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This is the "C - letter" list from my new alphabetical catalogue, presenting my book files collection for free downloading. The items are arranged according authors (editors) last names.
In this section you can find works of the famous father of modern egyptology - Jean-François Champollion (1790-1832), and so his less known but not less talented brother Jacques Joseph Champollion-Figeac (1768-1867), of the Howard Carter (1874-1939), who discovered the Tutankhamun tomb, illustrious Czekh classic worked in England - Jaroslav Černý (1898-1970), French archaeologist Émile Gaston Chassinat (1868-1948) worked in Edfu, expert in prehistory Ver Gordon Childe (1892-1957) from Australia, expert on the New Kingdom Eric H. Cline (b. 1960), modern French archaeologist Sylvie Cauville, who is excavating mainly in Dendara, her colleague translated a lot of classical Egyptian written monuments - Claude Carrier (b. 1936), original egyptologists from Italy- Giacomo Cavillier, from Poland - Krzysztof M. Ciałowicz  and from Romania - Miron Ciho, egyptologist from  UCLA Kathlyn M. (Kara) Cooney, Portuguese scholar Telo Ferreira Canhão, specialist in Coptic language Walter Ewing Crum (1865-1944), expert on Roman Egypt Livia Capponi, unique German writer popularizing amazing work of the archaeologists - C.W. Ceram (1915-1972) and many others. 


Cabobianco Marcos - La rebelión primigenia en los relatos míticos egipcios del Reino Nuevo y períodos posteriores, Buenos Aires, Universidad de Buenos Aires, 2010  

Cafici Giorgia - The Egyptian Elite as Roman Citizens. Looking at Ptolemaic Private Portraiture, Leiden - Boston, Brill, 2021

Cagle Anthony J., Redding Richard W., Wenke Robert J. (eds.) - Kom El-Hisn (ca. 2500-1900 BC): An Ancient Settlement in the Nile Delta of Egypt, Atlanta (GE), Lockwood Press, 2016  

Cahail Kevin, Wegner Josef - King Seneb-Kay's Tomb and the Necropolis of a Lost Dynasty at Abydos, Philadelphia (PA), University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology, 2021

Cahail Kevin Michael - In the Shadow of Osiris: Non-Royal Mortuary Landscapes at South Abydos During the Late Middle and New Kingdoms, Philadelphia (PA), University of Pennsylvania, 2014

Callaghan Tracey, Sowada Karin, Bentley Paul - The Teti Cemetery at Saqqara. Volume 4: Minor Burials and Other Material, Warminster,  Arris & Phillips, 1999

Caldas Vieira Leonardo - Demotic Egyptian Guide: Texts, exercises and vocabulary, Sao Paulo, 2008  

Calice Franz von - Grundlagen der ägyptisch-semitischen Wortvergleichung: eine kritische Diskussion des bisherigen Vergleichsmaterials, Wien, Orientalische Institute der Universität Wien, 1936 

Callender Vivienne G., Verner Miroslav - Djedkare's Family Cemetery, Prague, Charles University,2002 [Abusir VI]  

Calverley Amice M., Gardiner Alan H. - The Temple of King Sethos I at Abydos, Volume I-IV, London - Chicago, The Egypt Exploration Society - The Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago, 1933-1958  

Calvert Amy M. - The Integration of Quantitative and Qualitative Research in a Study of the Regalia of Ramses III, New York, New York University, 2011  

Тhe Cambridge Ancient History, Volume I-XIV, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2006-2007  

The Cambridge History of Judaism. Volume I-IV, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1999-2007  

Cameron Averil, Garnsey Peter, Bowman Alan K. (eds.) - Тhe Cambridge Ancient History, vol. XII. The Crisis of Empire AD 193-337, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2007  

Cameron Averil, Garnsey Peter (eds.) - Тhe Cambridge Ancient History, vol. XIII. The Late Empire AD 337-425, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2007  

Cameron Averil, Ward-Perkins Bryan, Withby Michael (eds.) - Тhe Cambridge Ancient History, vol. XIV. The Late Antiquity Empire and Successors AD 425-600, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2007  

Cameron Margaret Bell - Letters from Egypt and Iraq, 1954, Chicago, The Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago, 2001  

Caminos Ricardo A., James T.G.H. - Gebel el Silsilah. I. The Shrines, London, Egypt Exploration Society, 1963 [EEF-ASE 31]

Caminos Ricardo A. - Late Egyptian Misscelanies, London, Oxford University Press - Geoffrey Cumberlege, 1954

Campbell Rachel Elizabeth - An archaeological study of Egyptian houses, particularly those from the hellenistic period. Volume I-II, Durham, Durham University, 1984  

Campos Silva André de - The status of Free Will in ancient Egypt's old and middle kingdoms according to the Instruction of Ptahhotep, Lisbon, The Lisbon University, 2010  

Canhão Telo Ferreira - O Conto do Náufrago. Um olhar sobre o Império Médio egípcio. Análise histórico-filológica / The Tale of the Shipwrecked Sailor. A Glance over Egypt's Middle Kingdom. A Historical-Philological Analysis, Centro de História da Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Lisboa, 2012

Canhão Telo Ferreira - Doze textos egípcios do Império Médio. Traduções integrais, Coimbra, Imprensa da Universidade de Coimbra, 2013

Cannata Maria - Three Hundred Years of Death. The Egyptian Funerary Industry in the Ptolemaic Period, Leiden-Boston, Brill, 2020

Cannon-Brown Willie - Nefer: The Aesthetic Ideal in Classical Egypt, New York-London, Routledge, 2006  

Capart Jean - Abydos, le temple de Séti Ier (étude générale), Bruxelles, Rossignol & Van den Brill, 1912

Capart Jean - Je lis les hiéroglyphes, Bruxelles, Office de Publicité, 1946

Capart Jean - Thèbes, La Gloire d'un Grand Passé, Bruxelles, Vromant & Co, 1925

Capart Jean - Tout-Ankh-Amon, Bruxelles, Vromant, 1943

Capponi Livia - Augustan Egypt. Creation of a Roman province, Oxon-New York, Routledge, 2016  

Capponi Livia - Roman Egypt, London-New York, Bristol Classical Press, 2011 

Cárcamo Marta Arranz, Sánchez Casado Raúl, Planelles Orozco Albert, Alarcón Robledo Sergio, Ortiz García Jónatan, Mora Riudavets Patricia (eds.) - Current Research in Egyptology 2019. Proceedings of the Twentieth Annual Symposium, University of Alcalá, 17–21 June 2019, Oxford, Archaeopress, 2021

Card Jeb J. , Anderson, David S. (eds.) - Lost city, found pyramid. Understanding Alternative archaeologies and Pseudoscientific Practices, Tuscaloosa (AL), The University of Alabama Press, 2016

Carita Maria Joaquina Ribeiro - As relações do Antigo Egipto com a Núbia, Lisboa, Universidade de Lisboa, 2012  

Carlier Achille - Thèbes - capitale de la Haute-Egypte , Paris, Éditions Vincent, Fréal & Cie, [1948]

Carnarvon George Herbert; earl of, Carter Howard - Five Years Exploration in Thebes: A Record of Works Done 1907-1911, London-New York, Routledge, 2016

Carney Elizabeth Donnelly - Arsinoë of Egypt and Macedon. A Royal Life, Oxford - New York, Oxford University Press, 2013

Caron Cloé - Des hommes de larmes, des hommes de tristesse? : la conception anthropogonique dans les Textes des sarcophages du Moyen Empire égyptien (2040-1785), Montréal, Université du Québec à Montréal, 2014  

Carrier Claude - Grands livres funéraires de l'Égypte pharaonique, Paris, Éditions Cybéle, 2009  

Carrier Claude - Le livre de l'Amdouat du Papyrus T. 71 de Leyde, Paris, Éditions Cybéle, 2011

Carrier Claude - Le Livre des Morts de l'Égypte ancienne, Paris, Éditions Cybéle, 2009

Carrier Claude - Le Papyrus Bremner-Rhind (BM EA 10188). Tome I-III, Paris, Maison de Vie [MdV] Éditeur, 2014-2017

Carrier Claude - Les papyrus du "Livre des morts" de l'Égypte ancienne de Neferoubenef (Louvre III 93) et de Soutymès (BnF égyptien 38-45), Brest, Éditions PAM, 2014

Carrier Claude - Le Rituel de l'embaumement de l'Égypte ancienne (Papyrus Boulaq III et Louvre 5.158), Brest, Éditions PAM, 2016 

Carrier Claude - Série des papyrus du Livre des morts de l'Égypte ancienne. Tome I-IV, Paris, Éditions Cybéle, 2010-2011

Carrier Claude - Textes des Pyramides d'Égypte Ancienne. Tome I-VI, Paris, Éditions Cybele, 2009-2010

Carrier Claude - Textes des Sarcophages du Moyen Empire Égyptien. Tome I-III, Monaco - Paris, Éditions du Rocher (Jean-Paul Bertrand), 2004

Carruthers William (ed.) - Histories of Egyptology: Interdisciplinary Measures, London - New York, Routledge, 2015

Carswell John - Artists in Egypt (1920-1935), Chicago, The Oriental Institute Museum, 1991  

Carter Howard, Brown Percy, Buckman Percy, Blackden M. W. - Beni Hassan, Part IV, London, Egypt Exploration Fund, 1900 [EEF-ASE 7]  

Carter Howard, Carnarvon George Herbert; earl of - Five Years Exploration in Thebes: A Record of Works Done 1907-1911, London-New York, Routledge, 2016

Carter Howard, Newberry Percy E. - The Tomb of Thoutmôsis IV. With an Essay on the King's Life and Monuments by Gaston Maspero, and a Paper on the Physical Characters of the Mummy of Thoutmôsis IV. by G. Elliot Smith, Westminster, Archibald Constable & Co., 1904 [ CG 46001-46529]  

Carter Howard, Mace Arthur C. - The tomb of Tutankhamun. Volume I-III, London-New York, Cassell & Co. - George H. Doran Co., 1923 -1933

Carter Howard - La Tumba De Tutankhamón, Barcelona, Ediciones Orbis, 1985

Cartocci Alice, Rosati Gloria - Egyptian Art: Masterpieces in Painting, Sculpture and Architecture, New York, Barnes & Noble, 2007

Casado Raúl Sánchez, Cárcamo Marta Arranz, Planelles Orozco Albert, Alarcón Robledo Sergio, Ortiz García Jónatan, Mora Riudavets Patricia (eds.) - Current Research in Egyptology 2019. Proceedings of the Twentieth Annual Symposium, University of Alcalá, 17–21 June 2019, Oxford, Archaeopress, 2021

Casado Raúl Sánchez - El servidor del ka en el Reino Antiguo: funciones y contextos de participación, Sevilla, Universidad de Sevilla, 2019

Casey Christian - The Story of the Shipwrecked Sailor: Hieroglyphic Transcription, Transliteration, and English Translation with Full Commentary, Austin, University of Texas, 2008

Casson Lionel - Ancient Egypt (Great Ages of Man a History of the World's Cultures), Time-Life Nederland B.V., 1969  

Castañeda Reyes José Carlos - Señoras y esclavas: el papel de la mujer en la historia social del Egipto antiguo, México (D.F.), El Colegio de México A.C., 2008

Castel Elisa - Egipto: signos y símbolos de lo sagrado, Madrid, Alderaban, 1999 

Castel Elisa - Gran Diccionario de Mitología Egipcia, Madrid, Aldebarán, 2001  

Castel Elisa - Los sacerdotes en el antiguo Egipto, Madrid, Alderabán Ediciones, 1998

Castel Georges, Meeks Dimitri - Deir El Médineh 1970. Gournet Marei Nord / Sud: Fascicule 1-2, Le Caire, Institut français d'archéologie orientale, 1980

Castor - Fragmenta, Parisii (Paris),Ambrosio Firmin Didot, 1858  

Castro María Belén - Perspectivas sobre la realeza egipcia durante el Imperio Nuevo: representaciones y tensiones Estudio sobre el relato literario del Papiro d’Orbiney, La Plata,Universidad Nacional de La Plata, 2015  

Catalogue général des antiquités égyptiennes du Musée du Caire, 1901-1986

Catalogue des monuments et inscriptions de l'Égypte antique, publié sous les auspices de S.A. Abbas II Helmi par la direction générale du Service des antiquités. Première série, Tome I-III, Vienne, Adolphe Holzhauzen, 1894-1905  

Caton-Thompson Gertrude, Brunton Guy - The Badarian Civilization and Predynastic Remains near Badari, London, British School of archaeology in Egypt - Bernard Quaritch, 1928 [BSAE/ERA 46]


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