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Aidan Dodson - Tutankhamun, King of Egypt: His Life and Afterlife, Cairo - New York, The American University in Cairo Press, 2022

Jean Capart - Tout-Ankh-Amon, Bruxelles, Vromant, 1943

Nozomu Kawai - Studies in the Reign of Tutankhamun, Baltimore, John Hopkins University, 2005  

 - Charlotte Booth - The Boy Behind the Mask. Meeting the Real Tutankhamun, Oxford, One World Publications, 2007

 - David Murdoch - Tutankhamun: The Life and Death of a Pharaoh, London-New York, Dorling Kindersley, 2003

Marianne Eaton-Krauss - The unknown Tutankhamun, London- New York, Bloomsbury Academic, 2016  

Bill Price - Tutankhamun. Egypt's most famous pharaoh, Herpenden, Pocket Essentials,2007  

اتاريخ توت عنخ آمون(The Tutankhamun Chronicle) 

Боб Брайър - Убийството на Тутанкамон. Истинската история, София, ЖАР - Жанет Аргирова, 2002

Ancient Egypt’s Most Famous Royal Family: The Lives and Deaths of Akhenaten, Nefertiti, and Tutankhamun, Ann Arbor (MI), Charles River Editors, 2019

Aidan Dodson - Amarna Sunset: Nefertiti, Tutankhamun, Ay, Horemheb, and the Egyptian Counter-Reformation, Cairo-New York, The American Univerity in Cairo Press, 2009  

Marc Gabolde - Toutankhamon, Paris, Pygmalion, 2015

- Marc Gabolde - D'Akhénaton à Toutânkhamon, Lyon, Université Lumière-Lyon 2 - Institut d'Archéologie et d'Histoire de l'Antiquité, 1998  

Bob Brier - The Murder of Tutankhamen: A True Story, New York, Berkeley Books, 2005

Bob Brier - Der Mordfall Tutanchamun, München,Piper Verlag, 2000

Боб Брайър - Убийството на Тутанкамон. Истинската история, София, ЖАР - Жанет Аргирова, 2002

Howard Carter, Arthur C. Mace - The tomb of Tutankhamun. Volume I-III, London-New York, Cassell & Co. - George H. Doran Co., 1923 -1933

- Howard Carter - La Tumba De Tutankhamón, Barcelona, Ediciones Orbis, 1985  

- Говард Картер - Гробница Тутанхамона, Москва, Издательство Восточной Литературы, 1959  

- Grafton Elliot Smith - Tutankhamen and the discovery of his tomb by the late Earl of Carnarvon and Mr. Howard Carter, London- New York, G. Routledge & Sons-E.P. Dutton & Co, 1923  

Christina Riggs - Treasured: How Tutankhamun Shaped a Century, New York, Public Affairs, 2021

 - Michael and Mery B. Woods - The tomb of king Tutankhamen, Minneapolis, Twenty-First Century Books, 2008

- Jon S. Arakaki - The Glint of Gold: Press Coverage of the Discovery of Tutankhamun's Tomb, Las Vegas, University of Nevada, 1999  

Zahi Hawass - The Golden Age of Tutankhamun: Divine Might and Splendor in the New Kingdom, Cairo-New York, The American University in Cairo Press, 2004  

Zahi Hawass - Tutankhamun and the Golden Age of the Pharaohs. A souvenir book, Washington D.C., National Geographic, 2005

David P. Silverman - Masterpieces of Tutankhamun, New York, Abbeville Press, 1978

Bob Brier - Tutankhamun and the Tomb that Changed the World, Oxford - New York, Oxford University Press, 2023

- حقيقة أعظم لغز أثري توت عنخ آمون مؤامرة الخروج أندرو كولينز وكريس أوجيلفي هيرالد (Andrew Collins, Chris Ogilvie-Herald - The Tutankhamon tomb - the greatest archaeological mistery)  

 - Daniel Meyerson - In the Valley of the Kings: Howard Carter and the Mystery of King Tutankhamun's Tomb, New York, Ballantine Books, 2009 

Исидор С. Кацнельсон - Тутанхамон и сокровища его гробницы, Москва, Наука, 1976

Toby Wilkinson - Tutankhamun's Trumpet: The Story of Ancient Egypt in 100 Objects, London, Picador, 2022

- John Coleman Darnell, Colleen Manassa - Tutankhamun's Armies. Battle and Conquest During Ancient Egypt's Late Eighteenth Dynasty, Hoboken (NJ), John Wiley & Sons, 2007  

- Joseph Vergote – Toutankhamon dans les archives hittites, Istanbul, Nederlands Historisch- Archaeologisch Instituut voor het Nabije Oosten, 1961  

Andre J. Veldmeijer - Tutankhamun’s Footwear: Studies of Ancient Egyptian Footwear, Leiden, Sidestone Press,2011   

 - Wallace McLeod - The composite bows from the tomb of Tutankhamun, Oxford, Griffith Institute- Oxford University Press, 1970

Joyce A. Tyldesley - Tutankhamen: The Search for an Egyptian King, New York, Basic Books, 2012

Joyce Tyldesley - Tutankhamen’s Curse: The developing history of an Egyptian king, London, Profile Books, 2012

Joyce A. Tyldesley - La maldición de Tutankamón: La historia de un rey egipcio, Barcelona, Ariel, 2012

Кристиана Дерош-Ноблькур - Тутанхамон. Сын Осириса, Москва, Центрполиграф, 2010

William W. Lace - King Tut's Curse, San Diego (CA), ReferencePoint Press, 2013

Kenneth A. Kitchen - Suppiluliuma and the Amarna Pharaohs: A Study in Relative Chronology, Chicago (IL), Argonaut Inc., 1969

John Romer, Elizabeth Romer - The Rape of Tutankhamun, London, Michael O’Mara Books Limited, 1993

 - Lori Wong (ed.) - The Conservation and Management of the Tomb of Tutankhamen (KV62): A Project Bibliography, Los Angeles, Getty Conservation Institute, 2013  




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