This is the "S- letter" list from my new alphabetical catalogue, presenting my book files collection for free downloading. The items are arranged according authors (editors) last names. In this section you can find works of German scholars: the great Kurt Sethe (1869-1934), archaeologist Heinrich Schäfer (1868-1957), egyptologist Siegfried Schott (1897-1971), professor from Liverpool University Ian Shaw (b. 1961), epigrapher from Chicago Oriental Institute Keith C. Seele (1898-1971), archaeologist from the same institution David P. Silverman (b. 1943), expert in Ancient Egyptian literature William Kelly Simpson (1928-2017), Danish authoritative author Constantin Emil Sander-Hansen (1905-1963), Swedish scholar Torgny Säve-Söderbergh (1914-1998), the both teacher and rival of legendary Champollion - Antoine Isaac Silvestre de Sacy (1758-1838), famous French egyptologist Serge Sauneron (1927-1976), assyriologist Jean-Vincent Scheil (1858-1940),wonderful contemporary Spanish egyptologist Angel Sánchez Rodríguez, controversial master in Afrocentrist speculations from Rutgers University, New Jersey - Ivan Van Sertima (1935-2009), successfull italian archaeologist and Torino Egyptian Museum most famous director Ernesto Schiaparelli (1856-1928) and many others.
Sheafer Silvia Anne - Ramses The Great, New York, Chelsea House Publishers, 2009
Shedid Abdel Ghaffar, Seidel Matthias - Das Grab des Nacht: Kunst und Geschichte eines Beamtengrabes der 18. Dynastie in Theben-West, Mainz am Rhein, Philipp von Zabern, 1991
Shehata Dahlia, Leitmeir Florian , Wiener Oliver (Hg.) - MUS-IC-ON! Klang der Antike: Begleitband zur Ausstellung im Martin von Wagner Museum der Universität Würzburg 10. Dezember 2019 bis 12. Juli 2020, Würzburg, Würzburg University Press, 2019
Shennum David - English-Egyptian Index of Faulkner's Concise Dictionary of Middle Egyptian, Malibu (CA), Undena Publications, 1977
Sherbiny Wael - Through Hermopolitan Lenses. Studies on the So-called Book of Two Ways in Ancient Egypt, Leiden - Boston, Brill, 2017
Shire Egyptology [SE] Series, Princes Risborough, Shire Publications, 1988-2001
Shirley Judith J. - The Culture of Officialdom: An examination of the acquisition of offices during the mid-18th Dynasty, Baltimore (MA), John Hopkins University, 2005
Shirley Judith J., Kahn Dan’el , Bar Shay (eds.) - Egypt, Canaan and Israel: History, Imperialism, Ideology and Literature. Proceedings of a Conference at the University of Haifa, 3-7 May 2009, Leiden - Boston, Brill, 2011
Shmakov Timofey T. - Critical Analysis of J. P. Allen's "The Ancient Egyptian Pyramid Texts"(2012). Preliminary results, Omsk-Tricht, A. K. Eyma, 2012
Shonkwiller Randy L. - The Behdetite: A Study of Horus the Behdetite from the Old Kingdom to the Conquest of Alexander, Chicago, The University of Chicago, The Department of Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations, 2014
Shorter Alan W. - An introduction to Egyptian religion. An account of religion in Egypt during the Eighteenth Dynasty, London, Keagan Paul, Trench, Trubner & Co, 1931
Shorter Alan Wynn - Catalogue of Egyptian religious papyri in The British Museum: Copies of the book PR(T)-M-HRW from the XVIIIth to the XXIIrd dynasty. 1. Description of papyri with text, London, British Museum, 1938
Shortland A.J. , Ramsey C. Bronk (eds.) - Radiocarbon and the Chronologies of Ancient Egypt, Oxford, Oxbow Books, 2013
Shortland Andrew, Zakrzewski Sonia, Rowland Joanne - Science in the Study of Ancient Egypt, New York-London, Routledge, 2016
Shortland Andrew J. - Vitreous Materials at Amarna. The production of glass and faience in 18th Dynasty Egypt, Oxford, BAR Publishing, 2000
Shoukry Mohammed Anwar - Die Privatgrabstatue im Alten Reich, Le Caire, Imprimerie de l'Institut français d'archéologie orientale, 1951 [CASAE 15]
Shubert Steven B., Li Jean, Geisen Christina, Yamamoto Kei (eds.) - His Good Name: Essays on Identity and Self-presentation in Ancient Egypt in Honor of Ronald J. Leprohon, Atlanta (GA), Lockwood Press, 2021
Shubert Steven B. - Those who(still)live on Earth: a Study of the Ancient Egyptian Appeal to the Living Texts, Toronto, University of Toronto, 2007
Shulman Alan R. - Ceremonial Execution and Public Rewards: Some Historical Scenes on New Kingdom Private Stelae, Freiburg - Göttingen, Universitatsverlag Fribourg- Vanderhoeck & Ruprecht, 1988
Shulman Alan Richard - Military Rank, Title, And Organization In The Egyptian New Kingdom, Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania, 1962
Shupak Nili - Where can Wisdom be found? The Sage's Language in the Bible and in Ancient Egyptian Literature, Freiburg - Göttingen, Universitatsverlag Fribourg- Vanderhoeck & Ruprecht, 1993
Shute Charles, Robins Gay - The Rhind Mathematical Papyrus: an ancient Egyptian text, London, British Museum Publications, 1987
Shuval Menakhem (hrsg) - Studien zu den Stempelsiegeln aus Palästina/Israel. Band III: Die Frühe Eisenzeit, Ein Workshop, Freiburg - Göttingen, Universitatsverlag Freiburg- Vanderhoeck & Ruprecht, 1990
Siat Kelee M. - Rebellion in a Priestly Community: A comparative study of the Chronicle of Prince Osorkon and Numbers 16, Birmingham, University of Birmingham, 2012
Sichan Daniel - Harbours in Ancient Egypt, Nové Město nad Metují-Praha, Czekh Egyptological Institute in Charles University, 2011
Siclen III Charles C. Van, Murnane William J. - The Boundary Stelae Of Akhenaten, London- New York, Routledge, 2016
Sidebotham Steven E. , Hense Martin , Nouwens Hendrikje M. - The Red Land: The Illustrated Archaeology of Egypts Eastern Desert, Cairo-New York, American University in CairoPress, 2008
Siesse Julien - La XIIIe dynastie. Histoire de la fin du Moyen Empire égyptien, Paris, Sorbonne Université Presses, 2019
Sievers Joseph, Smith Morton, Parente Fausto (eds.) - Josephus and the History of the Greco-Roman Period, Leiden-New York-Köln, Brill, 1994
Sijpesteijn Pieter Johannes - Customs Duties in Graeco-Roman Egypt, Leiden, Zuthpen, Terra Publishing, 1987
Sijpesteijn P.J., Bagnall Roger S., Worp K.A. - Ostraca in Amsterdam collection (O. Amst.), Zuthpen, Terra Publishing, 1976
Sijpesteijn Pieter Johannes - Penthemeros-Certificates in Graeco-Roman Egypt, Leiden, E.J. Brill, 1964
Silberman Neil Asher, Finkelstein Israel - The Bible Unearthed. Archaeology's New Vision of Ancient Israel and the Origin of Its Sacred Text, New York, Touchstone- Simon & Shuster, 2002
Siliotti Alberto - Guide to the Pyramids of Egypt, New York, Barnes & Noble, 1997
Siljanen Esko - Judeans of Egypt in the Persian period (539-332 BCE) in light of the Aramaic Documents, Helsinki, Unigrafia Helsinki, 2017
Silva André de Campos - The status of Free Will in ancient Egypt's old and middle kingdoms according to the Instruction of Ptahhotep, Lisbon, The Lisbon University, 2010
Silver Kenneth - Alexandria and Qumran: Back to the Beginning, Oxford, Archaeopress, 2017
Silverman David P., O'Connor David (eds.) - Ancient Egyptian Kingship, Leiden- Boston-Köln, E.J.Brill, 1995
Silverman David P. , Depuydt Leo , Allen James P., Polotsky Hans Jakob, - Essays on Egyptian Grammar, New Haven (CT), Yale Egyptological Seminar, Yale University, 1986
Silverman David P. (ed.) - For His Ka: Essays Offered in Memory of Klaus Baer, Chicago, The Orienntal Institute of The University of Chicago, 1994
Silverman David P.- Interrogative Constructions with jn and jn-jw in Old and Middle Egyptian, Malibu (CA), Undena Publications, 1980
Silverman David P. - Masterpieces of Tutankhamun, New York, Abbeville Press, 1978
Silverman David P., Ritner Robert K., Lloyd Alan B., Assmann Jan, Allen James P. - Religion and Philosophy in Ancient Egypt, New Haven (CT), Yale Egyptological Seminar, Yale University, 1989
Simone Maria Costanza de - Nubia and Nubians. The 'Museumization' of a Culture, Leiden, Leiden University, 2014
Simons Francis James Michael - The Tomb of Pepyankh Henykem, Birmingham, The University of Birmingham, 2013
Simons J. [S.J.] - Handbook for the Study of Egyptian Topographical Lists Relating to Western Asia, Leiden, E.J. Brill, 1937
Simpson R.S. - Demotic Grammar in the Ptolemaic Sacerdotical Decrees, Oxford, Griffith Institute: Ashmolean Museum, 1996
Simpson St. John, Curtis John, (eds.) - The World of Achaemenid Persia: The Diversity of Ancient Iran, London-New York, I.B. Tauris, 2010 -
Simpson William Kelly - Giza Mastabas, Volume 1-4, Boston, Department of Egyptian and Ancient Near Eastern arts: Boston Museum of fine arts, 1974-1980
Simpson William Kelly (ed.) - The Literature of Ancient Egypt. An antology of Stories, Instructions, Stelae, Autobiographies and Poetry, New Heaven-London, Yale University Press, 2003
Simpson William Kelly - The Papyrus Reisner I-IV, Boston, Museum of Fine Arts, 1963-1986
Sinai Inscriptions . Part I-II, London-Oxford, Egypt Exploration Society-Oxford University Press, 1917-1955
Singer Ariel - My skull has not been crushed: the lexicography of some ancient Egyptian cranial terminology, Cairo, The American University in Cairo, 2013
Singer Graciela Gestoso - El intercambio de bienes entre Egipto y Asia Anterior desde el reinado de Tuthmosis III hasta el de Akhenaton, Atlanta (GA)- Buenos Aires,Society of Biblical Literature - Universidad Católica Argentina, 2008
Sinclair Neil - The development and decline of provincial rule from the Old to the Middle Kingdom: an analysis of the tombs and titles of the senior officials of Upper Egypt, Sydney, Macquarie University, 2013
Sittert Bianca van - "Maintaining Order over Chaos": A study of the ba and baw concepts in the Predynastic Period, Early Dynastic Period, and Old Kingdom, Cairo, The American University in Cairo, 2019
Skon-Jedele Nancy Joan - Aigyptiaka. A catalogue of Egyptian and Egyptianizing objects excavated from Greek archaeological sites, ca. 1100-525 B.C., with historical commentary, Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania, 1994
Skumsnes Reinert Vikjord - Kvinner i det gamle Egypt. Ein komparativ studie, Bergen, Universitetet i Bergens, 2009
Slattery Tom - The tragic end of the Bronze Age. A virus makes history, San Jose (CA)-New York- Linkoln (VI), Writers Club Press, 2000