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This is the "P- letter"  list from my new alphabetical catalogue, presenting my book files collection for free downloading. The items are arranged according authors (editors) last names. In this section you can find works of the prominent Alexandrian authors from Antiquity: Claudius Ptolemy (c. 100-170 CE) and Philo Judaeus (c. 20 BCE-70 CE), British egyptologists: the great sir William Matthew Flinders Petrie (1853-1942), Thomas Eric Peet (1882-1934), prominent egyptologist from Chicago Richard Anthony Parker (1905-1993), academic fellow Richard B. Parkinson (b. 1963), expert on Egyptian religion and magic Geraldine Pinch (b. 1951), topographical bibliographer Bertha Porter (1852-1941), specialist on Ancient Egyptian graffiti Alexander John Peden, French authors: famous expert on Ancient Egyptian literature from Russian descent Alexandre Piankoff (1897-1966), archaeologist Georges Perrot (1832-1914), recognized worldwide Chinese egyptologist and anthropologist Mu-chou Poo (b. 1952), Belgian historian Jacques Pirenne (1891-1972), Spanish egyptologists: Jose Miguel Parra Ortiz from Madrid, Francisco José Presedo Velo (1923-2000) from Sevilla and  Josep Padro from University of Barcelona, Czekh investigator on Egyptian mythology Martin Pehal, Finnish expert on Assyria Simo Parpola (b. 1943) and many others.


Pfeiffer Stefan, Minas-Nerpel Martina , Lembke Katja (eds.) - Tradition and Transformation. Egypt under Roman Rule, Leiden-Boston, Brill, 2010  

Pfrommer Michael - Greek Gold from Hellenistic Egypt, Los Angeles, Getty Museum Publications, 2001  

Phillips Rebecca - Documenting Socio-Economic Variability in the Egyptian Neolithic Through Stone Artefacts Analysis, Aucland, The University of Aucland, 2012  

Philo Alexandrinus (Iudaeus) - The works of Philo Judaeus. Volume I-IV, London, Henry G. Bohn, 1854-1855  

Piacentini Patrizia - Les Scribes dans la Société Égyptienne de l'Ancien Empire. Volume I. Les premières dynasties, les nécropoles memphites, Paris, Cybele, 2002  

Piankoff Alexandre - Les Chapelles De Tout Ankh Amon. Fascicule Premier, Le Caire, Institut français d'archéologie orientale, 1951-1952 [MIFAO 72.1-2]  

Piankoff Alexandre - Le coeur dans les textes Égyptiens depuis l'Ancien jusqu'à la fin du Nouvel Empire, Paris, Librairie Orientaliste Paul Geuthner, 1930

Piankoff Alexandre - La création du disque solaire, Le Caire, Institut français d'archéologie orientale du Caire, 1953 , Le Caire, Institut français d'archéologie orientale du Caire, 1942 [BiEtud/BdE 19]  

Piankoff  Alexandre - The Litany of Re, New York, Bollingen Foundation - Pantheon Books, 1964

Piankoff Alexandre - Le livre du jour et de la nuit, Le Caire, Institut français d'archéologie orientale du Caire, 1942 [BiEtud/BdE 13]  

Piankoff Alexandre - Le Livre des Portes. I-III, Le Caire, Institut français d'archéologie orientale, 1939-1962 [MIFAO 74.1-2/75.1-2, 90]  

Piankoff Alexandre - Mythological Papyri. Volume I-III, New York, Pantheon Books, 1957  

Piankoff Alexandre - The Pyramid of Unas. Texts translated with commentary, Princeton (NJ), Princeton University Press, 1968

Piankoff Alexandre - The Tomb of Ramesses VI. Volume I-II, New York, Pantheon Books, 1954

Piankoff Alexandre - The Wandering of the Soul, New York, Bollingen Foundation - Princeton University Press, 1974

Picardo Nicholas S., Doxey Denise M., Berman Laurence M., Freed Rita E. - The Secrets of Tomb 10A: Egypt 2000 BC, Boston (MA), Museum of Fine Arts, 2009  

Picatoste José Ramón Pérez-Accino - Topografía de la legitimidad. Paisaje y arquitectura como metáfora a comienzos de la XVIII dinastía egipcia, Madrid, Universidad Complutense, 1998  

Picchi Daniela, Buzi Paola, Ascani Karen (eds.) - The Forgotten Scholar: Georg Zoëga (1755–1809): At the Dawn of Egyptology and Coptic Studies, Leiden - Boston, Brill, 2015

Piccione Peter - The historical development of the game of senet and its significance for Egyptian religion, Chicago (IL), The University of Chicago, 1990

Pichel Abraham Ignacio Fernández, Guigner Mallaury, Pinon Marianne, Valerio Marta, Fathy Noemie, Dautais Louis, Danilova Margarita, Claude Marion, Chapon Lindа, Bouhafs Amel (eds.) - Current Research in Egyptology 2022. Proceedings of the Twenty-Second Annual Symposium, Université Paul-Valéry Montpellier 3, 26-30 September 2022, Oxford, Archaeopress, 2023  

Picton Janet , Quirke Stephen, Roberts Paul C. - Living Images. Egyptian Funerary Portraits in the Petrie Museum, London - New York, Routledge, 2017

Piehl Karl - Dictionnaire du Papyrus Harris Nº 1 publié par S. Birch: d'après l'original du British Museum, Wien, Adolph Holzhausen, 1882

Pierce Krystal V. L., Muhlestein Kerry, Jensen Bethany (eds.) - Excavations at the Seila Pyramid and Fag el-Gamous Cemetery, Leiden - Boston, Brill, 2020

Pierce Richard Holton, Hägg Tomas, Eide Tormod, Török László (eds.) - Fontes historiae Nubiorum. Textual sources for the history of the Middle Nile Region between the eighth century BC and the sixth century AD Volume I-IV, Bergen, The University of Bergen, 1994-2000  

Pieron Henri, Gauthier Henri , Chassinat Émile - Fouilles de Qattah, Le Caire, Institut français d'archéologie orientale, 1906 [MIFAO 14]   

Pierret Paul - Comprenant le texte et la traduction d'une stèle éthiopienne inédite et de divers manuscrits religieux: avec un glossaire égyptien grec you décret de Canope, Paris, A. Franck, 1873 [EE 1]  

Pierret Paul - Recueil d'inscriptions inédites du musée égyptien du Louvre, Paris, A. Franck, 1874 [EE 2]  

Pignattari Stefania - Amenemhat IV and the End of the Twelfth Dynasty: Between the End and the Beginning, Oxford, BAR Publishing, 2018

Pilgrim Cornelius von, Serrano Alejandro Jiménez (eds.) - From the Delta to the Cataract. Studies Dedicated to Mohamed el-Bialy, Leiden-Boston, Brill, 2015

Pillet Maurice - Thèbes, Karnak et Louxor, Paris, H. Laurens, 1928

Pinarello Massimiliano S., Yoo Justin, Lundock Jason, Walsh Carl (eds.) - Current Research in Egyptology 2014: Proceedings of the Fifteenth Annual Symposium: University College London and King’s College London April 9–12, 2014: Ancient Egypt in a Global World, Oxford - Philadelphia (PA), Oxbow Books, 2015

Pinch Geraldine - Egyptian myth. A very short introduction, Oxford-New Yok, Oxford University Press, 2004

Pinch Geraldine - Handbook of Egyptian Mythology, Santa Barbara (CA)- Denver (CO) Oxford, ABC Clio, 2002  

Pinch Geraldine - Magic In Ancient Egypt, London, British Museum Press, 1994  

Pinch Geraldine - Votive Offerings to Hathor, Oxford, Griffith Institute-Ashmolean Museum, 1993  

Pinon Marianne, Valerio Marta, Fathy Noemie, Guigner Mallaury, Dautais Louis, Danilova Margarita, Pichel Abraham Ignacio Fernández, Claude Marion, Chapon Lindа, Bouhafs Amel (eds.) - Current Research in Egyptology 2022. Proceedings of the Twenty-Second Annual Symposium, Université Paul-Valéry Montpellier 3, 26-30 September 2022, Oxford, Archaeopress, 2023  

Pintaudi Rosario , Gallazzi Claudio, Worp Klaas A., Wilcken Ulrich - Ostraka greci del Museo egizio del Cairo (O. Cair. GPW), Firenze, Edizioni Gonnelli, 1986 [CG 9501-9711]  

Pino Fernández Cristina, Navarro-Reverter Teresa Armijo, Rodríguez Ángel Sánchez - Ineni. La Tumba Tebana número 81, Sevilla,Ediciones Asociación Andaluza de Egiptología (ASADE), 2006  

Pio Helena - Baboons in Ancient Egyptian art : the significance of the baboon motif in the funerary art of the New Kingdom, Malibu (CA), Stellenbosch, Stellenbosch University, 2018

Piquette Kathryn - An Archaeology of Art and Writing. Early Egyptian Labels in Context, Cologne, Modern Academic Publishing (MAP), 2018

Piquette Kathryn E. - Writing, 'art', and society: a contextual archaeology of the inscribed labels of late predynastic - early dynastic Egypt. Volume I-II. Text-Figures, London, University of London (UCL), 2007

Pirenne Jacques - Histoire de la Civilisation de l'Egypte Ancienne. Tome I-III, Neuchâtel - Paris, La Baconnière - Albin Michel, 1961-1963

Pirenne Jacques - Histoire des institutions et du droit privé de l'ancienne Égypte. Tome I-III, Bruxelles, Fondation Égyptologique Reine Élisabeth, 1932-1935   

Pirenne Jacques - Historia Del Antiguo Egipto. Tomo I-III, Barcelona, Ediciones Océano - Éxito, 1983  

Pischikova Elena, Budka Julia, Griffin Kenneth (eds.) - Thebes in the First Millennium BC, Newcastle upon Tyne, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2014

Pischikova Elena - Tombs of the South Asasif Necropolis: Thebes, Karakhamun (TT 223), and Karabasken (TT 391) in the Twenty-Fifth Dynasty, Cairo, The American University in Cairo Press, 2014




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