Понеделник, 27.01.2025, 06:45
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Theban archaeological complex: LUXOR


Lise Manniche - The tombs of the nobles at Luxor, Cairo, American University in Cairo Press, 1988

 - Jill Kamil - Luxor. A guide to Ancient Thebes, London-New York, Longman, 1976  

Aylward Manley Blackman - Luxor and its Temples, London - New York, Routledge, 2010

Maurice Pillet - Thèbes, Karnak et Louxor, Paris, H. Laurens, 1928

Giovanna Magi - Art and History: Luxor. Karnak, Valley of the Kings, Florence, Bonechi, 2001

Wolfgang Waitkus - Untersuchungen zu Kult und Funktion des Luxortempels. Teil I-II, Gladbeck, PeWe Verlag, 2008

Reliefs and Inscriptions at Luxor Temple, Volume 1-2, Chicago, The Oriental institute at University of Chicago, 1994-1997  

Albert Gayet - Le temple de Louxor, 1er Fascicule: Constructions d'Aménophis III. Cour d'Aménophis, Salle hypostyle, Salle des Offertoires, Salle du Lever et Sanctuaire des Maut, Paris, Ernest Leroux, 1894 [MMAF 15]  

Georges Daressy - La grande colonnade du temple de Louxor, Paris, Ernest Leroux, 1894 [MMAF 8.3]  

James Edward Quibell - The Ramesseum. With Translations and Comments by W. Spiegelberg. And the Tomb of Ptah-hetep Copied by R. F. E. Paget and A. A. Pirie. With Comments by F. Ll. Griffith, London, Bernard Quaritch, 1898 [BSAE/ERA 2]  

Fredrik Hagen - Ostraca from the Temple of Millions of Years of Thutmose III, Leiden-Boston, Brill, 2021

Christine Lilyquist - The Tomb of Three Foreign Wives of Tuthmosis III, New York, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, 2003  

Elmar Edel - Die Ortsnamenlisten aus dem Totentempel Amenophis III, Bonn, Peter Hanstein Verlag, 1966  

 - Mahmud Abdel-Raziq - Das Sanktuar Amenophis III im Luxor- Tempel, Tokyo, Waseda University, 1986 [SEC 3]  

 - Elmar Edel, Manfred Görg - Die Ortsnamenlisten im nördlichen Säulenhof des Totentempel Amenophis III, Wiesbaden, Otto Harrassowitz Verlag, 2005  

Donald B. Redford - The Akhenaten Temple Project Vol. 2: Rwd-Mnw and Inscriptions, Toronto, University of Toronto Press, 1988

 - Kiyohiko Sakurai, Sakuji Yoshimura, Kaoru Yoshinari, Jiro Kondo (eds.) - The Excavations of Malkata-South (1972-1980), Tokyo, Waseda University, 1985 [SEC 1]  

 - Yasutada Watanabe, Kazuaki Seki - The architeсture of "Kom el Samak" at Malkata-South. A study of architectural restoration, Tokyo, Waseda University, 1986 [SEC 5]  

Fernand Bisson de la Roque - Tôd (1934 à 1936), Le Caire, Institut français d'archéologie orientale, 1937 [FIFAO 17]  

 - Richard H. Wilkinson (ed.) - The Temple of Tausret: The University of Arizona Egyptian Expedition Tausret Temple Project, 2004-2011, Tucson (AZ), The University of Arizona Egyptian Expedition, 2011

Patricia A. Rosenmeyer - The Language of Ruins: Greek and Latin Inscriptions on the Memnon Colossus, Oxford-New York, Oxford University Press, 2018

Daniel Polz - Der Beginn des Neuen Reiches: zur Vorgeschichte einer Zeitenwende, Berlin - Boston, Walter De Gruyter, 2007



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