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"A" - LETTER PART II (Adk-Ale)


This is the "A - letter" list from my new alphabetical catalogue, presenting my book files collection for free downloading. The items are arranged according authors (editors) last names.
In this section you can find works of many amazing egyptologists as prominent historian of religion, German scholar Jan Assmann (B. 1938), notorious expert on Pyramid texts and Egyptian language James P. Allen (b. 1945) from New York, British art historian Cyril Aldred (1914-1991) Thomas George Allen (1886-1951) from Chicago Oriental Institute, the specialist in Roman Egypt Richard Alston, German scholar Hartwig Altenmueller (b. 1938), researcher and archaeologist in topic of Ancient Egyptian architecture Dieter Arnold (b. 1936) and many others.


Adkins Lesley, Adkins Roy - Las claves de Egipto. La Carrera por leer los jeroglificos, Madrid, Debate, 2000  

Adkins Lesley, Adkins Roy - The keys of Egypt. The race for cracking the hieroglyph code, New York, Harper Collins Publishers, 2000  

Adkins Lesley, Adkins Roy - The Little Book of Egyptian Hieroglyphs, London, Hodder & Stoughton, 2002  

Adrom Faried - Die Lehre des Amenemhet, Bruxelles - Turnhout, Fondation Égyptologique Reine Élisabeth - Brepols, 2006

Adzigian Joy, Hobbs A. Hoyt - A complete guide to Egypt and the archaeological sites, New York, William Morrow & Co., 1981

Aegyptiaca seu Veterum scriptorum de rebus Aegypti commentarii et fragmenta.Pars I-II, Gothae (Gotha), C. W. Ettinger, 1782  

Afshar Mahasti, Corzo Miguel Angel (eds) - Art and Eternity: The Nefertari Wall Paintings Conservation Project 1986–1992, Los Angeles, Getty Conservation Institute-Egyptian Antiquities Organization, 1993  

Africa in Antiquity. The Arts of Ancient Nubia and Sudan. Volume I-II, New York , The Brooklyn Museum, 1978  

Agnese Giorgio, Re Maurizio - Ancient Egypt: Art and Archaeology of the Land of the Pharaohs , New York, Barnes & Noble, 2004

Agut Damien, Moreno García Juan Carlos - L'Égypte des pharaons. De Narmer à Dioclétien 3150 av. J.-C. - 284 apr. J.-C., Paris, Éditions Belin, 2022

Ägyptologische Forschungen [ ÄF, ÄG FO], Heft 1-19, Glückstadt-Hamburg-New York, J.J. Augustin, 1936-1956  

Aḥituv Shmuel - Canaanite toponyms in ancient Egyptian documents, Jerusalem, Magnes Press / Leiden, Brill, 1984

Ahmon Jess, Lowe Adam - The Tomb of Seti I: Digital Technology in Conservation/ La Tumba de Seti I: Tecnología Digital en Conservación, Madrid, Factum Arte, 2002  

Alarcón Robledo Sergio, Orozco Albert Planelles, Casado Raúl Sánchez, Cárcamo Marta Arranz,Ortiz García Jónatan, Mora Riudavets Patricia (eds.) - Current Research in Egyptology 2019. Proceedings of the Twentieth Annual Symposium, University of Alcalá, 17–21 June 2019, Oxford, Archaeopress, 2021

Al-Ayedi Abdul Rahman - Index of administrative, religious and military titles of the New Kingdom, Ismailia, Obelisk Publications, 2006  

Al-Ayedi Abdul Rahman - The inscriptions of the Ways of Horus, Ismailia, Obelisk Publications, 2006  

Al-Ayedi Abdul Rahman - Tharu : the starting point on the Ways of Horus, Toronto, The University of Toronto, 2000  

Albert Jean-Pierre, Midant-Reynes Béatrix (éd) - Le sacrifice humain en Égypte ancienne et ailleurs, Paris, Éditions Soleb, 2013

Aldred Cyril - Akhenaten and Nefertiti, New York, Brooklyn Museum - Viking Press, 1973  

Aldred Cyril - Akhenaten: King of Egypt, London, Thames & Hudson, 1988

Aldred Cyril - Egypt to the End of the Old Kingdom, New York, McGrrow Hill Book Company, 1978

Aldred Cyril - Egyptian Art in the days of the pharaohs (3100-320 BC), London- New York, Thames and Hudson, 1986  

Aldred Cyril - Middle kingdom Art in Ancient Egypt. 2300-1590 BC, London, Alec Tiranti Ltd, 1950  

Aldred Cyril - New kingdom Art in Ancient Egypt. During the Eighteenth dynatsy. 1590-1315 BC, London, Alec Tiranti Ltd, 1951  

Aldred Cyril - Old kingdom Art in Ancient Egypt, London, Alec Tiranti Ltd, 1949  

Alexakis Effy, Shafik Sameh, Woods Alexandra, Kanawati Naguib - Mereruka and his family. Part III.1-2, The tomb of Mereruka, Oxford, Aris and Phillips, 2010 [The Australian Centre for Egyptology Reports 29-30]

Alexander John, Kobusiewicz Michał, Krzyżaniak Lech (eds.) - Environmental change and human culture in the Nile Basin and Northern Africa until the second millennium B.C., Poznań, Poznań Archaelogical Museum, 1993


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