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Luise Klebs - Die Reliefs und Malereien: Material zur ägyptischen Kulturgeschichte, Heidelberg, Carl Winters Universitätsbuchhandlung, 1922-1934

Robert Boulanger - La peinture égyptienne et l'Orient ancien, Lausanne, Rencontre, 1965

H.M. Stewart - Egyptian Stelae, Reliefs and Paintings from the Petrie Collection: Part I-III, Warminster, Aris & Phillips, 1976-1983

Francis David Lankester - Predynastic & Pharaonic era Rock-Art in Egypt’s Central Eastern Desert: Distribution, Dating & Interpretation, Durham, Durham University, 2012  

Дмитрий Б. Прусаков - Додинастический Египет. Лодка у истоков цивилизации, Москва, Университет Дмитрия Пожарского, 2015

- Miroslav Bárta - Swimmers in the Sand. On the Neolithic Origins of Ancient Egyptian Mythology and Symbolism, Prague, Dryada, 2010  

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William Vivian Davies (ed.) - Colour and Painting in Ancient Egypt, London, British Museum Press, 2001

Charles K. Wilkinson - Egyptian Wall Paintings: The Metropolitan Museum of Art's Collection of Facsimiles, New York, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1983 

Robert Boulanger - La peinture égyptienne et l'Orient ancien, Lausanne, Rencontre, 1965

- Nina M. Davies, Alan Gardiner - Ancient Egyptian Paintings Selected, Copied, and Described. Volume I-III, Chicago, The University of Chicago Press, 1936

- T.G.H. James - Egyptian Painting and Drawing in the British Museum, London-Cambridge (MA), British Museum-Harvard University Press, 1986

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 Bertha Porter & Rosalind L. B. Moss - Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts,Reliefs & Paintings. Volume I-VII, Oxford, Clarendon Press-Griffith Institute-Oxford University Press, 1970-1991 

- William H. Peck, John G. Ross - Egyptian drawings, New York, E.P. Dutton, 1978  

Hans A. Winkler - Rock Drawings of Southern Upper Egypt, Part I-II, London, Egypt Exploration Fund- Humphrey Milford, 1938-1939

Francis David Lankester - Predynastic & Pharaonic era Rock-Art in Egypt’s Central Eastern Desert: Distribution, Dating & Interpretation, Durham, Durham University, 2012  

Yvonne Harpur - Decoration in Egyptian Tombs of the Old Kingdom: Studies In Orientation and Scene Content, London-New York, Kegan Paul International, 1987

 -  Martin Fitzenreiter, Michael Herb (Hrsg.) - Dekorierte Grabanlagen im Alten Reich. Methodik und Interpretation. Text/ Abildungen, Berlin- London, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin: Seminar für Archäologie und Kulturgeschichte Nordostafrikas, 2006 [IBAES VI]

Christiane Ziegler - Catalogue des stèles, peintures et reliefs égyptiens de l'Ancien Empire et de la Première Période Intermédiaire vers 2686-2040 avant J.-C. Partie I-III, Paris, Réunion des musées nationaux - Musee du Louvre- Ministère de la Culture, de la Communication, des Grands Travaux et du Bicentenaire, 1990  

Betsy Bryan, Peter F. Dorman (eds.) - Mural Decoration in the Theban Necropolis. Papers from the Theban Workshop 2016, Chicago, Institute for the Study of Ancient Cultures, 2023

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Friedrich Abitz - Baugeschichte und Dekoration des Grabes Ramses’ VI, Fribourg - Göttingen, Universitatsverlag Fribourg- Vanderhoeck & Ruprecht, 1989

Gabrielle Heffernan - Royal Images in Private Tombs at Thebes in the early Ramesside Period, Birmingham, The University of Birmingham, 2010  

 - Nina de Garis Davies - Scenes From Some Theban Tombs (nos 34,66, 162 with excerpts from 81), Oxford, Griffith Institute-Oxford University Press, 1963

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Georgia Barker - Funerary models vs. wall scenes: a study of agricultural pursuits and food production to the end of the Middle Kingdom, Sydney, Macquarie University, 2016

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 - Cheryl Anne Delson - A Nilotic landscape painting from the J. Paul Getty Museum : a visual connection to the cult of Isis, Long Beach, California State University, 1999

 - Emma Brunner-Traut - Egyptian Artists' Sketches. Figured Ostraka from the Gayer-Anderson Collection in the Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge, Istanbul-Leiden, Nederlands Historisch-Archaeologisch Instituut in het Nabije Oosten, 1979

Михаил Андреевич Чегодаев - Папирусная графика древнего Египта: Рисунки на папирусах "Книги Мертвых" 18-19 династий, Москва, Государственный институт искусствознания МК РФ, 2002

Mykola Tarasenko - Studies on the Vignettes from Chapter 17 of the Book of the Dead I. The Image of mś.w Bdšt in Ancient Egyptian Mythology, Oxford, Archaeopress, 2016

Jennifer Miyuki Babcock - Ancient Egyptian Animal Fables. Tree Climbing Hippos and Ennobled Mice, Leiden - Boston, Brill, 2022

Georgia Barker - Preparing for Eternity: Funerary models and wall scenes from the Egyptian Old and Middle Kingdoms, Oxford, BAR Publishing, 2022

Abeer El-Shahawy - The Funerary Art of Ancient Egypt: A Bridge to the Realm of the Hereafter, Cairo, Farid Atiya Press, 2005

Anne-Marie Guimier-Sorbets - Mosaïques d'Alexandrie: Pavements d'Égypte grecque et romaine, Centre d'Études, Alexandrie, Centre d'Études Alexandrines (CEALEX), 2019



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