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This is the "C - letter" list from my new alphabetical catalogue, presenting my book files collection for free downloading. The items are arranged according authors (editors) last names.
In this section you can find works of the famous father of modern egyptology - Jean-François Champollion (1790-1832), and so his less known but not less talented brother Jacques Joseph Champollion-Figeac (1768-1867), of the Howard Carter (1874-1939), who discovered the Tutankhamun tomb, illustrious Czekh classic worked in England - Jaroslav Černý (1898-1970), French archaeologist Émile Gaston Chassinat (1868-1948) worked in Edfu, expert in prehistory Ver Gordon Childe (1892-1957) from Australia, expert on the New Kingdom Eric H. Cline (b. 1960), modern French archaeologist Sylvie Cauville, who is excavating mainly in Dendara, , her colleague translated a lot of classical Egyptian written monuments - Claude Carrier (b. 1936), original egyptologists from Italy- Giacomo Cavillier, from Poland - Krzysztof M. Ciałowicz  and from Romania - Miron Ciho, egyptologist from  UCLA Kathlyn M. (Kara) Cooney, Portuguese scholar Telo Ferreira Canhão, specialist in Coptic language Walter Ewing Crum (1865-1944), expert on Roman Egypt Livia Capponi, unique German writer popularizing amazing work of the archaeologists - C.W. Ceram (1915-1972) and many others. 


Claes Wouter, Meyer Marleen de, Eyckerman Merel, Huyge Dirk (eds.) - Remove that Pyramid! Studies on the Archaeology and History of Predynastic and Pharaonic Egypt in Honour of Stan Hendrickx, Leuven - Paris - Bristol (CT), Peeters Publishers, 2021

Clagett Marshall - Ancient Egyptian Science: A Source Book. Volume I-III, Philadelphia, American Philosophical Society, 1989-1999  

Clark Reg - Securing Eternity. Ancient Egyptian Tomb Protection from Prehistory to the Pyramids, Cairo - New York, American University in Cairo Press, 2019

Clark Reg - Tomb Security in Ancient Egypt from the Predynastic to the Pyramid Age, Oxford, Archaeopress, 2016

Clarke Hyde - Memoir on the comparative grammar of Egyptian, Coptic, & Ude, London, Trübner & Co., 1873  

Clarke Thérèse - The Overseer of Upper Egypt in Egypt's Old Kingdom. A re-examination of the role of the Overseer of Upper Egypt during the Old Kingdom. Volume I-II, Sydney, Macquarie University, 2009

Clarysse Willy, Blasco Torres Ana I. (eds.) - Egyptian Language in Greek Sources. Scripta Onomastica of Jan Quaegebeur, Leuven - Paris - Bristol (CT), Peeters Publishers, 2019

Clarysse Willy, Schoors Antoon, Willems Harco (eds.) - Egyptian Religion The Last Thousand Years: Studies dedicated to the memory of Jan Quaegebeur. Volumes I-II, Leuven, Peeters, 1998  

Claude Marion, Chapon Lindа, Bouhafs Amel, Danilova Margarita, Dautais Louis, Fathy Noemie, Fernández Pichel Abraham Ignacio, Guigner Mallaury, Pinon Marianne, Valerio Marta (eds.) - Current Research in Egyptology 2022. Proceedings of the Twenty-Second Annual Symposium, Université Paul-Valéry Montpellier 3, 26-30 September 2022, Oxford, Archaeopress, 2023

Clayton Matt - Egyptian Gods. A Captivating Guide to Atum, Horus, Seth, Isis, Anubis, Ra, Thoth, Sekhmet, Geb, Hathor and Other Gods and Goddesses of Ancient Egypt, Charleston (SC), CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 2020

Clayton Matt - Egyptian Mythology: Captivating Stories of the Gods, Goddesses, Monsters and Mortals, Charleston (SC), CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 2017  

Clayton Peter A. - Chronicle of the Pharaohs: The Reign-by-Reign Record of the Rulers and Dynasties of Ancient Egypt, London-New York, Thames & Hudson, 2001  

Clerc Gisèle, Leclant Jean - Inventaire Bibliographique Des Isiaca (IBIS). Répertoire analytique des travaux relatifs à la diffusion des cultes isiaques, 1940-1969. Tome III-IV: L-Z, Leiden, E.J. Brill, 1985-1991

Clère Jacques Jean, Bisson de la Roque Fernand - Rapports sur les fouilles de Médamoud, années 1927-1928, Le Caire, Institut français d'archéologie orientale, 1928-1929 [FIFAO 5.1, 6.1]  

Clère Jacques Jean, Černý Jaroslav, Bruyère Bernard - Répertoire Onomastique de Deir El Médineh, Le Caire, Institut français d'archéologie orientale, 1949 [DFIFAO 12]

Clère Jacques Jean , Vandier Jacques - Textes de la première période intermédiaire et de la XIème dynastie, Ier fascicule, Bruxelles, Fondation Égyptologique Reine Élisabeth, 1948 [BiAe 10]  

Cline Eric H.- 1177 B.C.: The Year Civilization Collapsed, Princeton-Oxford, Princeton University Press, 2014  

Cline Eric H., O'Connor David (eds.) - Amenhotep III. Perspectives of His Reign, Ann Arbor, University of Michigan Press, 1998  

Cline Eric H.(ed.) - The Oxford Handbook of the Bronze Age Aegean (ca. 3000–1000 BC), Oxford-New York, Oxford University Press, 2010  

Cline Eric H., O'Connor David (eds.) - Ramesses III. The Life and Times of Egypt's Last Hero, Ann Arbor (MI), University of Michigan Press, 2012  

Cline Eric H. , O'Connor David (eds.) - Thutmose III: A New Biography, Ann Arbor (MC), University of Michigan, 2009  

Coale Ansley J., Frier Bruce W. , Bagnall Roger S. - The Demography of Roman Egypt, Cambridge-New York, Cambridge University Press, 2006  

Cochavi-Rainey Zipora, Rainey Anson F. , Schniedewind William M. - The El-Amarna correspondence : a new edition of the cuneiform letters from the site of El-Amarna based on collations of all extant tablets. Volume 1-2, Leiden-Boston, Brill, 2015  

Cockburn Aidan, Cockburn Eve & Reyman Theodore A. (eds.) - Mummies, disease & ancient cultures  

Cockitt Jenefer, Metcalfe Ryan, David Rosalie (eds.) - Palaeopathology in Egypt and Nubia. A century in review, Oxford, Archaeopress, 2014

Coffin Texts, Volume I-VIII, Chicago, The University of Chicago Press, 1935-2006  

Cohen Shaye J.D., Schwartz Joshua J. (eds.) - Studies in Josephus and the Varieties of Ancient Judaism , Leiden-Boston, Brill, 2007  

Colburn Henry Preater - The Archaeology of Achaemenid Rule in Egypt, Ann Arbor (MI), University of Michigan, 2014  

Cole Stephen W., Machinist Peter - Letters from Assyrian and Babylonian Priests to Kings Esarhaddon and Assurbanipal, Helsinki, Helsinki University Press, 1998 [SAA 13]

Colin Frederic - Les Libyens en Egypte (XVe siècle a.C.-IIe siècle p.C.). Onomastique et histoire. Volume I-II, Bruxelles, Université Libre de Bruxelles, 1996  

Colla Elliott - Conflicted Antiquities: Egyptology, Egyptomania, Egyptian Modernity, Durham (NC), Duke University Press, 2008  

Colla Elliott - Hooked on pharaonics Literature and the appropriations of ancient Egypt, Berkeley (CA), Univesrsity of California, 2000  

Collado Hinarejos Benjamín - Sexo y erotismo en el Antiguo Egipto, Valencia, Benjamín Collado Hinarejos 2015

Colledge Sarah Louise - The Process of Cursing in Ancient Egypt, Liverpool, University of Liverpool, 2015

Collier Mark A., Allen James P., Stauder Andreas (eds.) - Coping With Obscurity: The Brown Workshop on Earlier Egyptian Grammar, Atlanta (GA), Lockwood Press, 2016 [Wilbour Studies in Egyptology and Assyriology 3]

Collier Mark, Manley Bil - How to read Egyptian hieroglyphs. A Step-by-Step Guide to Teach Yourself, London, British Museum Press, 1999  

Collier Mark, Manley Bil - Introducción a Los Jeroglíficos Egipcios, Madrid, Alianza Editorial, 2001  

Collier Mark A. - Middle Egyptian course 1995-96: introduction to the ancient Egyptian language and script, Liverpool, Mark A. Collier, 2004

Collier Mark, Quirke Stephen - The UCL Lahun Papyri: 1-2, Oxford, BAR Publishing, 2002-2004

Collier Sandra A. - The crowns of Pharaoh : their development and significance in Ancient Egyptian Kingship, Los Angeles, University of California, 1996  

Collins Billie Jean - A History of the Animal World in the Ancient Near East, Leiden- Boston- Köln, Brill, 2002  

Collombert Philippe, Lefèvre Dominique, Polis Stéphane, Winand Jean (éd.) - Aere perennius. Mélanges égyptologiques en l'honneur de Pascal Vernus, Leuven - Paris - Bristol (CT), Uitgeverij Peeters, 2016

Colonna Angelo - Religious Practice and Cultural Construction of Animal Worship in Egypt from the Early Dynastic to the New Kingdom. Ritual forms, material display, historical development, Oxford, Archaeopress, 2021

Conde Jesús Rodríguez - Egipto : cultura escrita. Edición de consulta, Madrid, e# Editions, 2007  

Conder C.R. - The Tell Amarna tablets , London, Palestine Exploration Fund - A.P. Watt & Son, 1894  

Connor Simon - Ancient Egyptian Statues: Their Many Lives and Deaths, Cairo, The American University in Cairo Press, 2022

Connor Simon - Être et paraître: Statues royales et privées de la fin du Moyen Empire et de da Deuxième Période intermédiaire (1850-1550 av. J.-C.), London, Golden House Publications, 2020

Contenau Georges, Duchesne-Guillemin Jacques, Drioton Etienne - Les religions de l'Orient ancien, Paris, Arthème Fayard, 1956

Conti Flavio - Wie erkenne ich Altägyptische Kunst. Architektur, Skulptur, Mallerei, Stuttgart-Zürich, Beltser, 1986  

Cooke Neil (ed.) - Journeys Erased by Time. The Rediscovered Footprints of Travellers in Egypt and the Near East, Oxford, Archaeopress, 2019

Cooney Kathlyn (Kara) - The Cost of Death: The Social and Economic Value of Ancient Egyptian Funerary Art in the Ramesside Period, Leiden, Nederlands Instituut voor het Nabije Oosten, 2007  

Cooney Kara - The Good Kings: Absolute Power in Ancient Egypt and the Modern World, Washington DC, National Geographic, 2021

Cooney Kathlyn M. , Jasnow Richard (eds.) - Joyful in Thebes: Egyptological Studies in Honor of Betsy M. Bryan, Atlanta (GA), Lockwood Press, 2015

Cooney Kaithlyn Mary - The value of private funerary art in Ramesside period Egypt, Baltimore (MA), John Hopkins University, 2002  

Cooney Kara - When Women Ruled the World: Six Queens of Egypt, Washington DC, National Geographic, 2018

Cooney Kathlyn (Kara) - The Woman Who would be King: Hatshepsut's rise to power in Ancient Egypt, New York, Crown Publishing Group, 2014  

Cooney William - Egypt’s encounter with the West: Race, Culture and Identity, Durham, Durham University, 2011  

Cooper Julien Charles - Toponymy on the Periphery: Placenames of the Eastern Desert, Red Sea, and South Sinai in Egyptian Documents from the Early Dynastic Until the End of the New Kingdom, Leiden - Boston, Brill, 2020

Cooper Louise, Brand Peter J. (eds) - Causing His Name To Live. Studies in Egyptian Epigraphy and History in Memory of William J. Murnane, Leiden-Boston, Brill, 2009  

Coppens Filip, Bárta Miroslav, Jaromír Krejčí (eds.) - Abusir & Saqqara in the Year 2015, Prague, Charles University: Faculty of Arts, 2017

Coppens Filip, Janák Jirí, Vymazalová Hana (eds.) - Royal versus Divine Authority. Acquisition, Legitimization and Renewal of Power. 7th Symposium on Egyptian Royal Ideology: Prague, June 26–28, 2013, Wiesbaden, Otto Harrassowitz Verlag, 2015 [Königtum, Staat und Gesellschaft früher Hochkulturen 4.4]

Coppens Filip, Bárta Miroslav, Vymazalová Hana - Tomb of Hetepi (AS20) Tombs As 33-35 and As 50-53, Prague, Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Arts, 2010 [Abusir Monographs 19]


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