This is the "G - letter" list from my new alphabetical catalogue, presenting my book files collection for free downloading. The items are arranged according authors (editors) last names.
In this section you can find works of the colossus of the XX century egyptology, sir Alan Henderson Gardiner himself (1879-1963), his not less great predecessor and fellow countryman in Oxford Francis Llewellyn Griffith (1862-1934), expert on Egyptian philology Battiscombe Gunn (1883-1950), other worldwide known egyptologists: French scholars Henri Gauthier (1877-1950) and Nicolas Grimal (b. 1948), German Hermann Grapow (1885-1967), Egyptian Mohammed Zakaria Goneim (1905-1959), founder of the step pyramid of Sekemkhet and American from Austrian descent Hans Goedicke (1926-2015), the father of Russian egyptology Wladimir Semenovich Golenischeff (1856-1947), French specialist on XVIII-th dynasty and Amarna age Marc Gabolde (b. 1953), famous British Archaeologist John Garstang (1876-1956), who introduced the modern methods in archaeological field, Egyptian expert on ancient topography of his country Farouk Gomaa, the classicist Peter Garnsey (b. 1938), Hebrew diaspora in Antiquity specialist Lester L. Grabbe, modern scholars Carolynne Anne Graves-Brown and Spanish José M. Galán, finally at last but not at least my friend Amr Gaber.
Grabbe Lester L. - A History of the Jews And Judaism in the Second Temple Period. Volume 1-2, London-New York, T&T Clark International, 2008
Grabbe Lester L. - An introduction to Second Temple Judaism. History and Religion of the Jews in the Time of Nehemiah, the Maccabees, Hillel and Jesus, London-New York, T&T Clark International, 2010
Gracia Zamacona Carlos - Manual de Egipcio Medio, Oxford, Archaeopress, 2017
Gracia Zamacona Carlos (ed.) - Variability in the Earlier Egyptian Mortuary Texts, Leiden - Boston, Brill, 2024
Graefe Erhart - Mittelägyptische Grammatik für Anfänger, Wiesbaden, Otto Harrassowitz Verlag, 2001
Graefe Erhart, Verhoeven Ursula (hrgs.) - Religion und Philosophie im alten Ägypten: Festgabe für Philippe Derchain zu seinem 65. Geburtstag am 24. Juli 1991, Leuven, Departement Oriëntalistiek - Uitgeverij Peeters, 1991
Grainger John D. - Great Power Diplomacy in the Hellenistic World, London- New York, Routledge, 2016
Grainger John D. - Roman Conquests: Egypt and Judaea, Barnsley (South Yorkshire), Pen & Sword, 2013
Grajetzki Wolfram - Burial customs in Ancient Egypt. Life in Death for Rich and Poor, London, Gerald Duckworth & Co., 2003
Grajetzki Wolfram - Court Officials of the Egyptian Middle Kingdom, London, Duckworth, 2009
Grajetzki Wolfram - Harageh: An Egyptian Burial Ground for the Rich around 1800 BC, London, Golden House Publications, 2004
Grajetzki Wolfram - The Middle Kingdom of Ancient Egypt: History, Archaeology and Society, London-New York, Bloomsbury Academic, 2024
Grajetzki Wolfram - The People of the Cobra Province in Egypt: A Local History, 4500 to 1500 BC, Oxford - Hovertown (PA), Oxbow Books, 2020
Grajetzki Wolfram - Tomb Treasures of the Late Middle Kingdom: The Archaeology of Female Burials, Philadelphia (PA), University of Pennsylvania Press, 2014
Grajetzki Wolfram - Two Treasurers of the Late Middle Kingdom, Oxford, Archaeopress, 2001
Grajetzki Wolfram, Miniaci Gianluca (eds.) - The World of Middle Kingdom Egypt (2000-1550 BC): Volume I-II: Contributrions on Archaeology, Art, Religion, and Written Sources, London, Golden House Publications, 2015-2016
Les Grandes Découvertes Archéologiques de 1954, Le Caire, Presses Unoversitaires d'Égypte, 1954 [La Revue de Caire, numero special]
Grandet Pierre - Catalogue des ostraca hiératiques non littéraires de Deîr el-Médînéh. Tome VIII-XI: № 706-10275, Le Caire, Imprimerie de l'Institut français d'archéologie orientale, 2000-2010 [DFIFAO 39; 41; 46; 48]
Grandet Pierre, Mathieu Bernard - Corso di Egiziano geroglifico, Torino, Ananke, 2007
Grandet Pierre, Mathieu Bernard - Cours d'égyptien hiéroglyphique, Paris, Éditions Khéops, 2003
Grandet Pierre - Ramsés III : Histoire d'un règne, Paris, Éditions Pygmalion - Gérard Watelet, 1993
Grandet Pierre - Le papyrus Harris I (BM 9999). Volume I-III, Le Caire, Institut français d'archéologie orientale, 1994-1999
Grandjean Yves - Une nouvelle arétalogie d'Isis à Maronée, Leiden, E.J. Brill, 1975
Gransard-Desmond Jean-Olivier - Étude sur les Canidæ des temps pré-pharaoniques en Égypte et au Soudan, Oxford, BAR Publishing, 2004
Grapow Hermann, Erman Adolf - Ägyptisches Handwörterbuch, Berlin, Reuther & Reichard, 1921
Grapow Hermann - Anatomie und Physiologie, Berlin, Akademie Verlag, 1954
Grapow Hermann - Kranker, Krankheiten und Arzt. Vom gesunden und kranken Ägypter, von den Krankheiten, vom Arzt und von der ärztlichen Tätigkeit, Berlin, Akademie Verlag, 1956
Grapow Hermann - Die medizinischen Texte in hieroglyphischer Umschreibung autographiert, Berlin, Akademie Verlag, 1958
Grapow Hermann - Der stilistische Bau der Geschichte des Sinuhe, Berlin, Akademie- Verlag, 1952 [Untersuchungen zur ägyptischen Stilistik I]
Grapow Hermann, Westendorf Wolfhart, Deines Hildegard von - Übersetzung der medizinischen Texte. Band I-II, Berlin, Akademie Verlag, 1958
Grapow Hermann - Urkunden des ægyptischen Altertums. Band V (Heften 1-3, Übersetzung): Religiöse Urkunden. Ausgewählte Texte des Totenbuches, Leipzig, J.C. Hinrichs'sche Buchhandlung, 1915-1917
Grapow Hermann - Von den medizinischen Texten. Art, Inhalt, Sprache und Stil der medizinischen Einzeltexte sowie Uberlieferung, Bestand und Analyse der medizinischen Papyri, Berlin, Akademie Verlag, 1955
Grapow Hermann, Deines Hildegard von - Wörterbuch der ägyptischen Drogennamen, Berlin, Akademie-Verlag, 1959
Grapow Hermann, Erman Adolf - Wörterbuch der Aegyptischen Sprache. Band I-VII, Berlin-Leipzig, Akademie-Verlag- J.C. Hinrisch Verlag, 1940-1971
Graves Carl, Heffernan Gabrielle, McGarrity Luke, Millward Emily, Sfakianou Bealby Marsia (eds.) - Current Research in Egyptology 2012. Proceedings of the Thirteenth Annual Symposium: University of Birmingam 2012, Oxford-Oakwille (CT), Oxbow Books, 2013
Graves Carl - Egyptian Imperialism in Nubia c. 2009-1191, Birmingham, The University of Birmingham, 2010
Graves-Brown Carolyn - Daemons and Spirits in Ancient Egypt, Cardiff, University of Wales Press, 2018
Graves-Brown Carolyn Anne - Dancing For Hathor. Women in Ancient Egypt, New York, Continuum, 2010
Graves-Brown Carolyn Anne - The Ideological Significance of Flint in Dynastic Egypt. Volume 1-2, London, University College London, 2010
Gräzer Ohara Aude - Treasures from the Lost City of Memphis. Obhects from the Museum Sculpture Garden, Boston (MA), Ancient Egypt Research Associates, 2020
The Great Hypostyle Hall at Karnak, Volume 1, Part 1-2, Chicago-Memphis (TE), The Oriental Institute of The University of Chicago- The University of Memphis, 1981-2013
Grecia. El mundo helenístico. Tomo I-II, Madrid, Editorial Espasa-Calpe, 1988
Greco Josefowicz Diane, Buchwald Jed Z. - The Riddle of the Rosetta: How an English Polymath and a French Polyglot Discovered the Meaning of Egyptian Hieroglyphs, Princeton (NJ), Princeton Univesity Press, 2020
Greeff Casparus Johannes - Dentists, dentistry and dental diseases in ancient Egypt, Pretoria, University of South Africa, 2013
Green F. W. , Quibell James Edward, - Hierakonpolis. Part II, London, Bernard Quaritcht, 1902 [ BSAE/ERA 5]
Green Jack, Evans Jean M., Teeter Emily (eds.) - Highlights of the collections of Oriental Institute Museum, Chicago, The Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago, 2017
Green Lynda - Queens and Princesses of the Amarna Period: The Social, Political, Religious and Cultic Role of the Women of the Royal Family at the End of the Eighteenth Dynasty, Toronto, University of Toronto, 1988
Green Michael - Studies on the Late Egyptian Narrative System, Liverpool, University of Liverpool, 1979
Gregory Steven R.W. - Tutankhamun Knew the Names of the Two Great Gods: Ḏt and Nḥḥ as Fundamental Concepts of Pharaonic Ideology, Oxford, Archaeopress, 2022
Greifenhagen Franz Volker - Egypt on the Pentateuch's Ideological Map . Constructing Biblical Israel's Identity, London - New York, Sheffield Academic Press, 2002
Grenfell Bernard Pyne, Hunt Arthur Surridge - Greek Papyri, Oxford, Oxford University Press 1903 [CG 10001-10869]
Grenier Jean-Claude - Anubis Alexandrin et Romain, Leiden, E.J. Brill, 1977
Grenier Jean-Claude - L'autel funéraire isiaque de Fabia Stratonice, Leiden, E.J. Brill, 1978
Grenier Jean-Claude - L'Osiris Antinoos, Montpellier, Université Paul- Valéry Montpellier III, 2008 [CENIM 1]
Greppo J.-G.-Honoré - Essay on the hieroglyphic system of M. Champollion, jun. : and on the advantages which it offers to sacred criticism, Boston, Perkins & Marvin, 1830
Greven Liselotte - Der Ka in Theologie und Königskult der Ägypter des Alten Reiches, Glückstadt-Hamburg-New York, J.J. Augustin, 1952 (AF 17)