Понеделник, 27.01.2025, 06:58
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Francis Breyer - Punt: Die Suche Nach Dem 'Gottesland', Leiden - Boston, Brill, 2016

Kathryn A. Bard, Rodolfo Fattovich - Seafaring Expeditions to Punt in the Middle Kingdom. Excavations at Mersa/Wadi Gawasis, Egypt, Leiden - Boston, Brill, 2018

Kathryn A. Bard, Rodolfo Fattovich (eds.) - Harbor of the Pharaohs to the Land of Punt. Archaeological Investigations at Mersa/Wadi Gawasis. Egypt, 2001-2005, Naples, L’Orientale Università degli Studi - Napoli, 2007

 Catherine L. Glenister - Profiling Punt, Using Trade Relations to Locate 'God's Land', Stellenbosch, University of Stellenbosch, 2008   

David Marshall Dixon - The ebony trade of Ancient Egypt, London, London University, 1961  

Ilaria Incordino, Pearce Paul Creasman (eds.) - Flora Trade Between Egypt and Africa in Antiquity.Proceedings of a Conference Held in Naples, Italy, 13 April 2015, Oxford - Philadelphia (PA), Oxbow Books, 2017

- Auguste Mariette - Les listes géographiques des pylônes de Karnak comprenant la Palestine, l'Ethiopie, le pays de Somâl. Tome I-II, Leipzig- Caire- Paris, J. C. Hinrichs- Musée de Boulaq- F. Klicksieck, 1875  

Johannes Dümichen - Die Flotte einer aegyptischen Koenigin aus dem XVII. Jahrhundert vor unserer Zeitrechnung, Leipzig, J.P. Hinrische Buchhandlung, 1868

Mysterious Lands, London, UCL Press, 2003

Christian Casey - The Story of the Shipwrecked Sailor: Hieroglyphic Transcription, Transliteration, and English Translation with Full Commentary, Austin, University of Texas, 2008

- Vladimir Semenovich Golenishchev - Le conte du naufrage : transcrit e publié, Le Caire, Institut français d'archéologie orientale, 1912  

[CAAE 1] Patrice Le Guilloux - Le Conte du Naufragé. Texte hiéroglyphique, translittération et traduction commentée, Angers, Association d'Égyptologie Isis, 2005

Ángel Sánchez Rodríguez - El Cuento del Náufrago, Sevílla, Ediciones ASADE (Asociación Andaluza de Egiptología), 2006  

Сергей Игнатов - Морфология на класическия Египет (по данни на pHermitage 1115), София, Нов Български Университет (НБУ), 2009

Telo Ferreira Canhão - O Conto do Náufrago. Um olhar sobre o Império Médio egípcio. Análise histórico-filológica / The Tale of the Shipwrecked Sailor. A Glance over Egypt's Middle Kingdom. A Historical-Philological Analysis, Centro de História da Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Lisboa, 2012

José M. Galán - Cuatro Viajes en la Literatura del Antiguo Egipto, Madrid, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, 2000  

José M. Galán - Four Journeys in Ancient Egyptian Literature, Göttingen, Widmaier Verlag, 2005 

Sally Wallace-Jones - Egyptian and Imported Pottery from the Red Sea port of Mersa Gawsis, Egypt, Oxford, Archaeopress, 2018

Элеонора Ефимовна Кормышева (ред.) - Красноморский мир в древности, Москва, Российский государственный гуманитарный университет (РГГУ), 2012


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