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This is the "B - letter" list from my new alphabetical catalogue, presenting my book files collection for free downloading. The items are arranged according authors (editors) last names.
In this section you can find works of many amazing egyptologists as the classic of English academic research, keeper of the British museum Egyptian collection Ernest Alfred Wallis Budge (1857-1934), founding fathers of American egyptology James Henry Breasted (1856-1935) from Chicago and of the German one - Heinrich Karl Brugsch (1827-1894) , British archaeologist Guy Brunton (1878-1948), who discovered Badarian culture, Dutch authority on Coffin texts Adriaan de Buck (1892-1959), the expert on Ptolemaic Egypt from New York Roger S. Bagnall (b. 1947) and his neighbor from Long Island university Bob Brier (b. 1943), expert in Egyptian archaeology Kathryn A. Bard from Boston, famous Czekh egyptologist Miroslav Barta (b. 1969) from Charles University (Prague), German researcher of Pharaonic chronology and genealogy Juergen von Beckerath (1920-2016), eccentric but very well learned author of "Black Athena" Martin Bernal (1937-2013), German scholars Friedrich Wilhelm von Bissing (1873-1956), Ludwig Borchardt (1863-1938) and Hellmut Brunner (1913-1997), specialist on Egyptian art Bernard V. Bothmer (1912-1993), French egyptologist from the :golden age" of this school Urbain Bouriant (1849-1903), Betsy M. Bryan (b. 1949) - a prolitic author of popular scientific books from John Hopkins University (Baltimore), the famous Italian egyptologist and scholar Evaristo Breccia (1876-1967), German expert on Late Period literature Burkhard Backes (b. 1975) and many others.


Boak Arthur E. R. - Soknopaiou Nesos: the University of Michigan excavations at Dimê in 1931-32, Ann Arbor, The University of Michigan Press, 1935  

Boardman John, Hammond Nicholas Geoffrey Lemprière, Edwards Iorwerth Eiddon Stephen, Sollberger E. (eds.) - Тhe Cambridge Ancient History, vol. III, part 1-3, Cambridge - New York, Cambridge University Press, 2006  

Boardman John, Ostwald Martin,Lewis David Malcolm, Hammond Nicholas Geoffrey Lemprière (eds.) - Тhe Cambridge Ancient History, vol. IV. Persia, Greece and the Western Mediterranean c. 525 to 479 B.C. , Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2006  

Boardman John, Davies John K., Ostwald Martin, Lewis David Malcolm (eds.) - Тhe Cambridge Ancient History, vol. V. The fifth century B.C. , Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2006  

Boardman John, Hornblower Simon, Ostwald Martin, Lewis David Malcolm (eds.) - Тhe Cambridge Ancient History, vol. VI. The fourth century B.C., Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2006  

John Boardman (ed.) - Тhe Cambridge Ancient History. Plates to Volumes III, IV, V and VI, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1984-1995

Boatright Daniel, Corbelli Judith, Malleson Claire (eds.) - Current Research in Egyptology 2009: Proceedings ot the Tenth annual symposium Liverpool 7-9 January 2009, Oxford, Oxbow Books, 2009  

Boender Alexandra - The Shrines of Gebel el-Silsila and their function, Uppsala, Uppsala University, 2018

Bogaert Raymond - Trapezitica Aegyptiaca: recueil de recherches sur la banque en Égypte gréco-romaine, Firenze, Edizioni Gonnelli, 1994

Bohleke Briant - The overseers of double granaries of Upper and Lower Egypt in the Egyptian New Kingdom, 1570-1085 B.C., New Haven (CU), Yale University, 1991  

Bohms Ingrid - Säugetiere in der altägyptischen Literatur, Berlin - Münster, LIT Verlag Dr.W.Hopf, 2013 [Ägyptologie 2]

Bolshakov Andrey - Man and his Double in Egyptian Ideology of the Old Kingdom, Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz Verlag, 1997  

Bolshakov Andrey - Studies on Old Kingdom Reliefs and Sculpture in the Hermitage, Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz Verlag, 2005  

Bomann Ann H. - The Private Chapel in Ancient Egypt: A Study of the Chapels in the Workmen's Village at El Amarna with Special Reference to Deir el Medina and other Sites, London - New York, Kegan Paul International, 1991

Bommas Martin, Hofmann Eva, Guksch Heike (hgg.) - Grab und Totenkult im Alten Ägypten, München, C.H. Beck, 2003

Bommas Martin- Der Tempel des Chnum der 18. Dyn. auf Elephantine, Heidelberg, Universität Heidelberg, 2000 

Bongioanni Allessandro , Sole Croce Maria (eds.) - Illustrated Guide to the Egyptian Museum in Cairo, Cairo, American University in Cairo Press, 2001  

Bonanno Mariano - La Duat como espacio de una dialéctica de la regeneración, La Plata, Universidad Nacional de La Plata, 2014  

Bonneau Danielle - Le régime administratif de l'eau du Nil dans l'Egypte grecque, romaine et byzantine, Leiden-New York-Köln, Brill, 1993  

Bonnet Charles - The Black Kingdom of the Nile, Cambridge (MA), Harvard University Press, 2019

Bonnet Charles, Valbelle Dominique - Le sanctuaire d'Hathor, Maîtresse de la Turquoise. Serabit El Khadim au Moyen Empire, Paris, Éditions Picard, 1996

Bonnet Hans - Die Ägyptische Tracht bis zum Ende des Neuen Reiches, Leipzig, J.C. Hinrichs'sche Buchhandlung, 1917

Bonnet Hans - Reallexikon der ägyptischen Religionsgeschichte, Berlin, Walter De Gruyter, 1952

Bontty Mónica Marie - Conflict management in Ancient Egypt. Law as a social phenomenon, Los Angeles, University of California- Los Angeles [UCLA], 1997  

Boorn G. P. F. van den - The Duties of the Vizier: Civil Administration in the Early New Kingdom, London-New York, Kegan Paul International, 1988  

Booth Charlotte - Ancient Egyptians for Dummies, Chichester, John Wiley & Sоns, 2007  

Booth Charlotte - The Boy Behind the Mask. Meeting the Real Tutankhamun, Oxford, One World Publications, 2007  

Booth Charlotte - Guia do Viajante pelo Mundo Antigo - Egito no Ano 1200 A. C, Jandira (São Paulo), Ciranda Cultural, 2010

Booth Charlotte - In Bed with Ancient Egyptians, The Hill, Stroud (Gloucestershire), Amberley Publishing, 2015

Booth Charlotte - Horemheb: The Forgotten Pharaoh, Stroud (GL), Amberley Publishing, 2012

Booth Charlotte - The Role of Foreigners in Ancient Egypt: a study of non-stereotypical artistic representations, Oxford, British Archaeological Reports, 2005  

Borchardt Ludwig - Die aegyptische Pflanzensäule: ein Kapitel zur Geschichte des Pflanzenornaments, Berlin, Verlag von Ernst Wasmuth, 1897

Borchardt Ludwig - Ägyptische Tempel mit Umgang, Kairo, Selbstverlag des Herausgebers, 1938  

Borchardt Ludwig - Altägyptische Festungen an der zweiten Nilschnelle, Leipzig, J.C. Hinrisch'e Buchhandlung, 1923  

Borchardt Ludwig - Zur Baugeschichte des Amonstempels von Karnak, Leipzig, J.C. Hinrichs'sche Buchhandlung, 1905

Borchardt Ludwig - Denkmäler des Alten Reiches (ausser den Statuen) im Museum zu Kairo Nr. 1295-1808, Teil I-II, Berlin-Le Caire, Reichsdruckerei- Organisme Général des Imprimeries Gouvernementales 1937-1964 [ CG 1295-1808]  

Borchardt Ludwig, Ricke Herbert - Egypt: architecture, landscape, life of the people, New York, B. Westermann, 1920

Borchardt Ludwig - Die Entstehung der Pyramide an der Baugeschichte der Pyramide bei Mejdum nachgewiesen, Berlin, Verlag von Julius Springer, 1928

Borchardt Ludwig - Excavations at Tell el-Amarna, Egypt, in the 1913-1914, Washington (DC), Government Printing Office, 1921

Borchardt Ludwig - Gesammelte Werke, 1895-1964

Borchardt Ludwig - Das Grabdenkmal des Königs Nefer-Ir-Ke-Re, Leipzig, J.C. Hinrich'sche Buchhandlung, 1909

Borchardt Ludwig - Das Grabdenkmal des Königs Ne-User-Re', Leipzig, J.C. Hinrich'sche Buchhandlung, 1907

Borchardt Ludwig - Das Grabdenkmal des Königs S'aḥu-Re. Band I-II, Leipzig, J.C. Hinrisch'e Buchhandlung, 1910-1913  

Borchardt Ludwig - Längen und Richtungen der vier Grundkanten der grossen Pyramide bei Gise, Kairo, Selbstverlag des Herausgebers, 1937

Borchardt Ludwig - Der Porträtkopf der Königin Teje im Besitz von Dr. James Simon in Berlin, Leipzig, J.C. Hinrich'sche Buchhandlung, 1911

Borchardt Ludwig - Porträts der Königin Nofret-ete aus den Grabungen 1912/13 in Tell el-Amarna, Leipzig, J.C. Hinrich'sche Buchhandlung, 1923

Borchardt Ludwig - Statuen und Statuetten von Königen und Privatleuten im Museum von Kairo Nr. 1-1294, Teil 1-5, Berlin, Reichsdruckerei 1911-1936 [ CG 1-1294]  

Borchardt Ludwig - Works of art from the Egyptian museum at Cairo, Cairo, F. Diemer Successors, Finck & Baylaender / Dresden, Kunstanstalt Stengel & Co., 1908

Borchers Dörte, Kammerzell Frank, Weninge Stefan (her.) - Hieroglyphen Alphabete Schriftreformen: Studien zu Multiliteralismus, Schriftwechsel und Orthogrphieneuregelungen, Göttingen, Seminar für Ägyptologie und Koptologie, 2001

Boreux Charles - Etudes de nautique égyptienne : l’art de la navigation en Egypte jusqu’à la fin de l’ancien empire, Le Caire, Institut français d'archéologie orientale, 1925 [MIFAO 50]   

Borghouts Joris F.- Ancient Egyptian magical texts, Leiden, E.J. Brill, 1978  

Borghouts Joris F. - Book of the Dead [39]. From Shouting to structure, Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz Verlag, 2007

Borghouts Joris Frans, Plas Dirk van der - Coffin Texts Word Index, Utrecht - Paris, Centre for Computer-aided Egyptological Research, 1993

Borghouts Joris Frans - Egyptian: An Introduction to the Writing and Language of the Middle Kingdom. Volume I-II, Leiden, Nederlands Instituut voor het Nabije Oosten, 2010 [Egyptologische Uitgaven XXIV.1]

Borghouts Joris Frans - The magical texts of papyrus Leiden I 348, Leiden, E.J. Brill, 1971

Borioni Giacomo Christopher - Der Ka aus religionswissenschaftlicher Sicht, Wien, AFRO-PUB, 2005

Borrego Gallardo Francisco L. - El "título áureo” del rey durante el Reino Antiguo egipcio. Estudio textual, semiológico e histórico. Volumen I-II, Madrid, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, 2010  

Bortolani Ljuba Merlina, Furley William, Nagel Svenja, Quack Joachim Friedrich (eds.) - Cultural Plurality in Ancient Magical Texts and Practices. Graeco-Egyptian Handbooks and Related Traditions, Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2019 [Orientalische Religionen in der Antike (ORA) 32]

Bortolani Ljuba Merlina - Magical Hymns from Roman Egypt: A Study of Greek and Egyptian Traditions of Divinity, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2016

Bosse-Griffiths Käthe - Amarna Studies and other Selected Papers, Fribourg- Göttingen, University Press Fribourg-Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2001  

Bosse Käthe - Die menschliche Figur in der Rundplastik der ägyptischen Spätzeit von der XXII. bis zur XXX. Dynastie, Glückstadt-Hamburg-New York, J.J. Augustin, 1936 (AF 1)  

Bothmer Bernard M. - Egypt 1950. My first visit, Oxford, Oxbow Books, 2003  

Bothmer Bernard M. (ed.) - Egyptian sculpture of the late period, 700 B.C. to A.D. 100, New York, Brooklyn Museum, 1960  

Botta Alejandro F. - Aramaic and Egyptian legal traditions at Elephantine. An Egyptological approach, London-New York, T & T Clark, 2009  

Botti Guiseppe - La Glorificazione di Sobk e del Fayyum in un Papiro Ieratico da Tebtynis. Trascrizione, traduzione, e note, Copenaghen, Ejnar Munksgaard, 1959 [AnAe VIII]

Boudreau Paul R., Dickie Lloyd M. - Awakening Higher Consciousness: Guidance from Ancient Egypt and Sumer, Rochester (VM)- Toronto, Inner Traditions, 2015  

Bouhafs Amel, Chapon Lindа, Claude Marion, Danilova Margarita, Dautais Louis, Fathy Noemie, Fernández Pichel Abraham Ignacio, Guigner Mallaury, Pinon Marianne, Valerio Marta (eds.) - Current Research in Egyptology 2022. Proceedings of the Twenty-Second Annual Symposium, Université Paul-Valéry Montpellier 3, 26-30 September 2022, Oxford, Archaeopress, 2023

Boulanger Robert - La peinture égyptienne et l'Orient ancien, Lausanne, Rencontre, 1965

Bourguet Pierre du - Le temple de Deir al-Médîna, Le Caire, Imprimerie de l'Institut français d'archéologie orientale 2008

Bouriant Urbain - Deux jours de fouilles à Tell el Amarna, Ernest Leroux, 1884 [MMAF 1.1]  

Bouriant Urbain, Legrain Georges, Morgan Jacques de - Les carrières de Ptolémaïs, Paris, Ernest Leroux, 1894 [MMAF 8.3]  

Bouriant Urbain, Legrain Georges, Jéquier Gustave, Barsanti Alessandro, Morgan Jean-Jacques de - Catalogue des monuments et inscriptions de l'Égypte antique, publié sous les auspices de S.A. Abbas II Helmi par la direction générale du Service des antiquités. Première série, Tome I-III, Vienne, Adolphe Holzhauzen, 1894-1905 

Bouriant Urbain - Fragments grecs du livre d'Enoch, Paris, Ernest Leroux, 1892 [MMAF 9.1]  

Bouriant Urbain , Legrain Georges , Jéquier Gustave - Monuments pour servir à l’étude du culte d’Atonou en Egypte. Tome 1, les tombes de Khouitatonou, Le Caire, Institut français d'archéologie orientale, 1903 [MIFAO 8]   

Bouriant Urbain - Les papyrus d'Akhmim (Fragments de manuscrits en dialectes bachmouriques et thébain), Paris, Ernest Leroux, 1885 [MMAF 1.2]  

Bouriant Urbain - Le tombeau de Hsrmh:abi, Paris, Ernest Leroux, 1894 [MMAF 5.3]  

Bourguet Pierre du, Drioton Étienne - Les pharaons à la conquête de l'art, Paris-Bruxelles, Desclée de Brouwer, 1965

Bourriau Janine, Arnold Dorothea (eds.) - An Introduction to Ancient Egyptian Pottery, Mainz am Rhein, Philipp von Zabern, 1993

Bourriau Janine, Magee Diana,Quirke Stephen (eds.) - Sitting Beside Lepsius: Studies in Honour of Jaromir Malek at the Griffith Institute, Leuven - Paris - Walpole (MA), Uitgeverij Peeters, 2009

Boutantin Céline - Terres cuites et culte domestique: Bestiaire de l’Égypte gréco-romaine, Leiden - Boston, Brill, 2014

Boutin Alexis T., Porter Benjamin W. (eds.) - Remembering the dead in the ancient Near East : recent contributions from bioarchaeology and mortuary archaeology, Boulder (CO), University Press of Colorado, 2014  

Bovot Jean-Luc, Ziegler Christiane - Art et archéologie : L'Égypte ancienne, Paris, Réunion des Musées Nationaux (RMN)-'Ecole du Louvre-Documentation française, 2001

Bovot Jean-Luc - Les serviteurs funéraires royaux et princiers de l'ancienne Egypte, Paris, Réunion des musées nationaux, 2003

Bouwer Debra Susan - Ancient Egyptian health related to women: obstetrics and gynaecology, Pretoria, University of South Africa, 2012  

Bowman Alan K., Champlin Edward, Lintott Andrew (eds.) - Тhe Cambridge Ancient History, vol. X. The Augustan Empire 43 BC - AD 69, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2006  

Bowman Alan K., Rathbone Dominic, Garnsey Peter (eds.) - Тhe Cambridge Ancient History, vol. XI. The High Empire AD 70-192, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2006  

Bowman Alan K., Cameron Averil, Garnsey Peter (eds.) - Тhe Cambridge Ancient History, vol. XII. The Crisis of Empire AD 193-337, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2007  

Bowman Alan K. - Egypt after the pharaohs (332BC-642 AD). From Alexander to the Arab conquest, Berkeley-Los Angeles, The University of California Press, 1986  

Boylan Patrick - Thoth : the Hermes of Egypt : a study of some aspects of theological thought in ancient Egypt, London, Humphrey Milford - Oxford University Press, 1922  efs. Translation and commentary, Memphis(TE), The University of Memphis, 2013  



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