Неделя, 26.01.2025, 09:24
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Here we will meet Egyptian gods and goddesses, will investigate the role of the cult  and magic in Egyptian society and in the life of it's separate members, will understand the causes  why the priesthood there was so mighty and autoritathive. We will see the astonishing Egyptian temples: from Theban sacred complex to Dendara and Edfu. Will watch in our imagination the magnificent ancient rituals and feasts, abandoned from a long time ago. Special attention is paid to the imaginations of the netherworld and afterlife, Ancient Egyptian funerary culture and ancestors worship, to the rich equipment buried with the mummies of deceased and to themselves. The multiple religious books of this civilisation are too not neglected.



I. Complex studies

II. For gods and goddesses

1. For gods and goddesses in general

2. The Great Ennead

3. Separate female deities

4. Separate male deities

5. Hellenisation & international spreading of Egyptian cults

III. Cult and Magic

1. The Priesthood

2.1. Ancient Egyptian Temples

2.2. Karnak

2.3. Luxor

2.4. Medinet Habu

2.5. Deir El Bahri

2.6. Dendera

2.7. Edfu

2.8. Esna

7. Religious rituals

8. Feasts in Ancient Egypt

9. Royal cult in Ancient Egypt

10.1. Ancient Egyptian Magic

10.2. Amulets, Scarabs & Seals

IV. Funerary Culture

1. Funerary culture, rituals and ancestor worship

2. Souls and spirits, netherworld

V. Ancient Egyptian Funerary Architecture 

1. Funerary archaeology in general

2. Royal tomb architecture

2.1.1. Ancient Egyptian Pyramids

2.1.2. The Great Pyramids

2.1.3. Saqqara during the Old Kingdom: Pyramids and royal tombs

2.1.4.  Dahshur

2.2.1. Different royal tombs

2.2.2.  Early Dynastic Royal Tombs

2.2.3. Valley of the Kings and Valley of the Queens

3. Private tomb architecture

3.1. Predynastic and Early Dynastic Cemeteries

3.2.1. Old Kingdom Cemeteries

3.2.2. Saqqara during the Old Kingdom: Private Necropolis

3.2.3. The Tombs in Private Necropolis at Giza

3.2.4. Abusir

3.3.1. Middle Kingdom Cemeteries

3.3.2. Beni Hassan

3.3.3. Lisht

3.4.1. New Kingdom Cemeteries

3.4.2. Private tombs in the Theban Necropolis

3.4.3. Gourna

3.5. Third Intermediate Period and Late Kingdom cemeteries

3.6. Ptolemaic and Roman age cemeteries

V. Ancient Egyptian Funerary Equipment

1. General studies

2. Ancient Egyptian Coffins

3. Stelae, stones & Cones

4. Canopi, Shabtis, Statuettes & Models

5. Mummy Portraits

6. Mummies & Mummification

 VI. Ancient Egyptian religious literature

1. Book of the dead 

2. Pyramid texts 

3.  Coffin Texts 

4. Hymns to the gods 

5. Other mythological/religious books 

6. Magical and ritual books 

VII. Specific aspects of Ancient Egyptian Religion



Category: Статии | Added by: Admin (25.03.2021)
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