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This is the "H - letter" list from my new alphabetical catalogue, presenting my book files collection for free downloading. The items are arranged according authors (editors) last names.
In this section you can find works of the father of History - Herodotus (c. 484–c. 425 BC), also of the founding father of Egyptian egyptology itself - prof. Selim Hassan (1887–1961), his countryman, well known ex minister of Antiquities Zahi Hawass (b. 1947), famous American scholars: William Christopher Hayes (1903-1963) from Metropolitan Museum New York and the expert on Pyramid texts Harold M. Hays (1965-2013) from Chicago (worked in Leiden University, Netherlands), specialist on Heratic Koenraad Donker van Heel also from Leiden, classic British egyptologist Henry Reginald Holland Hall (1873-1930), German egyptologists: Wolfgang Helck (1914-1993), considered to be one of the two greatest scholars of XX-th century aside of sir Alan Gardiner, his not less impressive successor in the field of Ancient Egyptian chronology Erik Hornung (b. 1933), expert in Egyptian architecture Uvo Hölscher (1878-1963) and Rainer H.G Hannig (b. 1952), former director of Chicago Oriental Institute
George R. Hughes (1909-1992), expert on Egyptian grammar James E. Hoch, Joyce L Haynes (b. 1947) from Boston, UK expert in Ancient World warfare Mark Healy (b. 1953), Nicholas Geoffrey Lemprière Hammond (1907-2001) - a scholar in Ancient Greece field and many others.


Horapollo - The Hieroglyphics of Horapollo, Princeton (NJ) - Chichester, Princeton University Press, 1993

Horbury Mary - Personal Identity and Social Power in New Kingdom and Coptic Egypt, Oxford, BAR Publishing, 2009

Horbury William, Davies W.D., Sturdy John (eds.) - The Cambridge History of Judaism. Volume three. The Early Roman Period, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1999  

Horn Maarten, Kramer Joost, Soliman Daniel, Staring Nico, Hoven Carina van den, Weiss Lara (eds.) - Current Research in Egyptology 2010: Proceedings ot the Eleventh annual symposium Leiden University, the Netherlands, January 2009, Oxford-Oakville (CT), Oxbow Books, 2011

Hornblower Simon, Lewis David Malcolm, Boardman John, Ostwald Martin (eds.) - Тhe Cambridge Ancient History, vol. VI. The fourth century B.C. , Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2006  

Hornbostel Wilhelm - Sarapis. Studien zur Überlieferungsgeschichte, den Erscheinungsformen und Wandlungen der Gestalt eines Gottes, Leiden, E.J. Brill, 1973

Hornung Erik - Der ägyptische Mythos von der Himmelskuh: eine Ätiologie des Unvollkommenen, Freiburg-Göttingen, Universitätsverlag Freiburg- Vanderhoeck & Ruprecht, 1982  

Hornung Erik - Akhenaten and the Religion of Light, Ithaca (NY)- London, Cornell University Press, 1999

Hornung Erik - Altägyptische Jenseitsbücher: Ein einführender Überblick, Darmstadt, Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 1997  

Hornung Erik - Altägyptische Höllenvorstellungen, Berlin, Akademie-Verlag, 1968

Hornung Erik - Das Amduat: Die Schrift des verbogenen Raumes. Teil I-III, Wiesbaden, Otto Harrassowitz, 1963-1967  

Hornung Erik - The ancient egyptian books of the afterlife, Ithaca (NY)-London, Cornell University Press, 1999

Hornung Erik, Krauss Rolf, Warburton Dawid A. (eds.) - Ancient Egyptian Chronology, Leiden-Boston, Brill, 2006  

Hornung Erik, Brodbeck Andreas - Das Buch der Anbetung des Re im Westen (Sonnenlitanei): nach den Versionen des Neuen Reiches. Teil I-II, Basel - Genève, Universität Basel - Université de Genève, 1976-1977

Hornung Erik, Brodbeck Andreas, Staehelin Elisabeth - Das Buch von den Pforten des Jenseits (nach den Versionen des Neuen Reiches). Teil I-II, Basel - Genève, Universität Basel - Université de Genève, 1979-1984

Hornung Erik - Conceptions of God in Ancient Egypt: The One and the Many, London, Routledge & Kegan Paul Ltd, 1983

Hornung Erik - Egipt ezoteryczny. Tajemna wiedza Egipcjan i jej wpływ na kulturę Zachodu, Warszawa, Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, 2023

Hornung Erik - The Egyptian Amduat. The book of the hidden chamber, Zurich, Living Human Heritage Publications, 2007

Hornung Erik - The Egyptian Book of Gates, Zurich, Living Human Heritage Publications, 2013

Hornung Erik - Der Eine und die Vielen: Altägyptische Götterwelt, Darmstadt, Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 1973

Hornung Erik - History of Ancient Egypt. An introduction, Ithaca (NY), Cornell University Press, 1999  

Hornung Erik - Idea into Image: Essays on Ancient Egyptian Thought, New York, Timken Publishers, 1992

Hornung Erik - Introducción A La Egiptología. Estado, Métodos, Tareas, Madrid - Barcelona, Trotta - Ediciones de la Universitat de Barcelona, 2000  

Hornung Erik - Kadim Mısır. Ötedünya Kitapları, İstanbul, Kabalcı Yayınevi, 2004  

Hornung Erik, Staehelin Elisabeth - Neue Studien zum Sedfest, Basel, Schwabe Verlag, 2006

Hornung Erik, Bryan Betsy M. (eds.) - The Quest for Immortality: Treasures of Ancient Egypt. National Gallery of Art, New York-Munich-London, National Gallery of Art-United Exhibits Group- Prestel Publishers, 2002  

Hornung Erik, Staehelin Elisabeth - Skarabäen und andere Siegelamulette aus Basler Sammlungen, Mainz am Rhein, Philipp von Zabern, 1976

Hornung Erik, Keel Otmar (her.) - Studien zu altägyptischen Lebenslehren, Fribourg - Göttingen, Universitatsverlag Fribourg- Vanderhoeck & Ruprecht, 1979

Hornung Erik - Das Tal der Könige, München, C.H. Beck, 2002

Hornung Erik, Spicher Lorry, Lüscher Barbara - Texte zum Amduat. Teil I-III, Basel - Genève, Universität Basel - Université de Genève, 1987-1994

Hornung Erik - Les Textes de l'au-delà dans l'Égypte ancienne, Paris, Éditions du Rocher, 2007

Hornung Erik - El Uno y los Múltiples: Concepciones egipcias de la divinidad, Madrid, Editorial Trotta, 1999

Hornung Erik - Untersuchungen zur Chronologie und Geschichte des Neuen Reiches, Wiesbaden, Otto Harrassowitz Verlag, 1964

Hornung Erik - Die Unterweltsbücher der Ägypter, Zürich-München, Artemis Verlag, 1992

Hornung Erik - The Valley of the Kings: Horizon of Eternity, New York, Timken Publishers, 1990

Horrack Philippe-Jacques de - Oeuvres diverses, Paris, Ernest Leroux, 1907 [BE 17]  

Horst Pieter Willem van der- Chaeremon, Egyptian Priest and Stoic Philosopher, Leiden- New York- København- Köln, E.J. Brill, 1987

Hossam Nancy - The Wars of Egypt Against the Libyans and the Sea Peoples: During the reign of Merneptah and Ramesses III, Saarbrücken - Riga - Beau Bassin (Mauritius), LAP Lambert Academic Publishing, 2019

Houdin Jean-Pierre, Brier Bob - The Secret of the Great Pyramid. How One Man's Obsession Led to the Solution of Ancient Egypt's Greatest Mystery, New York, Harper Collins Publishers, 2009  

Houlihan Patrick F. - Animal World of the Pharaohs, London-New York, Thames and Hudson Ltd, 1996

Houlihan Patrick F. - The Birds of Ancient Egypt, Warminster, Aris & Phillips, 1986

Houlihan Patrick F. - Wit & Humour in Ancient Egypt, London, The Rubicon Press, 2001 

Houston Drusilla Dunjee - Wonderful Ethiopians of the Ancient Cushite Empire, Oklahoma City (OK), Universal Publishing Company, 1926  

Höveler-Müller Michael - Hieroglyphen lesen und schreiben: In 24 einfachen Schritten, München, C.H.Beck, 2014

Höveler-Müller Michael, Morenz Ludwig D., EI Hawary Amr (eds./hrsg.)- Zwischen den Welten: Grabfunde von Ägyptens Südgrenze / Between Worlds: Finds from tombs on Egypt's southern border, Rahden(Westf), Verlag Marie Leidorf, 2011

Hoven Carina van den, Horn Maarten, Kramer Joost, Soliman Daniel, Staring Nico, , Weiss Lara (eds.) - Current Research in Egyptology 2010: Proceedings ot the Eleventh annual symposium Leiden University, the Netherlands, January 2009, Oxford-Oakville (CT), Oxbow Books, 2011

Howe Timothy (ed.) - Ptolemy I Soter: A Self-Made Man, Oxford - Philadelphia, Oxbow Books, 2018

Hoys Ana María Vázquez - Historia del Mundo Antiguo.Próximo Oriente y Egypto. Volumen I-II, Madrid, Editorial Sanz y Torres, 2004

Hsieh Julia - Ancient Egyptian Letters to the Dead. The Realm of the Dead through the Voice of the Living, Leiden - Boston, Brill, 2021

Hsu Shih-Wei - Bilder fur den Pharao : Untersuchungen zu den bildlichen Ausdrücken des Ägyptischen in den Königsinschriften und anderen Textgattungen, Leiden - Boston, Brill, 2017

Hsu Shih-Wei, Llop Raduà Jaume (eds.) - The Expression of Emotions in Ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia, Leiden-Boston, Brill, 2020

Hudáková Lubica, Jánosi Peter, Kahlbacher Andrea (eds.) - Change and Innovation in Middle Kingdom Art. Proceedings of the MeKeTRE Study Day held at the Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna (3rd May 2013), London, Golden House Publications, 2016

Hudáková Lubica - The Representations of Women in the Middle Kingdom Tombs of Officials. Studies in Iconography, Leiden - Boston, Brill, 2019

Huddlestun John Robert - "Who is this that rises like the Nile?": a comparative study of the river Nile in ancient Egypt and the Hebrew Bible, Ann Arbor (MI), University of Michigan, 1996  

Huebner Sabine R. - The Family in Roman Egypt: A Comparative Approach to Intergenerational Solidarity and Conflict, Cambridge - New York, Cambridge University Press, 2013

Hughes George R. , Ricke Herbert , Wente Edward F. - The Beit el-Wali Temple of Ramesses II, Chicago (IL), The University of Chicago Press, 1967 [OINE 1]  

Hughes George R. - Catalog of Demotic Texts in the Brooklyn Museum, Chicago, The Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago, 2005 [OIC 29]  

Hughes George R. (ed.) - Medinet Habu. Volume V-VII, Chicago, The University of Chicago Press, 1957-1964  

Hughes George R., Jasnow Richard - The Oriental Institute Hawara Papyri: Demotic and Greek Texts from an Egyptian Family Archive in the Fayum (Fourth to Third Century B.C.), Chicago, The Oriental institute at University of Chicago, 1997  

Hughes George R. (ed.) - Reliefs and Inscriptions at Karnak, Volume III, Chicago, The University of Chicago Press, 1954  

Hughes George R. - Saite Demotic Land Leases, Chicago, The University of Chicago Press, 1952  

Hulit Thomas David - Late Bronze Age scale armour in the Near East : an experimental investigation of materials, construction, and effectiveness, with a consideration of socio-economic implications, Leicester, Leicester University, 2002  

Humbert Jean-Marcel, Price Clifford (eds.) - Imhotep Today. Egyptianizing Architecture, London-New York, Routledge, 2016

Hunt Arthur Surridge, Grenfell Bernard Pyne - Greek Papyri, Oxford, Oxford University Press 1903 [CG 10001-10869]  

Hurry Jamieson B. - Imhotep: the vizier and physician of King Zoser and afterwards the Egyptain god of medicine, Oxford, Oxford University Press - Humphrey Milford, 1926  

Hunt Norman Bancroft (ed.) - Living in Ancient Egypt, New York, Chelsea House Publishing, 2009

Hussein Amr, Mehdawy Magda - The Pharaoh’s Kitchen: Recipes from Ancient Egypt’s Enduring Food Traditions, Cairo- New York, The American University in Cairo Press, 2010  

Huth Carl Frederick, Breasted James Henry - A teacher's manual accompanying the Breasted-Huth ancient history maps, Chicago, Denoyer - Geppert Co., 1918

Hutter Kristina - Das sDm=f-Paradigma im Mittelägyptischen: Eine Vergleichsstudie verschiedener Grammatiken, Hamburg, Widmaier Verlag, 2017

Hutterer Andreas - Historische Studien zu Amenemhet II. Band 1-2, München, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, 2013

Huyge Dirk, Eyckerman Merel, Meyer Marleen de, Claes Wouter (eds.) - Remove that Pyramid! Studies on the Archaeology and History of Predynastic and Pharaonic Egypt in Honour of Stan Hendrickx, Leuven - Paris - Bristol (CT), Peeters Publishers, 2021

Huzayyin Suliman Ahmad - The place of Egypt in prehistory. A correlated study of climates and cultures in the old world, Le Caire, Institut français d'archéologie orientale, 1941 [MIE 43]




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