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This is the "V- letter" list from my new alphabetical catalogue, presenting my book files collection for free downloading. The items are arranged according authors (editors) last names. In this section you can find works of the remarcable French egyptologists Philippe Virey (1853-1920), Jacques Vandier (1904-1973), Alexandre Varille (1909-1951) and Jean Vercoutter (1911-2000), Egyptian jevelry expert Émile-Séraphin Vernier (1852-1927), Spanish scholars: Ancient Near East historian Ana María Vázquez Hoys (b. 1945) and archaeologist Francisco José Presedo Velo (1923-2000), Dutch egyptologists Herman (Henk) te Velde and Andre J. Veldmeyer, Czekh Old Kingdom expert Miroslav Verner (b. 1941), extremely interesting Portuguese author standing on the crosspoint between egyptology and medicine Paula Alexandra da Silva Veiga, Danish scholar Aksel Volten, German popular author Philipp Vandenberg (b. 1941), sometimes tendentious Belgian egyptologist Claude Vandersleyen (b. 1947) and many others.


Vardinoyannis Marianna V., Zerefos Christos S. (eds.) - Hellenistic Alexandria. Celebrating 24 Centuries, Oxford, Archaeopress, 2018

Varga Edith - Napkorong a fej alatt: Egy egyiptomi sírmelléklet - A Hypokephal - kialakulása, Budapest, Akadémiai Kiadó, 1998

Varille Alexandre - Inscriptions concernant l'architecte Amenhotep fils de Hapou, Le Caire, Institut français d'archéologie orientale du Caire, 1968 [BiEtud/BdE 44]  

Varille Alexandre - Karnak I, Le Caire, Institut français d'archéologie orientale, 1943 [FIFAO 19]  

Varille Alexandre, Robichon Clément - Le Temple du Scribe Royal Amenhotep, Fils de Hapou, Le Caire, Institut français d'archéologie orientale, 1936 [FIFAO 11]  

Varille Alexandre - La tombe de Ni-Ankh-Pepi à Zâouyet el-Mayetîn, Le Caire, Institut français d'archéologie orientale, 1938 [MIFAO 70]   

Vartavan Christian de, Waanders Ingeborg - Anubis - Bibliography on Mummies and Related Subjects, London, Sais Books, 2004

Vartavan Christian de, Amoros Victoria Asensi - Codex of Ancient Egyptian Plant Remains, London, Sais Books, 2010

Vartavan Christian de - Hidden Fields of Tutankhamun: From Identification to Interpretation of Newly Discovered Plant Material from the Pharaoh's Grave, London, Triade Exploration, 1999

Vartavan Christian de - Nil en Ré Majeur: La religion de l'Égypte ancienne expliquée au travers d'unvoyage sur le Nil d’Assouan à Alexandrie, Londres - Paris, Sais Books, 2003

Vartavan Christian de, Waanders Ingeborg, Arakelyan Arminee, Zakharyan Ashkhen - Osiris : Bibliography on the Plants of Ancient Egypt and Related Subjects, London, Sais Books, 2012

Vartavan Christian de - Thoth : Illustrated Bibliography on Ancient Egyptian and Related Subjects, London, Sais Books, 2015

Vartavan Christian de - Vocalized Dictionary of Ancient Egyptian, London, Sais Books, 2016

Vázquez Hoys Ana María - Historia del Mundo Antiguo.Próximo Oriente y Egypto. Volumen I-II, Madrid, Editorial Sanz y Torres, 2004  

Veiga Paula Alexandra da Silva - Health and Medicine in Ancient Egypt: Magic and Science, Oxford, Archaeopress, 2009  

Veiga Paula Alexandra da Silva - Oncology and Infectious Diseases in ancient Egypt: The Ebers Papyrus- Treatise on Tumours 857-877 and the cases found in ancient Egyptian human material, Manchester, Manchester University, 2008  

Velde Herman (Henk) te - Seth, god of confusion. A study of his role in Egyptian Mythology and religion, Leiden, E.J. Brill, 1967  

Velde Herman (Henk) te - Seth ou la divine confusion, Nîmes-Hague, Association Égyptologique du Gard-Netherlands Organisation for the Advancernent of Pure Research (Z.W.O.), 2011  

Veldmeijer André J. - Amarna’s Leatherwork. Part I: Preliminary Analysis and Catalogue, Leiden, Sidestone Press,2011  

Veldmeijer André J. & Ikram Salima (eds.) - Chariots in Ancient Egypt: The Tano Chariot. A case study, Leiden, Sidestone Press, 2018  

Veldmeijer André J., Ikram Salima (eds.) - Chasing Chariots: Proceedings of the First International Chariot Conference (Cairo 2012), Leiden, Sidestone Press,2013  

Veldmeijer André J. - Footwear in Ancient Egypt: the Medelhavsmuseet collection, Stockholm, National Museums of World Culture, 2014  

Veldmeijer André J. - Leatherwork from Elephantine (Aswan, Egypt) Analysis and Catalogue of the Ancient Egyptian & Persian Leather Finds, Leiden, Sidestone Press,2016

Veldmeijer André J. - Tutankhamun’s Footwear: Studies of Ancient Egyptian Footwear, Leiden, Sidestone Press,2011  

Velloza Carolina,Lemos Rennan, Maynart Érika - Perspectives on materiality in ancient Egypt – agency, cultural reproduction and change, Oxford, Archaeopress, 2018

Velo Francisco José Presedo - Egipto durante el Imperio Nuevo, Madrid, Akal, 1989

Velo Francisco José Presedo - Egipto: Tercer Periodo Intermedio y Época Saíta, Madrid, Akal, 1989    

Velo Fransisco J. Presedo , Peinado Federico Lara, Elvira Miguel Ángel, Freijeiro Antonio Blanco, - Faraones y Piramides, Madrid, Dastin Export, 2007

Velo Francisco José Presedo, Delgado José Miguel Serrano - La religión egipcia, Madrid, Akal, 1989  



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