This is "S- letter" list from my new alphabetical catalogue, presenting my book files collection for free downloading. The items are arranged according authors (editors) last names. In this section you can find works of the leading egyptologist from New Zealand - Anthony J. Spallinger from Auckland, modern British archaeologists Stephen R. Snape from Liverpool and British Museum curator Nigel Strudwick, German scholar moved in USA - Georg Steindof (1861-1951), Belgian investigator on Egyptian literature Louis Speelers, Polish egyptologist working in Swansea Kasia Szpakowska, art historian William Stevenson Smith (1907-1969), pioneer assyriologist George Smith (1840-1876), controversial hyperdiffusionist and egyptologist Grafton Elliot Smith (1871-1937), successfull italian archaeologist and Torino Egyptian Museum most famous director Ernesto Schiaparelli (1856-1928)and many others.
Snape Steven - Ancient Egypt: the Definitive Visual History, London, Dorlin Kindersley, 2021
Snape Steven R. - Ancient Egyptian Tombs. Culture of life and death, Malden (MA)- Oxford-Chichester, Wiley-Blackwell, 2009
Snape Steven - The Complete Cities of Ancient Egypt, London - New York, Thames & Hudson, 2014
Snape Steven R. - Egyptian Temples, Princes Risborough (Buckinghamshire, UK), Shire Publications, 1996
Snape Steven R., Bailey Donald M. - The Great Portico at Hermopolis Magna: Present State and Past Prospects, London, British Museum, 1988
Snape Steven R. - Liverpool University Delta Survey. Six Archaeological Sites in Sharqiyeh Province, Liverpool, Liverpool University Press, 1986
Snape Steven R. , Tyldesley Joyce A. - Nazlet Tuna: An Archaeological Survey in Middle Egypt, Oxford, British Archaeological Reports (BAR), 1988
Snape Steven R. - A Temple of Domitian at el-Ashmunein, London, British Museum, 1989
Snape Steven R. , Wilson P. - Zawiyet Umm El-Rakham I: The Temple and Chapels, Bolton, Rutherford Press, 2007
Snell Daniel C. (ed.) - A Companion to the Ancient Near East, London-New York, Blackwell, 2005
Sobrino Hipólito Escolar - La biblioteca de Alejandría, Madrid, Editorial Gredos, 2001
Solà Rosa Dinarès, Fernàndez Georges Mikel, Guasch-Jané Maria Rosa (eds.) - Pharmacy and Medicine in Ancient Egypt. Proceedings of the conference held in Barcelona (2018), Oxford, Archaeopress, 2021
Soldi Émile Arthur - La sculpture égyptienne, Paris, Ernest Leroux, 1876
Soliman Daniel, Kramer Joost, Hoven Carina van den, Horn Maarten, Staring Nico, Weiss Lara (eds.) - Current Research in Egyptology 2010: Proceedings ot the Eleventh annual symposium Leiden University, the Netherlands, January 2009, Oxford-Oakville (CT), Oxbow Books, 2011
Soliman Rasha - Old and Middle Kingdom Theban Tombs, London, Golden House Publications, 2009
Sollberger E., Edwards Iorwerth Eiddon Stephen, Gadd Cyril John , Hammond Nicholas Geoffrey Lemprière (eds.) - Тhe Cambridge Ancient History, vol. II, part 1-2, Cambridge - New York, Cambridge University Press, 2006
Sollberger E., Edwards Iorwerth Eiddon Stephen, Boardman John , Hammond Nicholas Geoffrey Lemprière (eds.) - Тhe Cambridge Ancient History, vol. III, part 1-2, Cambridge - New York, Cambridge University Press, 2006
Sollberger E., Hammond Nicholas Geoffrey Lemprière, Gadd Cyril John, Edwards Iorwerth Eiddon Stephen (eds.) - Тhe Cambridge Ancient History. Plates to Volumes I and II, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1977
Solmsen Friedrich - Isis Among the Greeks and Romans, Cambridge (MA), Harvard University Press, 1979
Sottas Henri - Papyrus Démotiques de Lille. Tome 1er, Paris, Paul Geuthner, 1921
Sources Orientales. Tome I-VIII, Paris, Éditions du Seuil, 1959-1971
Sourouzian Hourig - Catalogue de la statuaire royale de la XIXe dynastie, Le Caire, Imprimerie de l'Institut français d'archéologie orientale, 2019 [BdE/BiEtud 177]
Sourouzian Hourig, Saleh Mohamed - Official Catalogue of The Egyptian Museum in Cairo, Cairo-Mainz, Organisation of Egyptian Antiquities- Philipp von Zabern, 1987
Sousa Rogério , Céu Fialho Maria do, Haggag Mona, Simões Rodrigues Nuno - Alexandrea ad Aegyptvm – The Legacy of Multiculturalism in Antiquity, Porto - Coimbra - Alexandria, Edições Afrontamento - Centro de Investigação Transdisciplinar «Cultura, Espaço e Memória» (CITCEM) - Centro de Estudos Clássicos e Humanísticos, Universidade de Coimbra (CECH) - Alexandria University, 2013
Sousa Rogério (ed.) - Body, Cosmos and Eternity: New Trends of Research on Iconography and Symbolism of Ancient Egyptian Coffins, Oxford, Archaeopress, 2014
Sousa Rogério - Gilded Flesh: Coffins and Afterlife in Ancient Egypt, Oxford - Philadelphia, Oxbow Books, 2019
Sousa Rogério - Gleaming coffins: Iconography and symbolism in Theban coffin decoration (21st dynasty). Vol. I: The sheltering sky, Coimbra , Coimbra University Press, 2018
Sousa Rogério, Haslund Hansen Anne - The Tomb of the Priests of Amun. Burial Assemblages at the National Museum of Denmark, Leiden-Boston, Brill, 2022
Sousa Rogério - “Yellow” Coffins from Thebes: Recording and Decoding Complexity in Egyptian Funerary Arts (21st – 22nd Dynasties), Oxford, BAR Publishing, 2020
Southern Patricia - Antony & Cleopatra: The Doomed Love Affair That United Ancient Rome & Egypt, Stroud (GL), Amberley Publishing, 2012
Souto Castro Iria - Personal Religion in Domestic Contexts during the New Kingdom: The Impact of the Amarna Period, Oxford, Archaeopress, 2023
Sowada Karin N. - Egypt in the Eastern Mediterranean during the Old Kingdom. An Archaeological Perspective, Fribourg - Göttingen, Editions Universitaires- Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2009
Sowada Karin N. - Egypt in the Eastern Mediterranean During the Old Kingdom. A re- appraissal of the archaeological evidence, Sydney, University of Sydney, 2001
Sowada Karin, Callaghan Tracey, Bentley Paul - The Teti Cemetery at Saqqara. Volume 4: Minor Burials and Other Material, Warminster, Arris & Phillips, 1999
Spalinger Anthony John - The Books behind the Masks. Sources of Warfare Leadership in Ancient Egypt, Leiden-Boston, Brill, 2021
Spalinger Anthony - Feasts and Fights. Essays on Time in Ancient Egypt, New Haven (CT), Yale Egyptological Institute, 2017
Spalinger Anthony - Five Views on Egypt, Göttingen, Seminar für Ägyptologie und Koptologie, 2006
Spalinger Anthony - The Great Dedicatory Inscription of Ramesses II. A Solar-Osirian Tractate at Abydos, Leiden- Boston, Brill, 2009
Spalinger Anthony - Leadership under fire: the pressures of warfare in Ancient Egypt. Four leçons at the Collège de France, Paris, June 2019, Paris, Éditions Soleb, 2020
Spalinger Anthony J. (ed.) - Revolutions in Time: Studies in Ancient Egyptian Calendrics, San Antonio (TX), Van Siclen Books, 1994
Spalinger Anthony J. , Armstrong Jeremy (eds.) -Rituals of Triumph in the Mediterranean World, Leiden- Boston, Brill, 2013
Spalinger Anthony J. - War in Ancient Egypt: The New Kingdom, Maldon (MA)-Oxford-Victoria(AU), Blackwell Publishing, 2005