Неделя, 26.01.2025, 09:33
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Ancient Egyptian language is not just an afro-asiatic one. This is an living and acting civilisation tool with one of the oldest original script systems. The Egyptian hieroglyphs are unique not only a breach in information fixing and spreading, but so because this is a kind of art: with the high-style images, remained unchanged trough millenia.
Here are presented the Ancient Egyptian language in it's evolution: from archaic forms trough the most famous form of classic Middle Egyptian, New and Late Egyptian to Coptic, still living in Egypt. The hieroglyphic script, hieratic and demotic scripts are analysed in details. Pointed is the influence of Egyptian script for invention of the first alphabet - the Proto Sinaitic.
The enthusiasts will find all what is needed for studying this wonderful language: grammars, hieroglyphic courses, authoritative dictionaries, chrestomaties and a great multitude of original texts. Monographs on separate linguistic aspects and a section about onomastics, titles and toponyms are included too.



I. General  studies on Ancient Egyptian Language 

II : Classic Hieroglyphic - Middle Egyptian

1. Grammars

2. Hieroglyphic writting

3. Dictionaries 

4. Chrestomaties

5. Original hieroglyphic texts:

5.1 Monumental inscriptions

5.2. Decorative inscriptions & ostraca

5.3. Texts on papyri

III: Evolution of Ancient Egyptian Language and Writting

1. Hieratic writing

2. Late Egyptian and Demotic Writting

3. Coptic language and Literature

4. Egyptian Names, Toponyms, Titles & Epithets

5. Separate Linguistics aspects



Category: Статии | Added by: Admin (26.03.2021)
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