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Henry Tattam, Thomas Young - A compendious grammar of the Egyptian language as contained in the Coptic and Sahidic dialects; with observations on the Bashmuric: together with alphabets and numerals in the hieroglyphic and enchorial characters, London, John Murray, 1830

Leo Depuydt - Conjunction, Contiguity, Contingency: On Relationships between Events in the Egyptian and Coptic Verbal Systems, New York-Oxford, Oxford University Press, 1993  

Bentley Layton - A Coptic Grammar: With Chrestomathy and Glossary. Sahidic dialect, Wiesbaden, Harrasowitz Verlag, 2000  

Bentley Layton - Coptic Gnostic Chrestomathy: A Selection of Coptic Texts with Grammatical Analysis and Glossary , Leuven - Paris - Dudley, Peeters, 2004

Bentley Layton - Coptic in 20 Lessons: Introduction to Sahidic Coptic with Exercises and Vocabularies, Leuven - Paris - Dudley, Peeters, 2007

Jaroslav Cerny - Coptic etymological dictionary, Cambridge-London, Cambridge University Press, 1976  

Walter C. Till - Koptische Chrestomathe fur den fayumischen Dialekt mit grammatischer Skizze und Anmerkungen, Wien, Selbsverlag der Arbetisgemeinschaft der Agyptologen und Afrikanisten in Wien, 1930  

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 - Walter Ewing Crum - A Coptic Dictionary, London, Sandpiper Books Ltd., 2000

 - Wolfhart Westendorf - Koptisches Handwörterbuch. Bearbeitet auf der Grundlage des Koptischen Handwörterbuchs von Wilhelm Spiegelberg, Heidelberg, Carl Winter Universitätsverlag, 1977

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Hans Jakob Polotsky - Scripta Posteriora on Egyptian and Coptic, Göttingen, Seminar für Ägyptologie und Koptologie, 2007

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Edward O. D. Love - Code-switching with the Gods. The Bilingual (Old Coptic-Greek) Spells of PGM IV (P. Bibliothèque Nationale Supplément Grec. 574) and their Linguistic, Religious, and Socio-Cultural Context in Late Roman Egypt, Berlin - Boston, De Gruyter, 2016

Ahmad Abdel Hamid Youssef - From Pharaoh's Lips. Ancient Egyptian Language In The Arabic Of Today, Cairo- New York, American University in Cairo, 2003    

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Jean-Luc Fournet - The Rise of Coptic: Egyptian versus Greek in Late Antiquity, Princeton (NJ) - Oxford, Princeton University Press, 2019

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Herbert Thompson - Theban ostraca : Edited from the originals, now mainly in the Royal Ontario Museum of Archaeology, Toronto, and the Bodleian Library, Oxford. Part IV: Coptic Texts, London- Oxford, Humphrey Milford- Oxford University Press, 1913

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Klaas Anthony Worp - A New Survey of Greek, Coptic, Demotic and Latin Tabulae Preserved from Classical Antiquity, Köln - Leuven, Trismegistos, 2012

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Edward O. D. Love - Petitioning Osiris: The Old Coptic Schmidt Papyrus and Curse of Artemisia in Context among the Letters to Gods from Egypt, Berlin-Boston, De Gruyter, 2023



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