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Hans-Werner Fischer-Elfert - Grundzüge einer Geschichte des Hieratischen. Band I-II, Münster-Berlin, Lit Verlag, 2021

Sophie Möschen - Hieratische Chrestomathie. Teil I: Altes und Mittleres Reich, Münster-Berlin, Lit Verlag, 2021

Hans Goedicke - Old Hieratic Paleography, Baltimore (MD), Halgo Inc., 1988   

Sheldon Lee Gosline - Hieratic Paleography 1. Introductory Late Egyptian, Warren Center (PA), Shangri-La Publications, 1999

Sheldon Lee Gosline - Hieratic Paleography 3a. Late Egyptian Letters: Signs A1-D60, Warren Center (PA), Shangri-La Publications, 2001

Koenraad Donker van Heel - A very easy crash course in Abnormal Hieratic. Being a step by step introduction to the least accessible of all ancient Egyptian scripts, Leiden, Papyrologisch Instituut, 2013

Koenraad Donker van Heel, Joost Golverdingen - An Abnormal Hieratic Reading Book, Fasciscle I-III, Het Leids Papyrologisch Instituut, 2014  

Georg Möller - Hieratische Paläographie.Die ägyptische Buchschrift in ihrer Entwicklung von der 5. Dynastie bis zur römischen Kaiserzeit. Band I-IV, Osnabrück-Leipzig, Otto Zeller- Hinrichs'sche Buchhandlung, 1909-1965   

Ursula Verhoeven - Untersuchungen zur spathieratischen Buchschrift, Leuven, Peeters Publishers - Department of Oriental Studies, 2001

William Clay Poe - The Writing of a Skillful Scribe. An introduction to hieratic Middle Egyptian through the text of The Shipwrecked Sailor, Santa Rosa (CA), William Clay Poe (self editor), 2010

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Willem Pleyte, Francesco Rossi - Papyrus de Turin. Tome I. Text/ Tome II. Planches, Leiden, E. J. Brill, 1869-1876

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- The Rhind mathematical papyrus, British Museum 10057 and 10058. Volume -I-II, Oberlin (OH), Mathematical Association of America, 1927-1929 

Jenny Berggren - The Ipwt in Papyrus Westcar (7,5-8; 9,1-5), Uppsala, Uppsala University, 2006

Richard Jasnow - A Late Period Hieratic Wisdom Text (P. Brooklyn 47.218.135), Chicago, The Oriental Institute of The University of Chicago, 1992 

 -Martin Sprengling - The Alphabet: Its Rise and Development from the Sinai Inscriptions, Chicago, The University of Chicago Press, 1931

Jaques Leibovitch - Les inscriptions protosinaïtiques, Le Caire, Imprimerie de l'Institut français d'archéologie orientale, 1934  

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Mohamed Sherif Ali - Hieratische Ritzinschriften aus Theben: Palaographie Der Graffiti Und Steinbruchinschriften, Wiesbaden, Otto Harrassowitz Verlag, 2002 [Göttinger Orientforschungen. IV. Reihe: Ägypten 34]

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Gonzalo M. Sanchez, Edmund S. Meltzer - The Edwin Smith Papyrus: Updated Translation of the Trauma Treatise and Modern Medical Commentaries, Atlanta (GA), Lockwood Press, 2012  

J. H. Breasted - The Edwin Smith Surgical Papyrus, Volume 1-2, Chicago, The Oriental Institute of The University of Chicago, 1991

Jean-Claude Goyon - Confirmation du pouvoir royal au nouvel an. Brooklyn Museum papyrus 47.218.50. Planches, New York - Le Caire, Brooklyn Museum - Institut français d'archéologie orientale, 1974  

 - Charles Edward Moldenke - The Tale of the Two Brothers: A Fairy Tale of Ancient Egypt; the D'Orbiney Papyrus in Hieratic Characters in the British Museum; the Hieratic Text, the Hieroglyphic Transcription, Watchung (N.J.), Elsinore Press, 1898

Regina Hölzl, Michael Neumann, Robert Demarée - The Notebook of Dhutmose. P. Vienna ÄS 10321, Leiden - Boston, Brill, 2018

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Ann-Katrin Gill - The Hieratic Ritual Books of Pawerem (P. BM EA 10252 and P. BM EA 10081) from the Late 4th Century BC. Part I-II, Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz Verlag, 2019

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William F. Edgerton - Medinet Habu Graffiti: Facsimiles, Chicago, The University of Chicago Press, 1937  

 William C. Hayes - A papyrus of the late Middle Kingdom in the Brooklyn Museum: (Papyrus Brooklyn 35.1446), New York, Brooklyn Museum, 1955  

 Robert A. Parker - A Saite oracle papyrus from Thebes in the Brooklyn Museum (Papyrus Brooklyn 47.218.3), Providence (RI), Brown University Press, 1962

 - Alan Gardiner - The Royal Canon of Turin, Oxford, Griffith Institute, 1959

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- Auguste Mariette - La table de Saqqarah, Paris, Didier & Cie, 1864  

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 -  Philippe Virey - Étude sur un parchemin rapporté de Thèbes, Paris, Ernest Leroux, 1887 [MMAF 2.3]

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Paul F. O'Rourke - An Egyptian Royal Book of Protection of the Saite Period: P. Brooklyn 47.218.49, New Haven (CU), Yale University Press, 2015  

 Paul F. O'Rourke - An Egyptian Royal Book of Protection of the Late Period: P. Brooklyn 47.218.49, New York, New York University, 2002  

 Koenraad Donker van Heel - Abnormal hieratic and early demotic texts collected by the Theban choachytes in the reign of Amasis. Papyri from the Louvre Eisenlohr lot. Part I: Text, Leiden, Leiden University, 1995   

Virginia Condon - Seven royal hymns of the Ramesside period : Papyrus Turin CG 54031, München-Berlin, Deutscher Kunstverlag, 1978

Georg Ebers - Papyros Ebers. Das Hermetische Buch über die Arzneimittel der alten Ägypter in hieratischer Schrift. Band I-II, Leipzig, Wilhelm Engelmann, 1875

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 Edouard Naville - Papyrus funéraires de la XXIe dynastie. Tome I-II, Paris, Ernest Leroux, 1912-1914

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- Guiseppe Botti - La Glorificazione di Sobk e del Fayyum in un Papiro Ieratico da Tebtynis. Trascrizione, traduzione, e note, Copenaghen, Ejnar Munksgaard, 1959 [AnAe VIII]

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Georges Posener - Catalogue des Ostraca Hiératiques Littéraires de Deir El Médineh N°1001-1167, Le Caire, Institut français d'archéologie orientale, 1934-1938-1951 [DFIFAO 1.1-3; 18]

Jaroslav Černý - Catalogue des Ostraca Hiératiques non Littéraires de Deir el Médineh N°1-456, Le Caire, Institut français d'archéologie orientale, 1935-1951 [DFIFAO 3-7]

Serge Sauneron - Catalogue des Ostraca Hiératiques non Littéraires de Deir el Médineh N°550-623, Le Caire, Institut français d'archéologie orientale, 1959 [DFIFAO 13]

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Jaroslav Černý - Graffiti Hiéroglyphiques et Hiératiques de la Nécropole Thébaine N°1060-1405, Le Caire, Institut français d'archéologie orientale, 1956 [DFIFAO 9]

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Jean-Claude Goyon - Le recueil de prophylaxie contre les agressions des animaux venimeux du Musée de Brooklyn: Papyrus Wilbour 47.218.138, Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz Verlag, 2012

Pierre Meyrat - Les papyrus magiques du Ramesseum. Recherches sur une bibliothèque privée de la fin du Moyen Empire. Tome I-II, Le Caire, Institut français d'archéologie orientale, 2019 [BiEtud/Bde 172]

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Yasser Sabek - Die hieratischen Besucher-Graffiti dsr-3ḫ.t in Deir el-Bahari, London, Golden House Publications, 2016

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Sandrine Vuilleumier - Un rituel osirien en faveur de particuliers à l’époque ptolémaïque: Papyrus Princeton Pharaonic Roll 10, Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz Verlag, 2016

Koenraad Donker van Heel, Francisca A.J. Hoogendijk, Cary J. Martin (eds.) - Of Making Many Books There Is No End: Festschrift in Honour of Sven P. Vleeming. Hieratic, Demotic and Greek Studies and Text Editions, Leiden - Boston, Brill, 2018

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Борисъ Александровичъ Тураевъ - Магическій папирусъ Salt 825 Британского Музея, Петроградъ, Типографія Я. Башмаковъ и Ко., 1917

Михаил Александрович Коростовцев - Писцы Древнего Египта, Санкт Петербург, Журнал Нева - Летний сад, 2001

Pierre Grandet - Le papyrus Harris I (BM 9999). Volume I-III, Le Caire, Institut français d'archéologie orientale, 1994-1999

Hans Goedicke - The report about The dispute of a man with his ba: Papyrus Berlin 3024, Baltimore (MD), John Hopkins Press, 1970

Abd el-Mohsen Bakir - Egyptian epistolography from the Eighteenth to the Twenty-first Dynasty, Le Caire, Institut français d'archéologie orientale, 1970





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