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Dieter Arnold - Wandrelief und Raumfunktion in ägyptischen Tempeln des Neuen Reiches, Berlin, Verlag Bruno Hessling, 1962

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 Bertha Porter & Rosalind L. B. Moss - Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts,Reliefs & Paintings. Volume I-VII, Oxford, Clarendon Press-Griffith Institute-Oxford University Press, 1970-1991 

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Andrey Bolshakov - Studies on Old Kingdom Reliefs and Sculpture in the Hermitage, Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz Verlag, 2005 

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 - Simone Maria Bielesch - Em Busca de Auxílio para o Renascimento: Estátuas Funerárias de Osíris e Ptah-Sokar-Osíris. Volume I-III, Rio de Janeiro, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro-Museu Nacional, 2010

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تفسير بيولوجي لبعض الكائنات بالرسومات والنقوش الجدارية في مصر الفرعوني إبراهيم الشتلة (A biological explanaton of some graphic objects and wall reliefs in Pharaonic Egypt)   

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