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- Harco Willems - Les textes des sarcophages et la démocratie : éléments d'une histoire culturelle du Moyen Empire égyptien, Paris, Éditions Cybele, 2008    

- Harco Willems - Historical and Archaeological Aspects of Egyptian Funerary Culture: Religious Ideas and Ritual Practice in Middle Kingdom Elite Cemeteries, Leiden-Boston, Brill, 2014    

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- Colleen Manassa - The Late Egyptian Underworld: Sarcophagi and Related Texts from the Nectanebid Period, Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz Verlag, 2007  

- Jonathan Paul Elias - Coffin Inscription in Egypt after the New Kingdom: A Study of Text. Production and Use in Elite Mortuary Preparation. Volume I-IV, Chicago (IL), The Univesrity of Chicago, 1993  

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