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This is the "W- letter" list from my new alphabetical catalogue, presenting my book files collection for free downloading. The items are arranged according authors (editors) last names. In this section you can find works of the British authors: great archaeologist  Arthur E.P. Weigall (1880-1934), his colleagues sir Charles Leonard Woolley (1880-1960), Gerald Avery Wainwright (1879-1964) and Richard H Wilkinson (b. 1951), Early Dynastic Egypt expert and academic Toby A.H. Wilkinson (b. 1969), American egyptologists: John A. Wilson (1899-1976), William A. Ward (1928-1996), his colleague from Chicago Oriental Institute Edward F. Wente (b. 1930), Bruce Beyer Williams from the same institution, Herbert Eustis Winlock (1884-1950) from Metropolitam Museum of Arts, German scholars Hugo Winckler (1863-1913) and Wolfhart Westendorf  (b. 1924), French scholar Raymond Weil (1874-1950), Belgian egyptologists: Egyptian language expert Jean Winand (b. 1962 ) and Harco Willems, young and promissing German scholar Daniel A. Werning so the many others.


Weber Manfred, Thissen Heinz-Josef, Kurth Dieter - Kölner ägyptische Papyri (P. Köln ägypt.). Band 1, Opladen, Westdeutscher Verlag, 1980 [Papyrologica Coloniensia IX]

Weeks Kent R. - The anatomical knowledge of the ancient Egyptians and the representation of the human figure in Egyptian art, New Haven (CU), Yale University, 1970  

Weeks Kent R. - Atlas of the Valley of the Kings, Cairo - New York, The American University in Cairo Press, 2000

Weeks Kent R. - The Illustrated guide to Luxor: Tombs, Temples and Museums, Cairo, The American University in Cairo Press, 2005

Weeks Kent R. - KV5: A Preliminary Report on the Excavation of the Tomb of the Sons of Ramesses II in the Valley of the Kings, Cairo, American University in Cairo Press, 2000  

Weeks Kent R. - Mastabas of Cemetery G 6000 including G 6010 (Neferbauptah); G 6020 (Iymery); G 6030 (Ity); G 6040 (Shepseskafankh), Boston, Department of Egyptian, Nubian and Ancient Near Eastern arts: Boston Museum of fine arts, 1994  

Weeks Kent R., Wilkinson Richard H. (ed.) - The Oxford Handbook of the Valley of the Kings, Oxford - New York, Oxford University Press, 2016 [online 2014 ed.]

Weeks Kent R. (ed.) - Reliefs and Inscriptions at Karnak, Volume IV, Chicago, The Oriental Institute at The University of Chicago, 1986  

Weeks Kent R., Hetherington Nigel J. - The Valley of the Kings Site Management Masterplan, Cairo, Theban Mapping Project, 2006

Weglarz Lindsey Rae Marie - Continuity and Change: A Reevaluation of Cultural Identity and "Egyptianization" in Lower Nubia during the New Kingdom, Chicago (IL), The University of Chicago, 2017

Wegner Jennifer M. Houser - Cultural and Literary Continuity in the Demotic Instructions, New Haven (CU), Yale University, 2001

Wegner Josef, Cahail Kevin - King Seneb-Kay's Tomb and the Necropolis of a Lost Dynasty at Abydos, Philadelphia (PA), University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology, 2021

Wegner Josef W. - The Mortuary Complex of Senwosret III. A Study of Middle Kingdom State Activity and the Cult of Osiris at Abydos, Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania, 1996  

Wеgner Josef - The Mortuary Temple of Senwosret III at Abydos, New Haven (CU) - Philadelphia (PA), The Peabody Museum of Natural History of Yale University - The University of Philadelphia Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology, 2007

Wegner Josef W., Wegner Jennifer Houser - The Sphinx That Traveled to Philadelphia. The Story of the Colossal Sphinx in the Penn Museum, Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Museum Publications, 2015

Wegner Marry-Ann Pouls - The Cult of Osiris at Abydos. An Archaeological Investigation of the Development of an Ancient Egyptian Sacred Center During the Eighteenth Dynasty, Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania, 2002  

Weigall A. E. P. , Currelly C. T. , Ayrton E. R. - Abydos, Part III: 1904. With a Chapter by A. H. Gardiner, London, Egypt Exploration Fund, 1904 [MEEF 25]

Weigall Arthur E.P.B. - Ancient Egyptian Works of Art, London, T. Fisher Unwin, 1924  

Weigall Arthur E.P.B. - A Guide to the Antiquities of Upper Egypt: from Abydos to the Sudan frontier, London-New York, Routledge, 2005

Weigall Arthur E.P. - The life and times of Cleopatra, queen of Egypt; a study in the origin of the Roman empire, Edinburgh-London, W. Blackwood and sons, 1914  

Weigall Arthur E.P.B., Gardiner Alan H. - A topographical catalogue of the private tombs of Thebes, London, Bernard Quaritch, 1913

Weigall Arthur E. P. - Weights and Balances, Le Caire, Imprimerie de l'Institut français d'archéologie orientale 1908 [CG 31271-31670]  

Weil Arthur - Die Veziere des Pharonenreiches: chronologisch angeordnet, Strasburg, Schlesier & Schweinhardt, 1908 

Weill Raymond - XIIe Dynastie, royauté de Haute-Égypte et domination Hyksos dans le Nord, Le Caire, Institut français d'archéologie orientale du Caire, 1953 [BiEtud/BdE 26]  

Weill Raymond - Recherches sur la Ire dynastie et les temps prépharaoniques. Partie I-II, Le Caire, Institut français d'archéologie orientale du Caire, 1961 [BiEtud/BdE 38.1-2]  

Weinstein James Morris - Foundation Deposits in Ancient Egypt, Philadelphia (PA), University of Pennsylvania, 1973

Weiss Lara (ed.) - The Coffins of the Priests of Amun. Egyptian coffins from the 21-st Dynasty in the collection of the National Museum of Antiquities in Leiden, Leiden, Sidestone Press, 2018 [PALMA 17]

Weiss Lara, Staring Nico, Soliman Daniel, Kramer Joost, Hoven Carina van den, Horn Maarten (eds.) - Current Research in Egyptology 2010: Proceedings ot the Eleventh annual symposium Leiden University, the Netherlands, January 2009, Oxford-Oakville (CT), Oxbow Books, 2011

Weiss Lara - Religious Practice at Deir el-Medina, Leiden, Nederlands Instituut voor het Nabije Oosten, 2015

Weiss Lara - The Walking Dead at Saqqara. Strategies of Social and Religious Interaction in Practice, Berlin - Boston, Walter De Gruyter, 2022

Weissberg Stephanie, Bleiberg Edward - Striking Power: Iconoclasm in Ancient Egypt, New York, Pulitzer Arts Foundation - Brooklyn Museum, 2019

Weller Noel F., Dunham Dows, Reisner George Andrew - Second Cataract Forts. Volume II, Boston, Museum of Fine Arts, 1967  

Welles Charles Bradford, Gigon Olof - Grecia. El mundo helenístico. Tomo II, Madrid, Editorial Espasa-Calpe, 1988  

Welch Eugene Douglas - The "Lebensmüde" and its relationship to the Hedonistic harpers' songs of the Middle - New Kingdoms, Waltham (MA), Brandeis University, 1978

Wells John W. - War in Ancient Egypt, Baltimore (MD), John Hopkins University, 1986  

Welsby Derek A., Davies William Vivian (eds.) - Travelling the Korosko Road. Archaeological Exploration in Sudan’s Eastern Desert, London, Sudan Archaeological Research Society (SARS), 2020

Wen Jing - The Iconography of Family Members in Egypt’s Elite Tombs of the Old Kingdom, Leiden-Boston, Brill, 2023

Wendrich Wileke (ed.) - Egyptian Archaeology, Maldon(MA)-Oxford-Chichester, Willey-Blackwell, 2010  

Wenger Leopold - Die stellvertretung im rechte der papyri, Leipzig, B.G. Teubner, 1906  

Wengrow David - The Archaeology of Early Egypt: Social Transformations in North-East Africa, 10,000 to 2,650 BC, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2006

Wenig Steffen (ed.) - Africa in Antiquity. The Arts of Ancient Nubia and Sudan. Volume I-II, New York , The Brooklyn Museum, 1978  

Wenig Steffen - Meisterwerke  der Amarnakunst, Leipzig, Insel-Verlag, 1977

Wenig Steffen, Touny Ahmed El Demerdash - Der Sport im alten Ägypten, Leipzig, Edition Leipzig, 1969

Wenig Steffen - Untersuchungen zur Ikonographie der Darstellungen der meroitischen Königsfamilie und zu Fragen der Chronologie des Reiches von Meroe, Berlin- London, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin: Seminar für Archäologie und Kulturgeschichte Nordostafrikas, 2015 [IBAES 17]  

Weninge Stefan, Kammerzell Frank, Borchers Dörte (her.) - Hieroglyphen Alphabete Schriftreformen: Studien zu Multiliteralismus, Schriftwechsel und Orthogrphieneuregelungen, Göttingen, Seminar für Ägyptologie und Koptologie, 2001

Wenke Robert J., Redding Richard W., Cagle Anthony J. (eds.) - Kom El-Hisn (ca. 2500-1900 BC): An Ancient Settlement in the Nile Delta of Egypt, Atlanta (GE), Lockwood Press, 2016  

Wente Edward - Letters from Ancient Egypt, Atlanta (GA), Scholars Press, 1990

Wente Edward F., Hughes George R. , Ricke Herbert - The Beit el-Wali Temple of Ramesses II, Chicago (IL), The University of Chicago Press, 1967 [OINE 1]  

Wente Edward F. - Late Ramesside Letters, Chicago, The University of Chicago Press, 1967  

Wente Edward F., Goedicke Hans - Ostraka Michaelides, Wiesbaden, Otto Harrassowitz, 1962  

Wente Edward F., Johnson Janet H. (eds.) - Studies in Honor of George R. Hughes. January 12, 1977, Chicago, The Oriental Institute of The University of Chicago, 1976  

Wente Edward F. (ed.) - The Temple of Khonsu, Volume 1-2, Chicago, The University of Chicago Press, 1979-1981  

Werbrouck Marcelle - Les pleureuses dans l'Égypte Ancienne, Bruxelles, Éditions de la Fondation Égyptologique Reine Élisabeth, 1938

Werner Edward Karl - The God Montu. From the Earliest Attestations to the End of the New Kingdom, New Haven (CU), Yale University, 1985  

Werning Daniel A. - Einführung in die hieroglyphisch-ägyptische Schrift und Sprache. Propädeutikum mit Zeichen- und Vokabellektionen, Übungen und Übungshinweisen, Berlin, Humboldt- Universität, 2015  

Werning Daniel A. - Das Höhlenbuch im Grab des Petamenophis (TT33). Szenen, Texte, Wandtafeln, Berlin, Topoi, 2019

Werning Daniel A. - Das Höhlenbuch: Textkritische Edition und Textgrammatik Teil I-II: Überlieferungsgeschichte und Textgrammatik, Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz Verlag, 2011

Werning Daniel A.. Klutscher Silvia (eds.) - On Ancient Grammars of Space. Linguistic Research on the Expression of Spatial Relations and Motion in Ancient Languages, Berlin- Boston, De Gruyter, 2014  

Wessetzky Vilmos - Die ägyptischen Kulte zur Römerzeit in Ungarn, Leiden, E.J. Brill, 1961

West Glennise - The Tekenu and Ancient Egyptian Funerary Ritual, Oxford, Archaeopress, 2019

Westendorf Wolfhart - Grammatik der medizinischen Texte, Berlin, Akademie Verlag, 1962 [GMAÄ VIII]

Westendorf Wolfhart - Handbuch der altägyptischen Medizin. Band 1-2, Leiden- Boston-Köln, Brill, 1999  

Westendorf Wolfhart - Koptisches Handwörterbuch. Bearbeitet auf der Grundlage des Koptischen Handwörterbuchs von Wilhelm Spiegelberg, Heidelberg, Carl Winter Universitätsverlag, 1977  

Westendorf Wolfhart, Otto Eberhard , Helck Wolfgang - Lexikon der Ägyptologie. Band I-VII, Wiesbaden, Otto Harrassowitz, 1975-1992

Westendorf Wolfhart, Deines Hildegard von - Wörterbuch der medizinischen Texte. I-II Hälfte, Berlin, Akademie Verlag, 1961 [GMAÄ VII.1-2]



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