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This is the "L- letter" list from my new alphabetical catalogue, presenting my book files collection for free downloading. The items are arranged according authors (editors) last names. In this section you can find works of the German colossus of egyptology Carl Richard Lepsius (1810-1884), remarkable French egyptologists Eugène Lefébure (1838-1908), Victor Loret (1859-1946), Georges Legrain (1875-1917), Gustave Lefebvre (1879-1957) and Pierre Lacau (1873-1963), founding fathers of Norvegian egyptology Jens Daniel Carolus Lieblein (1827-1911) and of Czekh one - Frantisek Lexa (1876-1960), Antonio Loprieno (b. 1955), an authoritative scholar in the field of Ancient Egyptian language and literature from Basel, Switzerland, wonderful contemporary American expert on pyramids and Giza plateau Mark Lehner, his colleague from Toronto Ronald J. Leprohon, an expert on Ancient Egyptian literature from Israel - Miriam Lichtheim (1914-2004), the amazing couple specialized on Late Egyptian language - Leonard H. Lesko (b. 1938) and Barbara S. Lesko, Christine Lilyquist - curator of Egyptian section in Metropolitan Museum of art (New York), a British chemist specialized in Ancient Egyptian materials and industries - Alfred Lucas (1867-1945), the British specialist in Ancient Near Eastern art and archaeology - Seton Lloyd (1902-1996), notable French archaeologist Jean Leclant (1920-2011) and many others.


Loat W. L. S. , Peet Thomas E. - The Cemeteries of Abydos, Part III: 1912 - 1913, London, Egypt Exploration Fund, 1913 [MEEF 35]  

Loat L. - Gurob, London, Bernard Quaritch, 1905 [ BSAE/ERA 10]  

Loat W. L. S. , Ayrton Edward R. - Pre-Dynastic Cemetery at El Mahasna, London, Egypt Exploration Fund, 1911 [MEEF 31]  

Lobban, Jr. Richard A. - Historical Dictionary of Ancient and Medieval Nubia, Lanham (MA), The Scarecrow Press, 2004

Lods Adolphe - Reproduction en héliogravure du manuscrit d’Enoch et des écrits attribués à Saint-Pierre, Paris, Ernest Leroux, 1893 [MMAF 9.3]  

Loeben Christian E., Fitzenreiter Martin (Hrsg.) - Die ägyptische Mumie. ein Phänomen der Kulturgeschichte , Berlin- London, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin: Seminar für Archäologie und Kulturgeschichte Nordostafrikas, 1998 [IBAES 1]

Löffler Florian Alexander, Leitz Christian - Chnum, der Herr der Töpferscheibe: Altägyptische Embryologie nach Ausweis der Esnatexte - Das Ritual „Darbringen der Töpferscheibe“, Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz Verlag, 2019  

Lohwasser Angelika (Hrsg.) - Geschlechterforschung in der Ägyptologie und Sudanarchäologie, Berlin- London, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin: Seminar für Archäologie und Kulturgeschichte Nordostafrikas, 2000 [IBAES 2]  

Lohwasser Angelika (Hrsg.)- Skarabäen des 1. Jahrtausends: Ein Workshop in Münster am 27. Oktober 2012, Fribourg - Göttingen, Universitatsverlag Fribourg- Vanderhoeck & Ruprecht, 2014

Longo Brunella L., Bellucci Nikola D. - L’Egitto dei Flavi. Sintesi e prospettive d'indagine alla luce della documentazione papirologica ed epigrafica egiziana, Oxford, Archaeopress, 2020

Lonsdale David J. - Alexander the Great: Lessons in Strategy, London- New York, Routledge, 2007  

Loon A.J. van - Law and Order in Ancient Egypt. The Development of Criminal Justice from the Pharaonic New Kingdom until the Roman Dominate, Leiden, Leiden University, 2014  

Loorius Julie Masquelier - Séthi Ier et le début de la XIXe dynastie: Ramsès II, Karnak, La Vallée Des Rois, Abydos, Paris, Pygmalion, 2013

Lopes Helena Trindade, Gurgel Pereira Ronaldo G. - The Gynaecological Papyrus Kahun, London-Rijeka, IntechOpen, 2011

López Francisco, Thode Rosa - Los Textos de las Pirámides (Traducción), Barcelona, La Tierra de los Faraones, 2003  

Lopilato Robert - The Apotelesmatika of Manetho, Providence (RI), Brown University, 1998  

Loprieno Antonio, Fischer-EIfert Hans-Werner, Bickel Susanne, Richter Sebastian (hrsg.) - Ägyptologen und Ägyptologien zwischen Kaiserreich und Gründung der beiden deutschen Staaten. Reflexionen zur Geschichte und Episteme eines altertums-wissenschaftlichen Fachs im 150. Jahr der Zeitschriftfür Ägyptische Sprache und Altertumskunde, Berlin, Akademie Verlag - De Gruyter, 2013 [Zeitschrift für ägyptische Sprache und Altertumskunde – Beiheft 1]

Loprieno Antonio - Ancient Egyptian: A Linguistic Introduction, Cambridge- New York, Cambridge University Press, 1995  

Loprieno Antonio (ed.) - Ancient Egyptian literature. History and forms, Leiden- New York- Köln, E.J. Brill, 1996  

Loprieno Antonio, Müller Matthias, Uljas Sami - Non-Verbal Predication in Ancient Egyptian, Berlin - Boston, Walter De Gruyter / Hague, Mouton Publishers, 2017

Lorand David - Arts et politique sous Sésostris Ier. Littérature, sculpture et architecture dans leur contexte historique, Bruxelles - Turnhout, Fondation Égyptologique Reine Élisabeth - Brepols, 2011 [MAe 13]

Lorenz Megaera Callisto - The Role of Male Royal Offspring in 18th Dynasty Egypt, Chicago (IL), The University of Chicago, 2017

Loret Victor - L’Inscription d’Ahmès, fils d’Abana, Le Caire, Institut français d'archéologie orientale du Caire, 1910 [BiEtud/BdE 3]  

Loret Victor - Le tombeau de l'am-xent Amen-hotep; La stèle de l'am-xent Amen-hotep; La tombe de Khâ-m-hâ, Paris, Ernest Leroux, 1884 [MMAF 1.1]  

Lorton David, Bryan Betsy M., (eds.) - Essays in Egyptology in honor of Hans Goedicke, San Antonio (TX), Van Siclen Books, 1994

Lost Egypt. A Limited Edition Portfolio Series of Photographic Images from Egypt’s Past. Volume I-III, Chicago, The Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago, 1992  

Lougovaya Julia, Yuen-Colingridge, Rachel, Cromwell Jennifer, Choat Malcolm, Ast Rodney (eds.) - Observing the Scribe at Work, Leuven - Paris - Bristol (CT), Peeters Publishers, 2021

Louis Marco Youssef - Architectural activity of King Thutmose IV in Thebes, Minia, Minia University, 2018

Lourenço Gonçalves Pedro Manuel - Landscape and environmental changes at Memphis during the dynastic period in Egypt, Cambridge, Cambridge University, 2019

Love Edward O. D. - Code-switching with the Gods. The Bilingual (Old Coptic-Greek) Spells of PGM IV (P. Bibliothèque Nationale Supplément Grec. 574) and their Linguistic, Religious, and Socio-Cultural Context in Late Roman Egypt, Berlin - Boston, De Gruyter, 2016

Love Edward O. D. - Petitioning Osiris: The Old Coptic Schmidt Papyrus and Curse of Artemisia in Context among the Letters to Gods from Egypt, Berlin-Boston, De Gruyter, 2023

Lowe Adam , Ahmon Jess - The Tomb of Seti I: Digital Technology in Conservation/ La Tumba de Seti I: Tecnología Digital en Conservación, Madrid, Factum Arte, 2002

Loynes Robert - Prepared for Eternity. A study of human embalming techniques in ancient Egypt using computerised tomography scans of mummies, Oxford, Archaeopress, 2015  

Lozano Arminda - Las monarquías helenísticas I: El Egipto de los Lágidas, Madrid, Akal, 1989  

Lucarelli Rita, Roberson Joshua Aaron, Vinson Steve (eds.) - Ancient Egypt, New Technology: The Present and Future of Computer Visualization, Virtual Reality and Other Digital Humanities in Egyptology, Leiden - Boston, Brill, 2023

Lucarelli Rita - The Book of the Dead of Gatseshen: Ancient Egyptian Funerary Religion In the 10th Century BC, Leiden, Nederlands Instituut voor het Nabije Oosten, 2006

Lucarelli Rita, Müller-Roth Marcus, Wüthrich Annik (eds.) - Herausgehen am Tage: Gesammelte Schriften zum altägyptischen Totenbuch, Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz Verlag, 2012

Lucarelli Rita, Stadler Martin Andreas (eds.) - The Oxford Handbook of the Egyptian Book of the Dead, Oxford-New York, Oxford University Press, 2023

Lucas Alfred - Ancient Egyptian Materials and Industries, London, Edward Arnold & Co, 1926  

Lucus Canon J. Olumide - The religion of the Yorubas especially in relation to the religion of ancient Egypt: Being in account of the religious beliefs and practices of Yoruba peoples of Southern Nigeria, especially in relation to the religion of Ancient Egypt, Durham, Durham University, 1942  

Lüddeckens Erich - Demotisches Namenbuch. Band I, Wiesbaden, Dr. Ludwig Reichert Verlag, 2000

Luft Daniela C. - Das Anzünden der Fackel: Untersuchungen zu Spruch 137 des Totenbuches, Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz Verlag, 2009

Luft Daniela C. - Osiris-Hymnen. Wechselnde Materialisierungen und Kontexte. Untersuchungen anhand der Texte »C 30« / Tb 181, Tb 183, »BM 447« / Tb 128 und der »Athribis«-Hymne, Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2018

Lull José - Los sumos sacerdotes de Amón tebanos de la wḥm mswt y dinastía XXI (ca. 1083 – 945 a.C.), Oxford, BAR Publishing, 2006

Lull José - Las tumbas reales egipcias del Tercer Período Intermedio (dinastías XXI - XXV). Tradición y cambios, Oxford, BAR Publishing, 2002

Lundock Jason, Pinarello Massimiliano S., Yoo Justin, Walsh Carl (eds.) - Current Research in Egyptology 2014: Proceedings of the Fifteenth Annual Symposium: University College London and King’s College London April 9–12, 2014: Ancient Egypt in a Global World, Oxford - Philadelphia (PA), Oxbow Books, 2015

Luoma Eli - Egyptian brewing : the production of beer based on archaeological evidence, La Crosse, University of Wisconsin-La Crosse, 2006  

Lupo Silvia - Territorial Appropriation during the Old Kingdom (XXVIIIth-XXIIIrd centuries BC): The royal necropolises and the pyramid towns in Egypt, Oxford, BAR Publishing, 2007 

Lüring Henrich L. Emil - Die über die medicinischen Kenntnisse der alten Ägypter berichtenden Papyri verglichen mit dem medicinischen Schriften griechischer und römischer Autoren, Leipzig, Breitkopf & Härtel, 1888

Lüscher Barbara - Die Luft- Und Wasserspruche (Tb 38, 54-63), Basel, Orientverlag, 2019

Lüscher Barbara - Der sogenannte "Calendrier Egyptien" oder die Mumienbinden der Aberuai (BN 89 + BN 229 / Louvre N. 3059 u.a.). zur frühen Rezeptionsgeschichte eines späten Totenbuches, Basel, Orientverlag, 2018

Lüscher Barbara - Die Sprüche vom Kennen der Seelen (Tb 107-109, 111-116), Basel, Orientverlag, 2012 

Lüscher Barbara, Hornung Erik - Texte zum Amduat. Teil II-III, Basel - Genève, Universität Basel - Université de Genève, 1994-1994

Lüscher Barbara - Untersuchungen zu Totenbuch Spruch 151, Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz Verlag, 1998

Lustig Judith (ed.) - Anthropology and Egyptology: A Developing Dialogue, Sheffield, Sheffield Academic Press, 1998  

Lustig Judith - Ideologies of Social Relations in Middle Kingdom Egypt: Gender, Kinship, Ancestors, Philadelphia (PA), Temple University, 1993  

Lutz Henry F. - Egyptian Statues and Statuettes in the Museum of Anthropology of the University of California, Leipzig, J.C. Hinrichs, 1927-1930  

Luukko Mikko - The Correspondence of Tiglath-Pileser III and Sargon II from Calah/Nimrud, Helsinki - Winona Lake (IN), The Neo-Assyrian Text Corpus Project - Eisenbrauns, 2012 [SAA 19]

Luukko Mikko, Buylaere Greta Van - The Political Correspondence of Esarhaddon, Helsinki, Helsinki University Press, 2002 [SAA 16]

Lythgoe Albert Morton - The predynastic Cemetery N 7000 (Naga-ed-Dêr), Berkeley - Los Angeles, University of California Press, 1965


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