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This is the "D - letter" list from my new alphabetical catalogue, presenting my book files collection for free downloading. The items are arranged according authors (editors) last names.
In this section you can find works of the famous Scottish archaeologist, egyptologist and artist Norman De Garris Davies (1865-1941), well known by his excavations in the Valley of the Kings at Thebes, the classics of French egyptological school Georges Daressy (1864-1938), Etienne Drioton (1889-1961) and François Daumas (1915-1984), three generations scholars from Chicago Oriental Institute's Golden Age of excavations: Theodore M. Davis (1838-1915), Dows Dunham (1890-1984) and Peter Dorman (b. 1948) modern American egyptologist John Coleman Darnell  from Yale University, first woman professor on Egyptology in UK Rosalie Ann David from  Manchester, expert on Ancient Egyptian genealogy and royal dynasties Aidan Dodson from Bristol (UK), controversial but highly influencing afrocentrist from Senegal Cheikh Anta Diop (1923-1986), self learned investigator Terence DuQuesne (1942-2014) and many others.


Drenkhahn Rosemarie - Die Handwerker und ihre Tätigkeiten im Alten Ägypten, Wiesbaden, Otto Harrassowitz Verlag, 1976

Drescher James - Three Coptic Legends, Le Caire, Imprimerie de l'Institut français d'archéologie orientale, 1947 [CASAE 4]

Dreyer Günter - Umm el-Qaab I: Das prädynastische Königsgrab U-j und seine frühen Schriftzeugnisse, Mainz am Rhein, Philipp von Zabern, 1998

Drews Robert - The End of the Bronze Age: Changes in Warfare and the Catastrophe ca. 1200 B.C., Princeton (NJ), Princeton University Press, 1993  

Drexler Wilhelm - Mythologische Beiträge. Heft 1. Der Cultus der Ägyptischen Gottheiten in den Donauländer, Leipzig, B.G. Teubner, 1890  

Drioton Etienne - Art égyptien, Paris, Arts et Métiers Graphiques, 1955

Drioton Étienne - Cryptographie ou pages sur le développement de l’alphabet en Egypte ancienne I, Le Caire, Organisme Général des Imprimeries Gouvemementales, 1992 [CASAE 28.1]

Drioton Etienne - L'Egypte pharaonique, Paris, Armand Colin, 1959

Drioton Étienne - Inscriptions of the Serapeum plaques, Le Caire, Imprimerie de l'Institut français d'archéologie orientale, 1946 [CASAE 2.2]

Drioton Étienne, Bourguet Pierre du - Les pharaons à la conquête de l'art, Paris-Bruxelles, Desclée de Brouwer, 1965

Drioton Etienne - Rapports sur les fouilles de Médamoud. Les inscriptions, années 1925- 1926, Le Caire, Institut français d'archéologie orientale, 1926-1927 [FIFAO 3.2]  

Drioton Etienne, Contenau Georges, Duchesne-Guillemin Jacques - Les religions de l'Orient ancien, Paris, Arthème Fayard, 1956

Drioton Étienne - Le texte dramatique d' Edfou, Le Caire, L'Organisation générale égyptienne du livre, 1984

Drioton Etienne, Posener Georges, Vandier Jacques - Tôd. Les inscriptions du temple ptolémaïque et romain, Le Caire, Institut français d'archéologie orientale, 1980

Drummond Andrew, Frederiksen M.W., Ogilvie Robert Maxwell, Walbank Frank William, Astin Alan E. (eds.) - Тhe Cambridge Ancient History, vol. VII, part 2. The rise of Rome to 220 BC, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2006  

Duarte Cássio de Araújo - Estudo sobre a iconografia de Ápis durante o período faraônico. Corpus I, São Paulo, Museu de Arqueologia e Etnologia da Universidade de São Paulo, 2010  

Dubiel Ulrike - Amulette, Siegel und Perlen: Studien zur Typologie und Tragesitte im Alten und Mittleren Reich , Fribourg - Göttingen, Universitatsverlag Fribourg- Vanderhoeck & Ruprecht, 2008

Duchesne-Guillemin Jacques, Drioton Etienne, Contenau Georges - Les religions de l'Orient ancien, Paris, Arthème Fayard, 1956

Duell Prentice (ed.) - The Mastaba of Mereruka, Part I-II, Chicago, The University of Chicago Press, 1938  

Dunand Françoise - Le Culte d'Isis dans le bassin oriental de la Méditerranée. Tome I-III, Leiden, E.J. Brill, 1973

Dunand Françoise, Zivie-Coche Christiane  - Gods and Men in Egypt: 3000 BCE To 395 CE, Ithaca (NY) - London, Cornell University Press, 2004

Dunand Françoise, Ibrahim Bahgat Ahmed, Lichtenberg Roger - Le matériel archéologique et les restes humains de la nécropole de Dabashiya, Montpellier, Université Paul-Valéry Montpellier III, 2013 [CENIM 7]  

Dunand Françoise - Religion populaire en Égypte romaine: Les terres cuites isiaques du Musée du Caire, Leiden, E.J. Brill, 1979

Dunand Françoise, Zivie-Coche Christiane - Die Religionen des Alten Ägypten, Stuttgart, Kohlhammer, 2013  

Duncan John Garrow, Petrie William Matthew Flinders , Starkey James Leslie - Corpus of dated Palestinian Pottery, London, British School of archaeology in Egypt - Bernard Quaritch, 1930

Dunham Dows, Chapman Suzanne E. - Decorated Chapels of the Meroitic Pyramids at Meroë and Barkal, Boston (MA), Boston Museum of fine arts, 1952 [RCK 3]

Dunham Dows - The Egyptian Department and its Excavations, Boston, Museum of Fine Arts, 1958  

Dunham Dows - El Kurru, Cambridge (MA), Harvard University Press, 1950 [RCK 1]

Dunham Dows, Simpson William Kelly - The mastaba of queen Mersiyankh III (G 7530-7540), Boston, Department of Egyptian and Ancient Near Eastern arts: Boston Museum of fine arts, 1974  

Dunham Dows - Naga-ed-Dêr stelae of the First intermediate period, Boston-Oxford-London, Museum of Fine Arts - Oxford University Press- Humphrey Milford, 1937

Dunham Dows - Nuri, Boston (MA), Boston Museum of fine arts, 1955 [RCK 2]

Dunham Dows - Recollections of an Egyptologist, Boston, Museum of Fine Arts, 1972  

Dunham Dows - Royal tombs at Meroë and Barkal, Boston (MA), Boston Museum of fine arts, 1957 [RCK 4]

Dunham Dows, Reisner George Andrew, Weller Noel F., Janssen Jozef A. - Second Cataract Forts. Volume I-II, Boston, Museum of Fine Arts, 1960-1967  

Dunham Dows - The West and South cemeteries at Meroë, Boston (MA), Boston Museum of fine arts, 1963 [RCK 5]

Dunn Christopher - Lost Technologies of Ancient Egypt: Advanced Engineering in the Temples of the Pharaohs, Rochester (VE)- Toronto, Bear & Company, 2010

Dunn-Vaturi Anne-Elizabeth, Crist  Walter, Voogt Alex de - Ancient Egyptians at Play. Board Games Across Borders, London, Bloomsbury Academic, 2016  

Dzviza Kirsten - Schriftverwendung in antiker Ritualpraxis anhand der griechischen, demotischen und koptischen Praxisanleitungen des 1. - 7. Jahrhunderts. Band I- II , Erfurt-Heidelberg, Universität Erfurt, 2013  

DuQuesne Terence - Black and Gold God: Colour Symbolism of the God Anubis, with Observations on the Phenomenology of Colour in Egyptian and Comparative Religion, London, Da'th Scholarly Services - Darengo Publications, 1996

DuQuesne Terence - A Coptic Initiatory Invocation. (PGM IV 1-25) an essay in interpretation, with critical text and commentary, Thame (OX), Darengo Publications, 1991  

DuQuesne Terence - At the court of Osiris : Book of the dead spell 194. A rare Egyptian judgment text edited and interpreted with commentary, London, Da'th Scholarly Services - Darengo Publications, 1994

DuQuesne Terence - Jackal at the Shaman’s Gate. A study of Anubis Lord of Ro-Setawe with the conjuration to chthonic deities (PGM XXIII) text, translation, and commentary, and an annotated bibliography of the Anubis archetype, Thame (OX), Darengo Publications, 1991  

DuQuesne Terence - The Jackal Divinities of Egypt. Part I: From the Archaic Period to Dynasty X, Thame (OX), Darengo Publications, 2005  

Dziedzic Teresa, Barwik Mirosław - The Royal Mortuary Cult Complex in the Temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari. Part 1, The Chapel of Tuthmosis I, Leuven - Paris - Bristol (CT), Peeters Publishers, 2021

Dziobek Eberhard - Das Grab des Ineni (Theben Nr. 81), Mainz, Philipp von Zabern, 1992



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