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"A" - LETTER PART I (Abb-Ada)


This is the "A - letter" list from my new alphabetical catalogue, presenting my book files collection for free downloading. The items are arranged according authors (editors) last names.
In this section you can find works of many amazing egyptologists as prominent historian of religion, German scholar Jan Assmann (B. 1938), notorious expert on Pyramid texts and Egyptian language James P. Allen (b. 1945) from New York, British art historian Cyril Aldred (1914-1991) Thomas George Allen (1886-1951) from Chicago Oriental Institute, the specialist in Roman Egypt Richard Alston, German scholar Hartwig Altenmueller (b. 1938), researcher and archaeologist in topic of Ancient Egyptian architecture Dieter Arnold (b. 1936) and many others.


d'Abbadie Jeanne Marie Thérèse Vandier, Jourdain Geneviève - Deux Tombes de Deir El Médineh: I. La Chapelle de Khâ, II. La tombe du scribe royal Amenemopet, Le Caire, Institut français d'archéologie orientale, 1939 [MIFAO 73]  

Abbot Jacob - Cleopatra, New York- London, Harper and brothers, 1904  

Abdalla A.G.M. - Meroitic personal names. Volume I-II, Durham, Durham University, 1969  

Abd El Gawad Heba; Andrews Nathalie; Correas-Amador Maria; Tamorri Veronica (eds.) - Current Research in Egyptology 2011: Proceedings of the Twelfth Annual Symposium, Oxford - Oakville (CT), Oxbow Books, 2012

Abd El Karem Mona - Die Nutzung tierischer Ressourcen während des 5. und 4. Jahrtausends v. Chr. in Ägypten. Ein archäofaunistischer Beitrag zur Entstehung und Entwicklung von Versorgungsstrategien und Handelsbeziehungen, Wien, Universität Wien, 2011  

Abd El-Latef Hassan Nasr Mohamed, Mohamed - Scenes and archaeological objects of suckling in Ancient Egypt from the Old Kingdom till the Greco Roman Period (cultural, archaeological and tourist study), Alexandria, Alexandria University, 2014

Abdel-Raziq Mahmud - Das Sanktuar Amenophis III im Luxor- Tempel, Tokyo, Waseda University, 1986 [SEC 3]  

Abd El Salam Safaa A. - Egyptian and Graeco-Roman wall plasters and mortars : a comparative scientific study, Oxford, BAR Publishing, 2013 [BAR International Series 1319]  

Abdel Samie Abdel Rahman Salah Hafez - Hieratic Ostraca of the Rameside period in the Egyptian Museum, Cairo: documentation, classification and commentary, Birmingham, University of Birmingham, 2009

Abd el-Wahab Fahmy - La tombe Nᵒ 1 de Sen-Nedjem à Deir el Médineh. Croquis de position, Le Caire, Imprimerie d' Institut français d'archéologie orientale, 1959  

Abdelwahed Youssri Ezzat Hussein - Egyptian Cultural Identity in the Architecture of Roman Egypt (30 BC-AD 325), Durham, Durham University, 2012

Abdelwahed Youssri Ezzat Hussein - Egyptian Cultural Identity in the Architecture of Roman Egypt (30 BC-AD 325), Oxford, Archaeopress, 2015

Abdelwahed Youssri Ezzat Hussein - Houses in Graeco-Roman Egypt: Arenas for Ritual Activity, Oxford, Archaeopress, 2016

Abder–Raziq Mahmud, Kanawati Naguib - Mereruka and his family. Part I. The tomb of Meryteti / Part II. The Tomb of Waatetkhethor, Oxford, Aris and Phillips, 2004-2008

Abder–Raziq Mahmud, Kanawati Naguib - The Teti Cemetery at Saqqara. Volume III. The Tombs of Neferseshemre and Seankhuiptah, Warminster, Aris & Phillips, 1999

Abder–Raziq Mahmud, Kanawati Naguib - The Teti Cemetery at Saqqara. Volume V. The Tomb of Hesi, Warminster, Aris & Phillips, 1999

Abd-ul-Rahman Mohammad Hassan, Reisner George Andrew - Canopics, Le Caire, Imprimerie de l'Institut français d'archéologie orientale, 1967 [CG CG 4001-4740, 4977-5033]  

Abitz Friedrich - Baugeschichte und Dekoration des Grabes Ramses’ VI, Fribourg - Göttingen, Universitatsverlag Fribourg- Vanderhoeck & Ruprecht, 1989

Abitz Friedrich - Pharao als Gott: in den Unterweltsbüchern des Neuen Reiches, Fribourg - Göttingen, Universitatsverlag Fribourg- Vanderhoeck & Ruprecht, 1995  

Abitz Friedrich - Ramses III. in den Gräbern seiner Söhne, Freiburg - Göttingen, Universitatsverlag Fribourg- Vanderhoeck & Ruprecht, 1986

Abou-Ghazi Dia' - The Library of Egyptian Museum, Cairo, General Organization for Government Printing Offices, 1988 [CASAE 32]

Abu-Bakr Abdel-Moneim - Excavations at Giza 1949-1950, Cairo, Government Press, 1953  

Abubakr Abd el Moneim Joussef - Untersuchungen über die ägyptischen Kronen, Glückstadt - Hamburg - New York, J. J. Augustin, 1937

Abu-Jaber Nizar, Bloxam Elisabeth G. , Degryse Patrick , Heldal Tom (eds.) - QuarryScapes: ancient stone quarry landscapes in the Eastern Mediterranean, Trondheim, Geological Survey of Norway (NGU), 2009  

Abulafia David - The Great Sea: A Human History of the Mediterranean, London, Penguin Books, 2012  

Abusir Series : Czech Institute of Egyptology. I-VI, Prague, Charles University, 1986-2002  

Accetta Kelly, Fellinger Renate, Gonçalves Pedro Lourenço, Musselwhite Sarah, Pelt W. Paul van (eds.) - Current Research in Egyptology 2013: Proceedings of the Fourteenth Annual Symposium: University of Cambridge, United Kingdom, March 19–22, 2013, Oxford - Philadelphia (PA), Oxbow Books, 2014

Adams Barbara - Excavations in the Locality 6 Cemetery at Hierakonpolis 1979-1985, Oxford, BAR Publishing, 2000

Adams Barbara, Friedman Renée F. (eds.) - The Followers of Horus. Studies dedicated to Michael Allen Hoffman (1944-1990), Oxford, Oxbow Books, 1992

Adams Barbara - The Fort Cemetery at Hierakonpolis: Excavated by John Garstang, London - New York, Routledge, 2009

Adams Barbara, Cialowicz Krzysztof - Protodynastic Egypt, Princes Risborough, Shire Publications, 1997 [SE 26]  

Adams Barbara - Predynastic Egypt, Princes Risborough, Shire Publications, 1988 [SE 7]  

Adams Colin - Land Transport in Roman Egypt: A Study of Economics and Administration in a Roman Province, Oxford-New York, Oxford University Press, 2007  

Adams John M. - The Millionaire and the Mummies: Theodore Davis's Gilded Age in the Valley of the Kings, New York, St. Martin's Press, 2013

Adams, Matthew J. - The Early Dynastic through Old Kingdom Stratification at Tell er-Rub'a, Mendes, Philadelphia (PA), The Pennsylvania State University, 2007

Adams Matthew Joel - The Title xntj-S in the Old Kingdom, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania State University, 2003



Category: Статии | Added by: Admin (29.05.2017)
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