Сряда, 03.07.2024, 13:27
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- Oric Bates - The eastern Libyans: an essay, London, Macmillan & Co., 1914  

- William Cooney - Egypt’s encounter with the West: Race, Culture and Identity, Durham, Durham University, 2011  

- Frederic Colin - Les Libyens en Egypte (XVe siècle a.C.-IIe siècle p.C.). Onomastique et histoire. Volume I-II, Bruxelles, Université Libre de Bruxelles, 1996  

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Gerard P.F. Broekman, Rob J. Demaree, Olaf E. Kaper (eds.) - The Libyan Period in Egypt : Historical and Cultural Studies into the 21st - 24th Dynasties: Proceedings of a Conference at Leiden University, 25-27 October 2007, Leiden - Leuven, Nederlands Instituut voor het Nabije Oosten - Peeters, 2009

- Robert K. Ritner - Libyan Anarchy. Inscriptions from the Egypt's Third intermediate period, Atlanta (GA), Society of Biblical Literature, 2009  

- Heidi Saleh - Investigating Ethnic and Gender Identities as Expressed on Wooden Funerary Stelae from the Libyan Period (c.1069-715 B.C.E.) in Egypt , Berkeley, University of California, 2006    

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Jacek Kabaciński, Marek Chłodnicki, Michał Kobusiewicz (eds.) - Prehistory of Northeastern Africa. New Ideas and Discoveries, Poznań, Poznań Archaelogical Museum, 2012

Lech Krzyżaniak, Karla Kroeper, Michał Kobusiewicz (eds.) - Cultural Markers in the Later Prehistory of Northeastern Africa and Recent Research, Poznań, Poznań Archaelogical Museum, 2003

Karla Kroeper, Marek Chłodnicki, Michał Kobusiewicz (eds.) - Archaeology of Early Northeastern Africa. In Memory of Lech Krzyżaniak, Poznań, Poznań Archaelogical Museum, 2006

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Eva Lange-Athinodorou - Sedfestritual und Königtum: Die Reliefdekoration am Torbau Osorkons II im Tempel der Bastet von Bubastis, Wiesbaden, Otto Harrassowitz Verlag, 2019

Neal Spencer - Kom Firin I-II, London, British Museum Press, 2008-2014

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Jean Vercoutter - Les objets égyptiens et égyptisants du mobilier funeraire Carthaginois, Paris, Librairie Orientaliste Paul Geuthner, 1945




Category: Статии | Added by: Admin (01.07.2017)
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1 Admin  
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Last look: December 2018.

2 mumusriadh  
bonjour, il manque ces documents : Libya and Egypt c1300-750 BC / Leahy Anthony. - Londres : Centre of Near and Middle Eastern Studies, School of Oriental and African Studies, 1990. - p.29-113
The Nature of Tjemhu (Libyan) Society in the Later New Kingdom / O'Connor David

bonne continuation

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