This is the "B - letter" list from my new alphabetical catalogue, presenting my book files collection for free downloading. The items are arranged according authors (editors) last names.
In this section you can find works of many amazing egyptologists as the classic of English academic research, keeper of the British museum Egyptian collection Ernest Alfred Wallis Budge (1857-1934), founding fathers of American egyptology James Henry Breasted (1856-1935) from Chicago and of the German one - Heinrich Karl Brugsch (1827-1894) , British archaeologist Guy Brunton (1878-1948), who discovered Badarian culture, Dutch authority on Coffin texts Adriaan de Buck (1892-1959), French authoritative scholar in epigraphics and excellent translator Paul Barguet (1915-2012), the expert on Ptolemaic Egypt from New York Roger S. Bagnall (b. 1947) and his neighbor from Long Island university Bob Brier (b. 1943), expert in Egyptian archaeology Kathryn A. Bard from Boston, famous Czekh egyptologist Miroslav Barta (b. 1969) from Charles University (Prague), German researcher of Pharaonic chronology and genealogy Juergen von Beckerath (1920-2016), eccentric but very well learned author of "Black Athena" Martin Bernal (1937-2013), German scholars Friedrich Wilhelm von Bissing (1873-1956), Ludwig Borchardt (1863-1938) and Hellmut Brunner (1913-1997), specialist on Egyptian art Bernard V. Bothmer (1912-1993), French egyptologist from the :golden age" of this school Urbain Bouriant (1849-1903), Betsy M. Bryan (b. 1949) - a prolitic author of popular scientific books from John Hopkins University (Baltimore) , German expert on Late Period literature Burkhard Backes (b. 1975), the famous Italian egyptologist and scholar Evaristo Breccia (1876-1967) and many others.
Bianchi Robert Steven - Daily Life of the Nubians, Westport (CT) - London, Grenwood Press, 2004
Biase-Dyson Camilla Di - Foreigners and Egyptians in the Late Egyptian Stories. Linguistic, Literary and Historical Perspectives, Leiden-Boston, Brill, 2013
Bibliotheca Aegyptiaca [BiAe], Bruxelles, Fondation Égyptologique Reine Élisabeth, 1932-1990
Bibliothéque égyptologique [BE], Tome I-XL, Paris, Ernest Leroux, 1893-1918
Bibliothèque d’étude [BiEtud, BdE]. Tome 1-136, Le Caire, Institut français d'archéologie orientale du Caire, 1908-2011
Bickel Susanne, Fischer-EIfert Hans-Werner, Loprieno Antonio, Richter Sebastian (hrsg.) - Ägyptologen und Ägyptologien zwischen Kaiserreich und Gründung der beiden deutschen Staaten. Reflexionen zur Geschichte und Episteme eines altertums-wissenschaftlichen Fachs im 150. Jahr der Zeitschriftfür Ägyptische Sprache und Altertumskunde, Berlin, Akademie Verlag - De Gruyter, 2013
Bickel Susanne - La cosmogonie égyptienne avant le Nouvel Empire, Fribourg - Göttingen, Editions Universitaires- Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1994
Bickel Susanne, Díaz-Iglesias Lucía (eds.) - Studies in Ancient Egyptian Funerary Literature, Leuven - Paris - Bristol (CT), Uitgeverij Peeters, 2017 [Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta 257]
Bidoli Dino - Die Sprüche der Fangnetze in den Altägyptischen Sargtexten, Glückstadt, Verlag J.J. Augustin, 1976 [ADAIK-AR 9]
Bielesch Simone Maria - Em Busca de Auxílio para o Renascimento: Estátuas Funerárias de Osíris e Ptah-Sokar-Osíris. Volume I -III, Rio de Janeiro, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro-Museu Nacional, 2010
Bierbrier Morris, Walker Susan - Fayum. Misteriosi volti dall'Egitto. Catalogo della mostra, Roma, Leonardo Arte, 1997
Bierbrier Morris Leonard (ed.) - Hieroglyphic texts from Egyptian stelae, &c in British Museum, Part X, London, The Trustees of the British Museum- British Museum Publications Ltd, 1982
Bierbrier Morris L. - Historical Dictionary of Ancient Egypt, Lanham(MA)-Toronto-Plimouth(UK), Scarecrow Press, 2008
Bierbrier Morris - The Tomb-Builders of the Pharaohs, Cairo, The American University in Cairo Press, 2003
Bierbrier Morris L. (ed.) - Who Was Who in Egyptology, London, Egypt Exploration Society, 2012
Bietak Manfred - Avaris: the Capital of the Hyksos. Recent excavations at Tell el-Dab'a, London, British Museum Press, 1996
Bietak Manfred, Prell Silvia (eds.) - The Enigma of the Hyksos. Volume I: ASOR Conference Boston 2017 - ICAANE Conference Munich 2018 – Collected Papers, Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz Verlag, 2019
Bietak Manfred, Prell Silvia (eds.) - The Enigma of the Hyksos. Volume IV: Changing Clusters and Migration in the Near Eastern Bronze Age. Collected Papers of a Workshop held in Vienna 4th−6th of December 2019, Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz Verlag, 2021
Billing Nils - Nut, the goddess of life in text and iconography, Uppsala, Uppsala University, 2002
Billing Nils - The performative structure: ritualizing the pyramid of Pepy I, Leiden - Boston, Brill, 2018 [Harvard Egyptological Studies 4]
Billing Nils, Hein Irmgard, Meyer-Dietrich Erika (eds.) - The Pyramids: Between Life and Death: Proceedings of the Workshop Held at Uppsala University, Uppsala, May 31st - June 1st, 2012, Uppsala, Uppsala Universitet, 2016
Billson Björn Marc - Two Aspects of Middle Kingdom Funerary Culture From Two Different Middle Egyptian Nomes, Birmingham, The University of Birmingham, 2012
Binder Susanne, McFarlane Ann, Woods Alexandra (eds.) - Egyptian culture and society: studies in honour of Naguib Kanawati. Volume I-II, Le Caire, Conseil Supreme des Antiquites de l'Egypte, 2010 [CASAE 38]
Binder Susanne - The Gold of Honour in New Kingdom Egypt, Oxford, Arris & Phillips, 2008 [ACE Studies 8]
Bir Umm Fawakhir Survey Project, Volume 1-3, Chicago, The The Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago, 2000-2014
Birch Samuel O. - Facsimile of an Egyptian Hieratic papyrus of the reign of Ramses III, now in the British Museum, London, British Museum, 1876
Bird Michael F. - Crossing over Sea and Land: Jewish Missionary Activity in the Second Temple Period, Peabody (Mass), Hendrickson Publishers, 2010
Bissing Friedrich Wilhelm von - Altägyptische Lebensweisheit, Zürich, Artemis Verlag, 1955
Bissing Friedrich Wilhelm von - Fayencegefäße, Wien, Adolf Holzhausen, 1902 [ CG 3618-4000, 18001-18037, 18600, 18603]
Bissing Friedrich Wilhelm von - Die Kultur des alten Ägyptens, Leipzig, Quelle & Meyer, 1913
Bissing Friedrich Wilhelm von - Die Kultur des alten Ägyptens, Leipzig, Artemis Verlag von Quelle & Meyer, 1919
Bissing Friedrich Wilhelm von - Metallgefäße, Wien, Adolf Holzhausen, 1901 [ CG 3426-3587]
Bissing Friedrich Wilhelm von -Steingefäße.Theil I-II , Wien, Adolf Holzhausen, 1904 -1907 [CG 18065-18793]
Bissing Friedrich Wilhelm von - Tongefäße. Teil I: Bis zum Beginn des Alten Reiches, Wien-Leipzig, Adolf Holzhausen- Karl W. Hiersemann, 1906 [CG 2001-3352, 3594-3613, 18794-18815]
Bisson de la Roque Fernand - Rapports sur les fouilles de Médamoud, années 1926-1932, Le Caire, Institut français d'archéologie orientale, 1928-1933 [FIFAO 4.1, 5.1, 6.1, 7.1, 8.1, 9.3]
Bisson de la Roque Fernand - Rapports préliminaires Abou-Roasch, années 1922-1924, Le Caire, Institut français d'archéologie orientale, 1924-1925 [FIFAO 1.3, 2.1]
Bisson de la Roque Fernand - Trésor de Tod, Le Caire, Imprimerie de l'Institut français d'archéologie orientale 1950 [CG 70501-70754]
Bisson De La Roque Fernand, Contenau Georges, Chapouthier Fernand - Le Trésor de Tôd, Le Caire, Institut français d'archéologie orientale, 1953 [DFIFAO 11]
Bisson de la Roque Fernand - Tôd (1934 à 1936), Le Caire, Institut français d'archéologie orientale, 1937 [FIFAO 17]
Biston-Moulin Sébastien - Glossaire des inscriptions de Karnak I. Le vocabulaire, Montpellier, Centre national de la recherche scientifique - Centre franco-égyptien d'étude des temples de Karnak (CNRS-CFEETK), 2017
Biston-Moulin Sébastien - Inventaire des monuments, objets, scènes et inscriptions des temples de Karnak, Montpellier, Centre national de la recherche scientifique - Centre franco-égyptien d'étude des temples de Karnak (CNRS-CFEETK), 2016
Björkman Gun - Kings at Karnak. A study of the treatment of the monuments of royal predecessors in the Early New Kingdom, Uppsala, Uppsala University, 1971
Black James Roger - The Instruction of Amenemope. A critical edition and commentary, prolegomenon and prologue, Madison (WI), The University of Wisconsin, 2002
Blackden M. W. , Carter Howard, Brown Percy , Buckman Percy - Beni Hassan, Part IV, London, Egypt Exploration Fund, 1900 [EEF-ASE 7]
Blackman Aylward M. - Gods, Priests and Men: Studies in the Religion of Pharaonic Egypt, London - New York, Routledge, 2011
Blackman Aylward Manley - Luxor and its Temples, London - New York, Routledge, 2010
Blackman Aylward M. - Middle-Egyptian Stories, Bruxelles, Fondation Égyptologique Reine Élisabeth, 1932 [BiAe 2]
Blackman Aylward M. , Apted Michael R. - The rock tombs of Meir. Part I-VI, London, Egypt Exploration Fund/Society, 1915-1953 [EEF-ASE 22-25, 28-29]
Blackman Aylward Manley - The Story of King Kheops and the Magicians. Transcribed from Papyrus Westcar (Berlin Papyrus 3033), Reading, J.V. Books, 1988
Blackman Aylward M. - The Temple of Bîgeh, Le Caire, Institut français d'archéologie orientale du Caire, 1915
Blackman Aylward M. - The Temple of Derr, Le Caire, Institut français d'archéologie orientale du Caire, 1913
Blackman Winifred S. - The Fellahin of Upper Egypt: Their Religious, Social and Industrial Life To-Day with Special Reference to Survivals from Ancient Times, Cairo - New York, American University in Cairo Press, 2000
Bladel Kevin van - The Arabic Hermes: From Pagan Sage to Prophet of Science, Oxford- New York, Oxford University Press, 2009
Blanco Freijeiro, Antonio, Presedo Velo Fransisco J., Elvira Miguel Ángel, Lara Peinado, Federico - Faraones y Piramides, Madrid, Dastin Export, 2007
Blasco Torres Ana I., Clarysse Willy (eds.) - Egyptian Language in Greek Sources. Scripta Onomastica of Jan Quaegebeur, Leuven - Paris - Bristol (CT), Peeters Publishers, 2019
Blázquez Martínez José María, Lara Peinado Federico - El libro egipcio de los muertos, Madrid, Editoria Nacional, 1984
Bleeker Claas Jouco - Egyptian Festivals – Enactment of Religious Renewal, Leiden, E.J. Brill, 1967
Bleeker Claas Jouco - Hathor and Thoth. Two Key Figures of the Ancient Egyptian Religion, Leiden, E.J. Brill, 1973
Bleiberg Edward (ed.) - Arts and Humanities Through The Eras: Ancient Egypt (2675 B.C.E.–332 B.C.E.), Detroit - New York, Thomson Gale, 2005
Bleiberg Edward, Weissberg Stephanie - Striking Power: Iconoclasm in Ancient Egypt, New York, Pulitzer Arts Foundation - Brooklyn Museum, 2019
Bleiberg Edward (ed.) - World Eras: Ancient Egypt (2615 - 332 B.C.), Detroit - New York, Thomson Learning, 2002
Blerk Nicolaas Johannes Van - The concept of law and justice in ancient Egypt, with specific reference to "The tale of the eloquent peasant", Muckleneuk Ridge , University of South Africa, 2006
Blerk Nicolaas Johannes Van - Aspects of succession law in ancient Egypt with specific reference to testamentary dispositions, Pretoria, University of South Africa, 2017
Blöbaum Anke Ilona - „Denn ich bin ein König, der die Maat liebt“ Herrscherlegitimation im spätzeitlichen Ägypten. Eine vergleichende Untersuchung der Phraseologie in den offiziellen Königsinschriften vom Beginn der 25. Dynastie bis zum Ende der makedonischen Herrschaft, Aachen, Shaker Verlag, 2006
Blouin Katherine - Triangular Landscapes. Environment, Society, and the State in the Nile Delta under Roman Rule, Oxford - New York, Oxford University Press, 2014
Bloxam Elisabeth G. , Abu-Jaber Nizar, Degryse Patrick , Heldal Tom (eds.) - QuarryScapes: ancient stone quarry landscapes in the Eastern Mediterranean, Trondheim, Geological Survey of Norway (NGU), 2009
Bloxam Elisabeth G. , Heldal Tom - QuarryScapes guide to ancient Stone quarry landscapes, Trondheim, Geological Survey of Norway (NGU), 2008
Bloxam Elisabeth G. - The organisation, transportation and logistics of hard stone quarrying in the Egyptian Old Kingdom : a comparative study. Volume I-II, London, University College, 2003
Bloxam Elizabeth, Shaw Ian (eds.) - The Oxford Handbook of Egyptology, Oxford - New York, Oxford University Press, 2020
Blue Lucy, Khalil Emad - A Multidisciplinary Approach to Alexandria's Economic Past. The Lake Mareotis Research Project, Oxford, BAR Publishing, 2011
Blumenthal Elke, Assmann Jan (ed.) - Literatur und Politik im pharaonischen und ptolemäischen Ägypten: Vorträge der Tagung zum Gedenken an Georges Posener 5.-10. September 1996 in Leipzig, Le Caire, Imprimerie de l'Institut français d'archéologie orientale, 1999
Blumenthal Elke, Burkhardt Adelheid, Müller Ingeborg, Reineke Walter F. (hrsg.) - Urkunden des Ägyptischen Altertums. Urkunden der 18. Dynastie. Übersetzung zu den Heften 5-16, Berlin, Akademie Verlag, 1984
Blumenthal Vera - Das ägyptische Alte Reich. Diskussionen zur "Ereignisgeschichte" der 3. bis 6. Dynastie, Wiesbaden, Otto Harrassowitz Verlag, 2019 [Göttinger Orientforschungen. IV. Reihe: Ägypten 66]
Blumsohn David - The Egyptian language at the time of the nineteenth dynasty, Pretoria, University of South Africa, 1995
Blyth Elizabeth - Karnak: Evolution of a Temple, London - New York, Routledge, 2006