bristol (CT), Peeters Publishers, 2021

Anastasiia Stupko-Lubczyńska - Offering Scenes in the Chapel of Hatshepsut: Diachronic Development of Their Composition and Content, Warsaw, Instytut Kultur Śródziemnomorskich i Orientalnych Polskiej Akademii Nauk (IKSiO PAN) - Fundacja Artibus Mundi, 2016 [Deir el-Bahari VII]

- Auguste Mariette - Deir-el-Bahari: documents topographiques, historiques et ethnographiques recueillis dans ce temple, Leipzig- Caire- Paris, J. C. Hinrichs- Musée de Boulaq- F. Klicksieck, 1877  

Edouard Naville - The XIth Dynasty Temple at Deir el- Bahari,Part I-III. With Chapters by H. R. Hall and E. R. Ayrton, Architectural Description by Somers Clarke, With an Appendix by C. T. Currelly, London, Egypt Exploration Fund, 1907-13 [MEEF 28, 30 & 32]  

 - Magdalena Waser - Die Kapellen und Gräber der königlichen Frauen Mentuhoteps II. Architektur, Bildprogramm und Ausstattung, Wien, Universität Wien, 2012  

Jadwiga Lipińska - Deir el-Bahari II: The Temple of Thutmosis III. Architecture, Warsaw, Panstwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe, 1977

Gaston Maspero - Les momies royales de Déir el-Baharî, Paris, Ernest Leroux, 1889 [MMAF 1.4]  

- Gaston Maspero, Eugene Léfebure - Les hypogées royaux de Thèbes (bulletin critique de la religion égyptienne), Le Caire, Institut français d'archéologie orientale, 1886  

- Gaston Maspero, Heinrich Brugsh - La Trouvaille de Deir-el-Bahari. Vingt photographies, par M. E. Brugsch. Texte par G. Maspero, Le Caire, Imprimerie française F. Mourès, 1881  

Rogério Sousa, Anne Haslund Hansen - The Tomb of the Priests of Amun. Burial Assemblages at the National Museum of Denmark, Leiden-Boston, Brill, 2022



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