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This is the "М- letter" list from my new alphabetical catalogue, presenting my book files collection for free downloading. The items are arranged according authors (editors) last names. In this section you can find works of the illustrious French egyptologist Pierre Montet  (1885 - 1966), one of the first women in egyptology Margaret Alice Murray (1863 - 1963), British specialist on Roman Egypt Joseph Grafton Milne (1867-1951), American expert on Egyptian language and Pyramid texts Samuel A.B. Mercer (1880-1969), leader of the Great Temple of Karnak project William J. Murnane (1945 - 2000) from Chicago Oriental Institute, well known author of popular books in egyptology field Barbara Mertz (1927-2013), expert in Ancient Egyptian Warfare Robert G. Morkot (b. 1957), Polish academic Kazimierz Michalowsky (1901-1981), specialist in Ancient Near Eastern history Marc Van de Mieroop (b. 1956), very interesting Italian self-learned investigator Mario Mennichetti, perfect specialist in both engineering and archaeology Jean-Jacques de Morgan (1857-1921), Czech expert on Amarna diplomacy Jana Mynářová and many others.


McConnell Ryan E. - Getting Rich in Late Antique Egypt, Ann Arbor (MI), University of Michigan Press, 2017

McDermott Sharon Bridget - Ancient Egyptian Footsoldiers and Their Weapons. a Study of Military Iconography and Weapon Remains.Volume I-II, Manchester, The University of Manchester, 2002

McDermott Bridget - La guerra en el Antiguo Egipto, Barcelona, Crítica, 2008  

McDonald Angela I. - Animal Metaphor in the Egyptian Determinative System. Three Case Studies. Part I, Oxford, University of Oxford - Worchester College, 2002  

Mc Donald Eann, Harding Lankester, Starkey James Leslie - Beth Pelet II (Prehistoric Fara, Beth Pelet cemetery) , London, British School of archaeology in Egypt - Bernard Quaritch, 1932

McDonald John K. - House of Eternity: The Tomb of Nefertari, Los Angeles, Getty Conservation Institute-J.P.Getty Museum, 1996  

McDowell Andrea Griet - Jurisdiction in the Workmen's Community of Deir El-Medīna, Philadelphia (PA), University of Pennsylvania, 1987

McDowell Andrea G. - Village Life In Ancient Egypt: Laundry Lists and Love Songs, Oxford - New York, Oxford University Press, 1999

McFarlane Ann, Mourad Anna-Latifa (eds.) - Behind the Scenes: Daily Life in Old Kingdom Egypt, Sidney, The Australian Centre for Egyptology / Oxford, Aris and Phillips, 2012 

McFarlane Ann, Woods Alexandra, Binder Susanne (eds.) - Egyptian culture and society: studies in honour of Naguib Kanawati. Volume I-II, Le Caire, Conseil Supreme des Antiquites de l'Egypte, 2010 [CASAE 38]

McFarlane Ann, Maksoud Naguib Victor, Kanawati Naguib, El-Khouli Ali - Excavations at Saqqara North-West of Teti's Pyramid. Volume I, Sydney, Ancient History Documentary Research Centre. Macquarie University, 1984

McGarrity Luke, Heffernan Gabrielle, Graves Carl, Millward Emily, Sfakianou Bealby Marsia (eds.) - Current Research in Egyptology 2012. Proceedings of the Thirteenth Annual Symposium: University of Birmingam 2012, Oxford-Oakwille (CT), Oxbow Books, 2013

McGovern Patrick E. - The Foreign Relations of the “Hyksos”. A neutron activation study of Middle Bronze Age pottery from the Eastern Mediterranean, Oxford, BAR Publishing, 2020

McKechnie Paul, Cromwell Jennifer (eds.)- Ptolemy I and the transformation of Egypt, 404-282 BCE, Leiden-Boston, Brill, 2018

McKechnie Paul , Guillame Phillipe (eds.) - Ptolemy II Philadelphus and His World, Leiden-Boston, Brill, 2008  

McLeod Roy - The Library of Alexandria. Centre of learning in the Ancient World, London-New York, I.B. Tauris, 2004  

McLeod Wallace - The composite bows from the tomb of Tutankhamun, Oxford, Griffith Institute- Oxford University Press, 1970  

Medici Paolo - An interdisciplinary analysis on the state formation and kingship in the Predynastic Egypt, Berlin, Freie Universität Berlin, 2020

Medinet Habu. Volume I-IX, Chicago, The University of Chicago Press- The Oriental institute at University of Chicago, 1930-2009  

Medinet Habu preliminary reports, Chicago, The University of Chicago Press, 1929-1931  

Meeks Dimitri - Année lexicographique: Égypte ancienne. Tome I-III, Paris, Cybèle, 1998

Meeks Dimitri, Favard-Meeks Christine - Daily Life of the Egyptian Gods, London, John Murray, 1997

Meeks Dimitri, Castel Georges - Deir El Médineh 1970. Gournet Marei Nord / Sud: Fascicule 1-2, Le Caire, Institut français d'archéologie orientale, 1980

Meeks Dimitri - Dictionnaire Égyptien ancien - Français. Fascicule 1 : ȝ-ȝbḏw, Montpellier, Université Paul Valéry-Montpellier III, 2010

Meeks Dimitri - Les Egyptiens et leurs mythes. Appréhender un polythéisme, Paris, Hazan - Louvre Éditions, 2018

Meeks Dimitri - Le grand texte des donations au temple d'Edfou, Le Caire, Institut français d'archéologie orientale du Caire, 1972  

Meeks Dimitri - Mythes et légendes du Delta d'après le papyrus Brooklyn 47.218.84, Le Caire, Institut français d'archéologie orientale, 2008

Meffre Raphaële - D'Héracléopolis à Hermopolis. La Moyenne Egypte durant la Troisième-Période intermédiaire (XXIe-XXIV dynasties), Paris, Presses de l'université Paris-Sorbonne (PUPS), 2015

Megally Mounir - Le papyrus hiératique comptable E. 3226 du Louvre, Le Caire, Institut français d'archéologie orientale, 1971 [BdE/BiEtud 53]

Mehdawy Magda, Hussein Amr - The Pharaoh’s Kitchen: Recipes from Ancient Egypt’s Enduring Food Traditions, Cairo- New York, The American University in Cairo Press, 2010  

Mekis Tamás, Budka Julia - The family of Pa-di-Amun-neb-nesut-tawy from Thebes (TT 414) revisited. The case study of Kalutj/Nes-Khonsu (G108 + G137), Oxford, Archaeopress, 2022

Mekis Tamás - The Hypocephalus: An Ancient Egyptian Funerary Amulet, Oxford, Archaeopress, 2019

Melanges Adolphe Gutbub, Montpellier, Publication de la recherche Université de Montpellier, 1984

Mélanges Maspero, I Orient Ancien. Fascicule 1-4, Le Caire, Institut français d'archéologie orientale, 1934-1961 [MIFAO 66.1-4] 

Mélanges Maspero, II Orient Grec, Romain et Byzantin. Fascicule 1-2, Le Caire, Institut français d'archéologie orientale, 1934-1937 [MIFAO 67.1-2]  

Mélèze-Modrzejewski Joseph - Droit impérial et traditions locales dans l'Égypte romaine, Aldershot (Hampshire) - Brookfield (Vermont), Gover Publishing Group, 1990

Mélèze-Modrzejewski Joseph - The Jews of Egypt: From Rameses II to Emperor Hadrian, Skokie (IL), Varda Books, 2001  

Meltzer Edmund S., Sanchez Gonzalo M. - The Edwin Smith Papyrus: Updated Translation of the Trauma Treatise and Modern Medical Commentaries, Atlanta (GA), Lockwood Press, 2012

Mémoires publiés par les membres de l'Institut français d'archéologie orientale du Caire, Tome I-LXXXVIII, Le Caire, Institut français d'archéologie orientale, 1907- 1966 [MIFAO]  

Mémoires publiés par les membres de la Mission archéologique française au Caire (MMAF), Tome I-XXXI, Le Caire, Institut Français d'Archéologie Orientale, 1884-1934 [MMAF]

Mendelssohn Kurt - The Riddle of the Pyramids, London, Book Club Associates, 1975 

Menéndez Gema, Galán José M., - The Deir El Medina Stelae and other inscribed objects, [CG 35001-350066] Cairo, The Supreme Council of Antiquities Press, 2018 

Menéndez Gómez Gema - Extranjeros en Deir El- Medina durante las dinastías XVIII y XIX: integración e inserción social, Madrid, Universidad Autonóma de Madrid, 2008  

Menichetti Mario - Il Mito di Hatshepsut. Raccolta e traduzione da Urk. IV, Gubbio (PZ), 2011  

Menichetti Mario - Il Mito della Vacca Celeste, Gubbio (PZ), 2010  

Menichetti Mario - Teologia Menfita. La Pietra di Shabaka, Gubbio (PZ), 2011  

Mensan Romain, Charloux Guillaume - Karnak avant la XVIIIe dynastie. Contribution à l’étude des vestiges en brique crue des premiers temples d’Amon-Rê, Paris, Éditions Soleb, 2012

Menshawy Sherine Abd El Aziz El - Access to the King, the Interaction, with the Court and the Subjects until the End of the New Kingdom, Liverpool, University of Liverpool, 2000  

Menu Bernadette - Histoire économique et sociale de l'ancienne Egypte de Nârmer à Alexandre le Grand. Volume I : Les fondements de l'économie. Tome 1 : Les bases structurelles de l'économie, Paris, CNRS Éditions, 2018

Menu Bernadette - Le régime juridique des terres et du personnel attaché à la terre dans le papyrus Wilbour, Lille, Université de Lille, 1970  

Mercer Samuel A.B. (ed.) - Egyptian Religion. Volume II-IV, New York, Alma Egan Hyatt Foundation, 1934-1936

Mercer Samuel A.B. - Earliest Intellectual Man's Idea of the Cosmos, London, Luzac & Co., 1957  

Mercer Samuel A.B. - An Egyptian Grammar with chrestomathy and glossary, New York, Frederick Ungar, 1961  

Mercer Samuel A.B. - Growth of religious and moral ideas in Egypt, Milwaukee (WS)- London, Morehouse publishing Co - A. R. Mowbray & Co, 1919  

Mercer Samuel A.B. - Horus: Royal God of Egypt, Grafton (MA), Society of Oriental Research, 1942

Mercer Samuel A.B. - Literary criticism of the Pyramid Texts, London, Luzac & Co., 1956  

Mercer Samuel A.B. - The Pyramid Texts in translation and commentary. Volume I-IV, London-New York- Toronto, Longman, Green & Co., 1952  

Merriman Ann - Egyptian Watercraft Models from the Predynastic to Third Intermediate Periods, Oxford, BAR Publishing, 2011

Mertz Barbara - Red Land, Black Land. Daily life in Ancient Egypt, New York, Harper Collins- William Morrow, 2009  

Mertz Barbara - Temples, Tombs and Hieroglyphs: A Popular History of Ancient Egypt, San Clemente (CA), Tantor Media, 2007  

Mertz Richard Roland - Some aspects of Egyptian autobiography before the New Kingdom, Chicago (IL), University of Chicago, 1953  


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